Hi. How do I make DOTs permanent (stay forever)? For example, I want the Fire Artillery's flames to stay forever. How do I do that? |
Strange. Maybe add hardpoints? Other than that, I have no idea.
Well, I guess I'll keep experimenting as I mod. I'll let you guys know when I have a successful result. Thanks for the help guys. |
Ah, then show us your requirements.
Also, make sure the pbgid matches the original.
The requirements look like this -
And yep, the pbgid is matching the original. |
I'm not sure if Criticals have an executer in the first place. Are you sure it's working with check_self at TRUE?
Well, I took two screenshots to compare the difference. One is for a tank being hit from the front, and another being hit from the rear -
Seems to be working. |
Set check_self to false.
Just wondering: So how is it going to check if the executor's weapon is X? |
What is your action?
Two requirement_actions. Basically each action is checking if the executing weapon matches a list of requirements. This is just to balance out the extra damage added for autocannons. |
Which ones are set to 0 by default?
Make sure message_seconds is not 0 and you have at least one action.
Yep. message_seconds is at 1.5.
message_colour_a is 255
message_colour_b is 0
message_colour_g is 0
message_colour_r is 255
offset_x is 0
Offset_y is 0
message_colour_a is 0, which means the alpha is 0 (invisible). 255 is fully opaque.
I tried it but it still won't show the message
Moreover, why are the kicker_message showing for vanilla criticals when the alpha is set to 0? So strange. |
Can you show how you set up the kicker message?
It's the same as it came with the critical, since I didn't modify that part of the critical. |