selling the actual fucking game?
Business school fail.
Computer games that rely on constant online presence, especially RTS games, are becoming more difficult to sustain. F2P competitors, the sheer gamut of games, console competition and piracy mean that publishers are obliged to consider other funding models. Fuck it, how many potential CoH2 players are going to look at The Division and Titanfall then look at your purist, automatch fixated CoH2 nirvana and think... FUCK THAT DUDE.
Initially it was subscription, DLC or a blend of both.
Generation 'Y' perpetually want something for nothing. They view monetizing content or paying anything beyond upfront cost as a infringement. I suggest this is a generational thing - entitlement and ignorance in a perfect storm of ill-informed bullshit(not unlike your post).
Edit - actually that was harsh Tuvok. I won't pretend I didn't say it, I'll leave it up but apologize. We've all got feet of clay.
VCoH made it by selling the game dirt-cheap along with expansions. Then it died, commercially. A few thousand grogs still playing and biting the hand that feeds them does not a successful commercial enterprise make.
They tried CoHO. It was a model out of time, trying to necro-squeeze money out of an old game. FWIW it was a great idea poorly executed and just darn unlucky.
Now we have the genre's final hurrah, COH2. Gentlemen, it really is the last chance saloon for this type of game, the suits at Sega have been *outstanding* in even giving it a chance.
It needs to make money. Don't the inveterate whiners on these forums dig that? Clearly, they do not. DLC is the only way for them to do that, as selling core product can no longer sustain a franchise over the medium to long term.
I can't believe I'm having to explain this.
tl;dr - show me the money.
Personally I think although Relic have made some mistakes with a couple of P2W commanders (and only a couple) they are missing a trick with a different suite of products, which I think ToW and different cosmetic DLC and content can address.
But the constant ignorance, bitching and economically illiterate whining from a notable minority of community members is simply bringing down the franchise. I actually believe some of you are now genuinely irreconcilable and want exactly this outcome.
And to them I say shame on you.