"infiltration building style : 3-man and can reinforce 1 more(=infiltration commando)"
doesnt make sense to me. Commandos used to pop behind enemy crews and instantly decrewed them without being punished for it. thats why they lost a man and the ability to instantly throw nades. JLI doesnt do that, do they.
"nerf MP cost 250-> 300"
nerf them this hard and still increase their cost? why not delete the unit at all
they went from not used to being overused just to be nerfed into not being used again
i dont see that many commandos anymore neither
So u still want to spam JLI?
250mp is too cheap and infiltration unit in 1cp is too fast
JLI received "overbuff"
The reason they were not used well was not because JLI was weak, but since Ostwind turned into a production unit in Tier 3(scavenge doctrine)