i just wanted to share some of the thoughts i have to improve the team weapon experience in company of heroes 2.
So the first thing i want to adress is healthbars on teamweapons illustrated in the spoiler below.
Since especially soviet teamweapons recieve lots of damage from riflenades and bundlenades theyre eventually gonna blow up if you dont repair em. I really like teamweapons and its easy to forget to repair your teamweapon in the heat of battle without this reminder.
Wich brings me to the second issue i want to adress. The buisness of repairing a team weapon is really fiddly buisness when it comes to mg's and mortar's since you have position your cursor directly on the weapon itself. And if a model stands in the way you sometimes have to rotate the camera to get a clear sight of the weapon or reposition it. To my experience this issue doesnt seem to be present with at guns since you can just position your cursor on the unit shield to make the cursor change to the blowtorch.
And thats my thoughts on how to improve team weapons! feel free to share your own thoughts in the comments below!
thank you and see you on the battlefield!