Fully agreed. I hate their guts.
How about shreks on volks? Volks are cheap and shreks are potent upgrade, very potent. Or double standards again?
In other words. " let's close this topic as I can't tolerate it when someone exposes my cheesy tactics. So let's call it trolling and closing it"
Nothing good will come from a troll topic.
But training 10-15 REs and equipping them with bars, zooks and 1919s is not a trolling strat. Yeah I want to be able to upgrade those ostruppens with laser STGs as well, thanks.
By this logic you should just delete Ostruppen from the game because they are so easy to spam.That's a reading compression issue on your part, here is a simple version:
REs are fine if not a tad expensive.
They can still hold and use the most powerful upgrades in game and deal the same damage as any other specialist, expensive unit. That's the issue. Imagine ostruppen were able to pickup an lmg34 and a panzershreck at the same time
@Keaper: Actually i play brits mostly and man I am tired of CAS. Skill planes and Iwin buttons take away the challenge factor and that's where the fun ends.
And btw, with those upgrades they vet up quite fast and get one additional model so I wouldn't call tehm squishy at that point.