New Commander Submission - SOVIETS
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Posts: 5
2 Shock Troops
4 Recon Overflight
12 IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike
+ any ability

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
1 CP: Zis-6 Supply Trucks
-200 Manpower
-Preforms Exactly like Opel Blitz
1 CP: Partisan Fighters (Perhaps balancing other Partisans as well.)
- 290 Manpower Infiltration
- 5 man squad
- 2 Mosin Nagants, 2 Kar 98s, 1 Lee Enfield (All equal to the Guard's Mosins)
-.9 Targets size
- Can be upgraded with SMGs (1 PPsh, 1 MP 40, 1 M3 Grease Gun, 1 Sten, 1 Thompson, all equal)
- Or can be upgraded with AT rifles (1 PTRS, 1 PzB, 1 Boys, AT rifle)
- Can lay mines, wire, flare traps, and Demo charges
2 CP: PMD-6 mines (Partisan fighters can lay as well)
4 CP: Booby Traps (Partisans fighters can lay as well)
7 CP: Spy Network

Posts: 2
(I) (O cp) HQ Weapon Stock (for 15 fuel 150 men power as HQ upgrade) Conscript units may be upgraded with DP heavy machine gun (1) for 50 MU (-Orrah (sprint ability) + guards grenade equal to pancerfusilier(will be available after Molotov upgrade in Soviet HQ)
(II)(0 cp) HQ repair station (25 fuel 150 MP) Teer 3 can be upgraded with engineers equal to soviet repair station (Teer 3 will provide repairs of allied vechicles / buildings Once upgrade is done every soviet Combat engineers unit will get 3 ppsh as a primary weapon + may salvage resoursers from destroyed vechicles and abandoned crew weapons equal to OKW salvage)
(III) (3 cp) Zis-3 Supply truck (250 MP 30 fuel (Has no veterancy + only one on the battlefield at the same time)) may carry 2 squads
Has two abilities to secure territory
1) Resourse station - Will increase resource production for resourses points eqial to Opel blitz from Assault Support Doctrine
2) Assembly point(30 sec to set up. 45 sec for cancellation Assembly point) - Will secure contolled standart point territory (Can be placed only on standart points territories (Secured point can't be captured by the enemy while truck is not destroyed or Assembly point is canceled)) Truck will provide reinforcements and healing by 3 medics. For 50 MU and 150 MP retreat point upgrade (If Assebly point was canceled or truck was destroyed Sov. player will need to upgrade Retreat point once again)
(IV)(8 cp) ML-20 152-mm Gun Howitcer
(V)(13 cp) IS-2 Heavy Tank

Posts: 2
Commander Design Rationale: Represent the attrition, suffered by Germans on the eastern front and give Soviets more defensive capabilities, making them more reliant on long range firepower rather than aggressive push tactics. Multiple defense abilities allow to hold back the enemy, cover the flanks and make aggressive pushes less effective, making the opponent play more cautiously.
* Ability1: Veteran sniper (Has the appearance of Anya from COH2 campaign)
**** CP: 1
**** Cost: 400 mp
**** Effect: An elite sniper has +20 more hp than Wehrmacht sniper, faster fire-rate, can plant invisible democharge and flares. Veteran sniper can be dispatched only once a game.
*Ability1: Conscript long range package (Passive)
**** CP: 2
**** Cost: 45
**** Effect: Conscripts can now receive an advanced weapons, designed for a long range combat (1 Dp-28 for a squad, Molotov changed to guards frag grenade, removes ''Oorah!'' ability)
* Ability3: Advanced defenses(Passive)
**** CP: 2
**** Cost: 150 mp 60 muni for mg nest, 5 muni for light mines.
**** Effect: Combat engineers and conscripts(?) can now construct tank traps, light A/P mines and mg nests.
* Ability4: Scorched earth policy(passive)
**** CP: 3
**** Cost: 35 muni
**** Effect: same as in NKVD commander.
*Ability5: Last stand(Active)
**** CP: 6
**** Cost: 70 munitions (duration - 40 seconds)
**** Effect: Squads gain additional accuracy and rate of fire for every friendly unit nearby (up to 4 squads), however vulnerability of this squads also increases. Covers can reduce penalty.

