Late game you obviously have more units on the field which makes it more diffecult to manage, not only because of the amount, but also the complexity.
To be honest most comes down to putting time in practicing your micro, but theres a few little tips that might help;
- Control groups
Using the number keys to assign units to a group can be very affective. Try to seperate units in logical groups, for example infantry on 1 and 2,Anti tank on 3, tanks on 4 etc.
- Use the tactical map (Numpad 0)
Tactical map is used by some players to give a quick and eays overview of the battlefield. You will see all units symbols with their according healthbar. It takes some practice but once you get the hang of it i'd say its a advantage.
- Read the game
The more you practice the better you will become on gamereading. This means you can predict what attack is going to happen and what moves your opponent will make. This gives you time to prepare for an engament before it happens, so less micro during the engament itself. This gives you some extra time to keep an eye on other squads fighting elsewhere.
- Watch the model spread and positioning, Lategame there will be more powerfull tanks on the field that are capable of 1 shotting squads in certain occasions. When you move a squad you can see dots on the groud giving an indication how they will position. If theres no proper heavy cover around, try to waypoint the models so they are spread a littlebit. This way a single mortar or tank shell wont damage or kill all members at once.
Best of luck |
Intresting, however i'm not such a fan of mixed weapon squads (lmg and zook). i find the little AT capability 1 zook adds not worth decreasing the anti infantry capability on rifle squads. |
it finally ended |
Hello there,
The 'glass ceiling' as you describe it, is a well know problem as USF. The faction is mainly made around early and mid game, but lategame your units simply don't match the vetted and upgraded axis units (mainly talking about the tanks).
1: Avoiding is better than fixing a problem. USF is one of the most capable faction early on, use this to your advantage. Try to delay or even destroy the axis as much as possible before they get their lategame units out. USF has pretty much the most capability to destroy a forward t4 of OKW for example. Pack howi or AT gun + major artillery can take care of a forward t4 within a minute, make sure to support your AT gun.
2: infanty; Vet 3 rifleman with double bars scale reasonably well lategame with the axis infantry, this shouldn't be your main problem. In case you do struggle with the infantry try to utelize abilitys such a smoke/HE grenade to get close up, this is where USF infantry is the best. Also don't forget about supporting weapons for your rifleman sqauds, mortar/mg etc.
When it comes to tanks it can indeed get diffecult. USF doesn't have non-doctrinal heavy tanks, and only 1 heavy tank (pershing) in its doctrine. This is why you need to find other ways of taking down axis late game armor. Tips for this are:
- Upgrades. Upgrade all non effient combat units with double bazooka, for example all rear echelon squads and major. 1 bazooka is not going to do much, but 2 rear echelon and a major is 6 bazookas stacked thogether.
- Use abilities. the AT gun armor piercing rounds in combi with the fast USF AT gun fire rate can be quite devestating.
- Kite. Since USF lacks the health and armor on tanks, kite your opponent. Most USF tank hunters have a longer range than their axis counterparts. A good example is the M36 Jackson, glass cannon one might say. Use it to damage your opponents tanks from afar, without taking hits on it yourself.
Anyways hope this helps you a little, one learns most by practice.
ps;I might be able to review your replay if i have time tomorrow.
Signing up  76561198014799761 |
Which commanders?
Lightning war vs IS-2 shock troops incendarairy |
A rough 1v1 match on kholodny ferma, Soviet vs Whermacht. |
KrypticRTS 76561198014799761
Fortune (Kappa Captain) 76561197979601952 |
Didn't get one either, hopefully they will give everyone a chance. |
Declare for OKW!
I veto Special Weapons Regiment and Vanguard for the brits. |