But seriously though, I've had four matches tonight where people have gone with at least two snipers at the same time. I've won some of them and lost others, but what they all had in common is that it's such an unfunny and annoying thing to fight against, especially for factions with small squad sizes.
I know that they take a lot of micro and are big investments, but honestly a-moving two snipers around the map is not that much more difficult and can take an enormous strain on the opponent with really agressive deep dives.
I would never dream of going double sniper because it sets you up for a really boring rigid play of plucking away opponents manpower at a low effort double rate.
After playing against this match after match after gardening match all night I really think they should have a limit of 1 on the field at the time for each player.
But perhaps I'm just spitting salt here