
russian armor

Feedback for New Commander mod 4.0 - OST core changes

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14 Apr 2019, 16:19 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I also think that Widerstreit's radio bunker looks excellent and he also did a brilliant job with his repair bunker for the commander revamp patch but sadly it was too late and they didn't accept it.

I also again want to mention on how it could have a Forward Retreat Point to justify it's costs and also be in line with the Soviet Airborne providing the same function.
14 Apr 2019, 16:22 PM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

Why do PnzGrens even get G43? Shouldn't they get something different?

- I am still for giving Sturmtruppen PPsh instead of MP40. (the DPS is Closer to Shocks, not to Sturmgrenadiere. Simply change the blue-print).
- Giving Ostheer's Pioneers K98 instead of MP40. (so their weapon-profile doesn't Interrupt with the flamer. Same stats as Volks).
- Change G43 from PnzGrens to a scope-upgrade for STGs. Same-blueprints but pimp the DPS of the weapon.

There are some things simply annoy my ears… multible Osttruppen with LMG42 and multible G43 with their stupid sniper sound.
14 Apr 2019, 16:23 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

I also think that Widerstreit's radio bunker looks excellent and he also did a brilliant job with his repair bunker for the commander revamp patch but sadly it was too late and they didn't accept it.

I also again want to mention on how it could have a Forward Retreat Point to justify it's costs and also be in line with the Soviet Airborne providing the same function.

I am against FRP for both soviet and Ostheer. On the other hand the ability to retreat to FRT 1 squad at time is interesting.

The ability is already in game in the urban assault commander, only thing one has to do is make have a global cool-down of restrict it to specific units like the Soviet paratroopers.
14 Apr 2019, 16:25 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Apr 2019, 16:23 PMVipper

I am against FRP for both soviet and Ostheer. On the other hand the ability to retreat to FRT 1 squad at time is interesting.

The ability is already in game in the urban assault commander, only thing one has to do is make have a global cool-down of restrict it to specific units like the Soviet paratroopers.

If it's in line with the Soviet variant then I'm fine with it.

You also mention something about the Urban Assault commander being playable somewhere, can you further clarify on that?
14 Apr 2019, 16:33 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

If it's in line with the Soviet variant then I'm fine with it.

You also mention something about the Urban Assault commander being playable somewhere, can you further clarify on that?

My suggestion would be the following:
As vet 1 ability Soviet paras get retreat to beacon instead of the AI strafe (with no need to unlock at T4).
As an ability Ostheer can retreat to Bunker but only 1 squad at the time. Then the ability goes on global CD.

That imo would bring them inline while keeping them unique.

The patch allows Ostheer to choose Urban assault commander, as simply as that.\

(With the changes to flamers As. PG are simply broken:))
14 Apr 2019, 16:52 PM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

Please look at the damage profile of Brummbär and StuG E.

StuG E deals way too much damage versus buildings... or Brummbär too less? xD
14 Apr 2019, 16:54 PM
avatar of Thundrag

Posts: 17

Yeah I noticed you could select urban assault commander in the mod too the assault pgrens are extremely strong able to usually solo x2 shocks after the durability upgrade and the strategic bombing is bugged and doesn't saturate the area instead bombing the same spot 4 times with questionable targeting.

As for getting back on topic of the actual changes have we considered the addition of the old theatre of war panzerbuche rifles as an gateway upgrade to pgren shrecks? Something like x2 panzerbuche for 50 muni that unlocks the shrek upgrade for an additional 50 muni replacing the 2 at rifles.

As it stands I find panzergrenadiers an awkward existence and giving it more flexible options in the early game would be something. The price reduction to their G43s while nice is still just a mediocre sidegrade as they lose considerable DPS in between short-mid range for only efficient move-fire and a moderate long range increase. The long range role is better covered by normal grens at that range.
14 Apr 2019, 16:55 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

Both get 40% acc with vet, dont they?

Cons got extra 10% at vet3, this was added as an attempt to make them viable in late game without giving them weapon upgrade.

It obviously failed, but its there.

Good vet on shitty base stats still gives shitty stats at the end.
14 Apr 2019, 17:50 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Apr 2019, 16:33 PMVipper

My suggestion would be the following:
As vet 1 ability Soviet paras get retreat to beacon instead of the AI strafe (with no need to unlock at T4).
As an ability Ostheer can retreat to Bunker but only 1 squad at the time. Then the ability goes on global CD.

That imo would bring them inline while keeping them unique.

The patch allows Ostheer to choose Urban assault commander, as simply as that.\

(With the changes to flamers As. PG are simply broken:))

Like I said, I'm fine with it as long as both Armies share the same "feature" so to speak. As it is currently I see no reason why the Soviets should get it in their new commander while Ost can't, they both need it it on the bigger team game maps.

As for the Urban Assault doctrine, by god I fell in love with it.

Of course the obvious balance issues are glaring like the double flame Urban Assault Panzergrenadiers annihilating everything that's not armored and on tracks but part from toning down their flamethrowers I don't really see an issue with them altho I didn't get to test out their survival training upgrade.

Forward Supply Station felt a lot better with the aforementioned retreat point-style ability but could use a price increase and should lose 2 or 3 of it's repair pioneers. It's perfect if you ask me, just give it to the commander bunker as well and maybe a recon ability like the UKF FHQ and it'd be perfect in my opinion.

Incendiary Barrage for the mortars was pretty devastating if you go in range of the enemy HQ so it needs toning down as well.