Posts: 186 | Subs: 1
A commander designed around agressive infantry movement and overwelming fire power.
2CP Shock Troopers
3CP PPSH 41 package conscripts
6CP For Mother Russia
8CP B4 203MM Howizter
13CP IS2 Heavy Tank

Posts: 957
The Zerg of CoH2
Because having more men than the enemy has bullets is fun
0CP: Cannon-fodder (sucks that Penal batalion is an already occupied name)
Ostruppen mirror
2CP: Rapid conscription
3CP: Emergency reinforcement squad:
An awkward 6 men mixture of 2 guards 2 cons 1 penal and 1 officer
4CP: Air resupply- Paradrops a Zis and 2 PTRSes
8CP: The unused reserve T34s

Posts: 301
Theme: War is a harsh time. Volunteer workers were often hurry organised into battalions to fill the gasp in the broken front lines, or even fight for their native towns. Rabochee Opolchenie is same iconical as T34 or PPsH41.
Unit and Ability Roster
Slot 1: Rabochee Opolchenie
Call in unit, available from 0CP.
Costs 200MP, 15 Mp reinforce cost
6 man Partisans squad with 4 Mosins 2 SVT's
Has access to Molotov and AT nades from FHQ
Has Repair ability as 4 CE
Can build Tank Traps
Can build base tier buildings
Increased accuracy with veterancy compared to normal Partisans
Slot 2: NKVD Commissar
Identical to NKVD Disruption Doc
Slot 3: PPsH41&Hit the Dirt upgrade for Cons
Slot 4: For the Motherland!
Identical to Counter Attack Doc
Slot 5: Antitank artillery support
Identical to NKVD Disruption Doc
Strategies and Rational
You get cheap troops what can a little everything - repair, shooting, building. With Commissar you can buff one direction. PPsH41 is the only good thing for Cons. And AT support is not a big thing at all. But in overall you can get nice map control for a heavy to depend on munitions.

Posts: 9
0 CP - Sherman is absolutely good
2 CP - Air drop with .50 cal and american 81mm mortar, with 350MP price
3 CP - Air drop with M1 57mm american AT gun, with 270 MP price
4 CP - Current supply drop is OK
5 CP - M5 Half-Track with special version of Guards Infantry - those Guards are armed with double bazooka, and can be also upgraded to M1919A6 Browning LMG with 70 muni

Posts: 810
Theme : Advance with heavy support, collapes the line with heavy armor&guard rifles
2cp) guard rifle infantry
4cp) smoke bombs = ostheer skill
7cp) Incendiary Artillery Barrage
7cp) Soviet March - 110 muni, buff soviet units, 50second
infantry - speed 1->2, accuracy +20%
vehicle - max speed 20%, accel speed 30%,, accuracy +30%, reload time -20%
13cp) IS-2 heavy tank
Strategies and Rational
smoke bomb will conceal allies advancing force or cover enemy heavy range weapon
Incendiary Artillery Barrage is good for neutralize enemy fortification
Guard rifle and IS-2 will lead soviet advance and breakthrough enemy defense
"Soviet march" will help soviet advancing troops

Posts: 13
Commander Design Rationale: Focussed on elite and heavyweight offensive units. Make use of qualitative good units and fluid tactics to destroy the opposition.
* Ability1: KV8 Flamethrower tank**** CP: 0 (build from tier 3)
* Ability2: Guard rifle infantry**** CP: 2
* Ability3: HM38 120mm Heavy mortar**** CP: 2
* Ability4: Mark target**** CP: 7
* Ability5: IL2 Precision Bombing strike**** CP: 12

