don't insult smith please the RW is weak to small arms because it doesn't have cover, just give it green cover when set up and all is fair
I'm not insulting him, just stating observations. It wasn't a secret back when he first started posting that he had a strong bias towards Allies, and it honestly shows in patch notes for their balance mod. Every argument I've seen him make against FRPs when he was considering removing them completely targeted only one faction out of the three that currently have it, guess which one?
Look, the mod brought forth alot of great changes as well, and for the most part that's reflected in the FBPs notes, so bravo to the team on that. The radical redesigns though, leave those for mods.
i approve 100% of what mr smith is doing and i actually play the game.
this is a PREVIEW of a patch that gonna come. why don't you go play the preview and give some good feedback that mr smith will listen to, and stop attacking people?
atleast mr smith is doing something for the game, what are you doing?
I'm glad that you actually play the game, maybe you can get him on board with playing the game as well so that he can make decisions based off of experience rather than speculation. I'm not attacking anyone, I just think that you all are so hungry for a patch that you're willing to accept anything thrown at you, and the full list of changes that Smith and his team want to bring to you is, in my opinion, extremely unhealthy for the game. We don't need an entire redesign, we need balance tweaks and bug fixes. Sometimes doing nothing is less harmful than doing something (Don't fix what isn't broken).