My post was pointing out the futility of the numbers argument in the first place. that is why we did get a King Tiger accessible to every OKW player and a Luftwaffe that exists post Bodenplatte. Again playing a dads army and boy scout 45 Germany wouldn't be fun so they bolstered them to make an interesting product.
The point stands that in the process of making their titles Relic doesn't need to gate keep historical accuracy as they've done so to the games benefit and it can be said that it has been a hot button to add some fairly rare and typically German units as they did indeed struggle with hardware issues as you graciously pointed out.
This isn't about Election issue, political numbers, good or evil either.
To return to the point we've had Relic add units they see fit to add excitement to the game rather than their historical weight, Black prince is welcome. They've designed the product around it and I don't think they need to abide some gatekeepers quoting numbers.
We have had fictional vehicles and items before, Invincible stukas, vampire halftracks teleporting resources off an opponent, distributed IR sighted rifles and a stock IR halftrack that are integrated into the tactical structure as if the troops would know how to use them. So I welcome the Black Princes fictional status if they've put in the work to add it.
You are either a child who cannot comprehend abstract ideas or a borderline autistic person who cannot dispell what he sees from what is to be seen.
There are no "vampire" halftracks in the game and they sure as fuck do not suck fuel from the fucking ground. What they represent is the choice of player to alot military manpower into the production of military goods? Did that happen historically? Fuck yeah it did, check out the Todt organization for starters. Just because lelic did not put in the work to handfully make a couple of minions drilling into the ground to start producing fuel does not mean that the incentive is not there. This argument you make is so ridiculous one would not even realize you are a grown adult making this claim.
I am 100% certain that if you ever played EU4 or CK2/3 and saw a single soldier with a bayonet conquering a whole country you would say that how is it possible for a single man to take down a whole society and thus arge PDX to make "historical" adjustments (meanwhile the single man represents thousands of soldiers that the company did not add for aesthetic reasons).
"We have fictional vehicles" name one vehicle that Relic invent and did not serve in WW2. I wait.
If you are talking about IR halftrack, I would have you know that Wehrmacht had one of the most advanced optics industry of the times, but they used up most of their power to sustain making Flak guns (Speer himself says so in his Memoirs, along with Doenitz and I think Guderian), so having a IR HT is perfectly fine. Same with IR guns. They did exist, not mass produced for sure. But the technology was there.