Sounds intresting! But people c ould use that after thei got rekt from someone and then blame it on input lag :/
The rule should be that this input lag cannot affect the result of games that have been played already or are being played atm. So you cannot come after the match and say "I had lag last game, the match doesnt count".
So the only thing that can happen is that you report the server lag to the organizers or referees, then they decide about the
following games... whether they should be played now or at another time. And only if more than 1 player of the tournament reports the lags... or something like that.
I know it sucks if you have lag in 1 match now and may lose it cuz of that... but only in this way there is no abuse.
NOTE that everything what I have written above is pure speculation or suggesting by me... it is NOT the actual confirmed tournament rule.