I think the discussion around #AmiGate is a really healthy thing at the moment. One of the things that led to the SC2 bubble bursting was this insipid "Hooray For Everything" attitude, where senior community figures railed against anything that wasn't positive cheerleading. What it led to was a situation where every house was built on sand and no-one called out bad ideas for what they were, or if they did they were ignored or chastised as long as the money kept coming in. It wasn't healthy.
It's far better to have problems out in the open.
I was really worried in sc2 already in beta about some of its design decisions and noone ever dared to complain about anything. Worst part is there is still A LOT of people beliving sc2 is this perfect competative game and textbook example how to do a sequel. How a game that revolves around deathball ever can be a competative game i can never understand.. im sure if sc2 wasnt called starcraft noone would care about it.
Its good that these highprofiles in coh community voice their true opinions, but i dont like the way they look at coh. Ami seemed to think coh's with its small commmunity its easy to be the "best" casters and get a following and take that following to an other game and use coh community as a springboard... not actually giving a fuck about the game and community really. That to me feels like he is twofaced and that yoink guy wasnt any better.. almost worse.
I have no problems however if he feels the game is bad, its a good thing he speaks up about it.