I don't know man, IMO allies are much more noob friendly because they are more forgiving. The key with them is to be very aggressive early and continuously harass Axis fuel. If you let them sit on fuel then they will snowball. |
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011325933
Your curreent (or approximate) 1v1 skill levels in the 4 Armies below, in which you want to be mentored (place N/A, against the name of an army in which you are not interested):
Ostheer 7.5
Soviets 5
Your native language: English
Proficiency in speaking English: I've got a little Texas twang
Your Timezone in GMT: GMT-5 (US Central)
Do You Have a Mic?: Yes
Allied or Axis, or Both?: I enjoy both, but I really only have played Ostheer competitively, I'd like to change that though
Any Other Request: I just want to get a lot better at the game and make a friend while I'm at it. I prefer 2v2's over 1v1's (just a bit) but I enjoy playing both and I want to improve a lot. I was once top 200 in 1v1 and 2v2 as Ostheer but I'm a little out of playing shape. I'd also like my mentor to be someone who would enjoy playing regularly together as friends even after the mentor program is over, because I plan on improving enough to match their skill level  |
This bug has been in the game since release, I've had my starting Sturmpioneers halfway across the map before I realize that one of the models is still stuck behind the truck. Hopefully they will fix it someday but I doubt it's high on Relic's to do list. |
The old B4 at least had some trade-offs, because it doesn't have any good armor and if someone built a B4 within walking stuka range of the front line, it would get decrewed constantly and not able to get to Vet 1, which limited its usefulness. CAS still has access to Panthers. It also didn't hard-counter a lot of doctrines like CAS (which ensures that allies can't have on-map arty).
I'll agree that it's more vulnerable, but good players don't build it in range of a Walking Stuka. Let's not forget that the B4 doesn't have the red smoke along with a relatively short (I want to say 45 seconds?) reload time.
How about instead of nerfing CAS, we make a USF doctrine that has the same fuel to muni conversion, buffs the P47 to the same damage as the AT strafe, includes IR pathfinders, recon, and a suppression strafe. A mirrored commander would have to be fair, right?
Like I said earlier, CAS is just as broken, maybe moreso, than the B4 before the nerf. It seems like you think I'm defending CAS, which is entirely not the case. B4 was OP, got nerfed. CAS is OP, will get nerfed. |
Comparing a one trick pony gun that hasn't been popular in two patches, with a magician commander that 9/10 wher players use? Excellent comparison. CAS needs to change severely or go.
Yes, I'm comparing the two.
As I stated previously, the old B4 and current CAS had/has A. little to no counter play and B. the ability to inflict massive casualties on the opponent with little to no consequence of the user, such that you could use precision strike or CAS AT strafe and just laugh as it destroys whatever you target.
B4 was nerfed because it was stupid and surely CAS will be too. |
Am I the only one that doesn't play CAS, not because it's cheesy, but because it's so unbearably boring?
Anyway, this thing is much like the old B4, destroying all of your units with very low risk to your opponent (just muni drain) and with little counter play. At least you can Stuka the B4, but CAS AT strafe is nearly impossible to shoot down on the first pass.
That being said, I find it hilarious that the same people who defended the old B4 are now complaining about CAS. |
Awesome game, won't spoil the ending for you  |
I rlly hope that relic has finally mastered the art of patching. Instead of huge unit changes that completely turn everything around, they microd it to perfection ^^
I hope so as well, otherwise it would be a SHAMEFUR DISPRAY! |
Relic's marketing is bad. I would have thought they'd jump at the opportunity to set something like this up and have the game market itself by its community members. +1 so this is done soon, better late than never. |
When's the next patch though? Could be next month, could be when the new faction is ready to be deployed. Nobody knows.
after nearly 9 years of dealing with Relic I can't fully trust them on anything they say. Don't get me wrong, individually they are very nice people, when you talk to an individual developer they are very personable and are really passionate about their products but for whatever reason as an organisation it's constantly two steps forward one step back.
Relic is definitely less than the sum of its parts.
Yep. It's not very encouraging when the last major balance patch was at the end of March. If they really needed more testing they should have just left the alpha going until it was 100% ready for release. |