STG obers with camo would be hilariously OP. They already ignore cover, have 2 different kinds of very good grenades, and can booby trap points. They would hardcounter pretty much all infantry at that point in any way, shape, or form.
Its pretty hilarious how you guys hype Stg obers up

Why shouldnt they hardcounter infantry at that point? They have no anti tank weapons at all. They are pretty easy to kill (they have 640 effective HP against small arms at vet 5, cons vet 3 have 676 effective HP). They cost 340 Mp and 40 Mp to reinforce. They arrive ultra late. Meta units like pathfinder, shocks or osttruppen arrive way earlier and can use their timing better. In an even 2vs2 game the okw player gets his first obers at the same time a USF player gets his sherman! or even later. And then you have a stock weapon upgrade that synergies incredible well with medium range meathshield volks or pfs. I dont say that the stg weapon upgrade is weak or anything. Its just pointless in the current meta (and with a command panther call-in). Maybe a smoke nade would make them more viable.
And using boobytraps is just a waste of munitions.
About the Camo: In my opinion camo Obers shouldnt be a thing. But not because that would be op, rather cause we have enough ambush units in the game and obers dont suit this role.
Suggestion about Obers: Maybe we can give them a dmg reduction like current rangers have? So they can tank more dmg from tanks and arty. Thus their late timing doesnt matter that much. Buff their Base HP per model to ~100/120 and nerf their recieved accuracy then to 0,6-0,7 so their performance against small arms stays the same.