Munition Blitz has no counter play so it's just better off being replaced by a supply drop I guess or something.

And the Strategic bombing did what it said on the tin altho I don't really see a reason why it followed a similar path to the Stuka's creeping barrage instead of being all over the place like the UKF version, but for 300 munitions I think it did it's job.

Overall a pretty solid and fun commander that I would enjoy playing even when a bit more balanced, I would even dare to say that I would be willing to give money up front for it if they added it.

The only things missing for me really was perhaps the Urban Assault Panzergrenadiers coming in a 250 HT as a sort of mechanized group and maybe a Tiger or King Tiger.

But yeah besides that, it has the polish of an already implemented commander with all of the icons, voice lines, text and so on and just requires some balance to be added officially in the game. I only noticed the Munition blitz saying that there would be a counter of some sorts on the HQ's portrait to show you how much munitions you got from the ability or something along those lines but I don't really mind it.
14 Apr 2019, 17:55 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

@A.soilder you can't really apply "if they get it so should the other" in this case. The OST commander will already be attractive simply because they have ANOTHER commander with a Tiger to choose from. That alone makes it attractive in larger modes and maps.
14 Apr 2019, 18:04 PM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

Sdkfz. 251 could get a T4 upgrade to become a reatreat-point. Locking it down like 250 to become stationary. In hull-down MGs get removed.

So also Soviet carrier can get that option. Maybe spawning a heal aura.

All fractions get the option.
14 Apr 2019, 18:18 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

@A.soilder you can't really apply "if they get it so should the other" in this case. The OST commander will already be attractive simply because they have ANOTHER commander with a Tiger to choose from. That alone makes it attractive in larger modes and maps.

Your logic makes no sense, they have other commanders with Tigers not to mention Spearhead not only having Panzer Tactician as well as the recon and frag bombs, thus only providing a Tiger does not mean anything.

Meanwhile Soviets had a new and unique unit that wasn't even in the game before that in the form of the Airborne Guards and get a forward retreat point on top of things, giving them an instant advantage in the infantry play on larger team maps.

And it's Soldier, not soilder or solider or whatever other weird writings of the word I have seen.
14 Apr 2019, 18:25 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Your logic makes no sense, they have other commanders with Tigers not to mention Spearhead not only having Panzer Tactician as well as the recon and frag bombs, thus only providing a Tiger does not mean anything.

Meanwhile Soviets had a new and unique unit that wasn't even in the game before that in the form of the Airborne Guards and get a forward retreat point on top of things, giving them an instant advantage in the infantry play on larger team maps.

And it's Soldier, not soilder or solider or whatever other weird writings of the word I have seen.

Heavy armour is cool. Players gravitate towards heavy armour. It having a heavy tank instantly makes it attractive because of that. There are other commanders with heavy tanks that is true, but that doesn't mean this one doesn't have it and thus is attractive.if the game carries on having a heavy tank is greatly desired and in team games its greatly desired.

No need to be a dick, I'm missing half my thumb and sometimes autocorrect buggers up when I'm typing quickly on my phone.
14 Apr 2019, 18:26 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

Meanwhile Soviets had a new and unique unit that wasn't even in the game before that in the form of the Airborne Guards and get a forward retreat point on top of things, giving them an instant advantage in the infantry play on larger team maps.

FRP alone isn't worth much if you can't provide sufficient healing, you'll have greater map presence at the cost of massively increased bleed, unless you pay additional muni and micro tax to prevent it.

Its unexpected addition, but its not no-brainer like USF, OKW or brit ones, which provide additional utilities without constant micro and muni tax.
14 Apr 2019, 18:43 PM
avatar of aerafield

Posts: 3002 | Subs: 3

I have read this somewhere else and I liked the idea, so:

What about, instead of adding a reconnaissance bunker to Ost, give the 222 access to such an upgrade? Maybe make it cost 100/10 and then it can call in Recon flares and all this stuff
14 Apr 2019, 18:56 PM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

I have read this somewhere else and I liked the idea, so:

What about, instead of adding a reconnaissance bunker to Ost, give the 222 access to such an upgrade? Maybe make it cost 100/10 and then it can call in Recon flares and all this stuff

Don't forget, that OKW now has the 221. Most blue-prints are in use now.

Vehicles which are kind of unused or have multible animations:

- Opel-Blitz (could become a extra retreat-point for OKW)
- 251 (my idea for Ostheer) has the option to complete close the netting, or open it.
- US6-truck (my idea for Soviets) can remove the platform to modify it.

14 Apr 2019, 19:03 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

No need to be a dick, I'm missing half my thumb and sometimes autocorrect buggers up when I'm typing quickly on my phone.

I have injuries which cannot be seen but I don't use them as an excuse.

Truth is nobody really cares, life is tough, life is hard and life can be a dick.

But the only way to better yourself is to hold yourself to a higher standard.

It's at least what my father, life and the military has taught me.
14 Apr 2019, 19:06 PM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

Something like that?

14 Apr 2019, 19:15 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

251 looks really cool!
14 Apr 2019, 19:24 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I have injuries which cannot be seen but I don't use them as an excuse.

Truth is nobody really cares, life is tough, life is hard and life can be a dick.

But the only way to better yourself is to hold yourself to a higher standard.

It's at least what my father, life and the military has taught me.

Which is great and all, but what I'm saying is that but my missing chunk of thumb actually directly impacts my ability to type on mobile. I want making up an excuse I was letting you know why it happened. Regardless this isn't the place for such discussions.
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