I gotta say I really DO NOT love the idea of either of these goddamn units stopping and instantly firing.The bus was cumbersome but at least it had its rear armor exposed so it was pretty easy to take out with a sneaky AT gun.
Right now between the Centaur, Croco, LEIG, and the other half dozen insta wipe units its getting just silly to try and have any kind of unit preservation.
Whats the point of Vet when you have endless units that obliterate your men before you even see them out of the fog of war?
I really hope they give the flak some extra durability when its setup and some more HP because its really weak right now. I DO NOT hope it becomes a stop and insta fuck everything unit.
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.43063.872+8
- 2.56480.876+3
- 3.800454.638-1
- 4.303163.650+3
- 5.313114.733+9
- 6.12744.743+1
- 7.194101.658-1
- 8.282161.637+1
- 9.371284.566-1
- 10.14059.704+7