Please auto hotkey my units from 1-9!!
that would be really awesome. and also jsut in general have more unit selection hotkeys besides select next idle unit
for instance
ctrl+q select all engineers
ctrl+w select all mainline infantry (conscripts, grenadiers, etc)
ctrl+e select all snipers
ctrl+a select all MGs
ctrl+s select all mortars
ctrl+d select all at guns
ctrl+f select all arty
ctrl+z select all light vehicles
ctrl+x select all medium vehicles
ctrl+z select all heavy vehicles
This would be a million times faster to sort through my units than using the icons on the right, ctrl+x to select all medium tanks, then click or tab to the specific one i want. and if i want to give an order to all my medium tanks i dont have to do that silly thing where i shift click each one.
and itd keep me from having to assign custom hotkeys a lot of the time, for instance if i only have 1 mortar i wont have to put it in a hotkey group, ctrl+s already exists. (though usually when i have 2 mortars i put them in the same group and then use tab to select the one i want, so id still use ctrl+s)