Shorter summary here instead
Skip the rest the lined ones if you want.
- From vet 0 until 2, it is really performs poorly. It consistently misses which makes it hard to even provide proper support and kills. Its accuracy is simply bad especially its dps. Thus, it is even difficult to acquire vet.
You can count on it as purely an HMG at vet 0 and 1. I would simply get myself a MG34 instead because of how it actually performs. No real reason getting yourself at all a Flak Half Track honestly.
- Huge problem, it only performs well when it reaches Vet 2. Why you may ask?
Because that is actually when it even begins to perform even consistently, accurately. Becomes actually supportive and provides kills.
Vet 2 provides damage, accuracy and surpression increase altogether lol. Accuracy should be something it is good at from the very beginning. Instead, you have to really get Vet 2 in order to properly rely on this unit, or unitl you actually can consider even efficient enough.
Due to 1 thing it is actually missing from the beginning. Accuracy and Consistency which it does not even have in the beginning.
- Anything earlier than Vet 2, you can not rely on it at all. I feel it is simply an inconsistent performing unit. It just misses and hardly kills. Does 16 damage only per shot but the problem is, it scatters a lot. I mean a lot. It is as if only 20%-30% of its shots even register. I feel that it performs that poorly.
If you are lucky that the enemy infantry is hiding behind a tree

In any other case scenarios, you can bet it would be terrible.
- Vets slowly because of its sheer poor performance. Only from Vet 2 onwards, does it efficiently Vet. Biggest issue I believe.
For any unit, it has to has to at least perform consistently from the beginning. Not later. Especially for this particular kind of unit which is purely designed as AI support, which it simply fails at doing.
I feel the September changes for the FHT is rather lacking as it is a unit that I still think would be still inefficient.
Not to brag or anything, I simply prefer the USF AA Halftrack better since it remains as always efficient because of one simple fact, due to its consistency. Vets fast too for that very reason. It is better overall in my opinion.
The changes I feel should be:
Change its current Vet to make it more consistent in scaling and performance instead.
For Starters. Switch Vet 1 & Vet 2. See how it goes
Make it accurate and consistent is what I am asking for!
Currently, it is underwhelming.
What do you guys think about how the Flak Half Track currently performs?