Posts: 278 | Subs: 1
Air assault tactics
Recon Overflight
Available aircraft will fly a high speed loiter over the target area.
Soviet Paratroopers
Airdropped elite infantry.
5 men squad armed with Mosin-Nagant rifles.
Can throw hand grenades and smoke grenades.
SVT-40 upgrade for long range rapide fire.
Soviet glider landing
(Reskinned british Waco glider HQ)
Callin a soviet air glider. When landed you can recruit units here.
Following units can be recruited:
- Conscripts
- 82mm soviet mortar team
- DshK MG team
- 45mm M1942 at gun (ingame 45mm at gun model with adjusted stats)
Hold the Line!
All soviet units will gain large offensive and defensive boosts, but be unable to move.
IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike
The IL-2 will make a high-speed bombing run, clustering four FAB-50 50kg bombs into the target area.
The soviet air assault tactics are modeled around the soviet airborne forces that saw combat in ww2. Most games are ignoring the soviet airborne operations. Beside some ferocious ground battles like the battle of Kiev the soviet airborne forces conducted a number of airborne landings and airborne operations.
For balance and gameplay reasons i changed the classic armament of the soviet airborne soldiers from sub machine guns to fast action rifles. There are already soviet close combat units with the shocks so there is no reason to turn soviet air infantry in shock 2.0.
All in all the doctrine can use an elite long range combat infantry with support weapons and abilities. A buffed 45mm at gun (the M1942 version) should help against armor.
Perhaps it could be better to chance the Il2 attack from an aoe ability into an anti tank ability but that would be a small balance adjustment.

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2
The soviet air assault tactics are modeled around the soviet airborne forces that saw combat in ww2. Most games are ignoring the soviet airborne operations. Beside some ferocious ground battles like the battle of Kiev the soviet airborne forces conducted a number of airborne landings and airborne operations.
For balance and gameplay reasons i changed the classic armament of the soviet airborne soldiers from sub machine guns to fast action rifles. There are already soviet close combat units with the shocks so there is no reason to turn soviet air infantry in shock 2.0.
All in all the doctrine can use an elite long range combat infantry with support weapons and abilities. A buffed 45mm at gun (the M1942 version) should help against armor.
Perhaps it could be better to chance the Il2 attack from an aoe ability into an anti tank ability but that would be a small balance adjustment.
I agree with you that Soviet Paratroopers are undeservedly ignored and I see a tremendous need for people in these troops. Therefore, I offered my commander: the Czechoslovak Army Corps, in which Czechoslovak paratroopers are present, I see a huge number of German howitzers recently in games, so my paratroopers have explosives. The Soviets need a unit that can be used as a saboteur and line infantry, Soviet partisans are absolutely bad and I don’t see it in the game, but other factions have such units. Paratroopers with explosives plus artillery strikes must be effective for striking behind enemy lines. Plus, the councils lack defensive fortifications (even in the commander), so Bofors is in my commander.
I find Czechoslovakians an excellent option for Soviet Paratroopers. They use the uniform of Britain and you can take the votes of paratroopers from the British faction. I would like to see real Soviet Paratroopers, but for not there is a suitable skin and voice.

Posts: 38
Theme: By giving the right tools to this commander, the conscript squads will be more viable with commissar buff ability, KV8 inspire ability and its weapon upgrade package.
Unit and Ability Roster
Slot 1: 0CP - Kv8 Flamethrower tank
Slot 2: 2CP - Commissar command squad
Same as NKVD commander
Slot 3: 3CP - Conscript Assault Package Upgrade / DP-28 Light Machine Gun Package for Conscripts.
Slot 4: 5CP - Conscript Repair Tactics.
Slot 5: 7CP - Incendiary Artillery Barrage
Strategies and Rational
Soviet conscripts are incredibly weak against all the other infantry squads at similar cost range because of its heavy reliance to commander specific upgrades like PPSH/PTRS.
My proposal is to make PPSH upgrade available to all commanders by default with a tech gate of motor building(similar to Axis factions tech lock)
If this is possible, then I want the Slot:3 ability to be the DP-28 upgrade to be unlocked at 3CP so that they have more late game viability when fighting upgraded infantry squads.
The commissar will buff the conscript squads to fight more aggressively or defensively with its squad buff abilities. Soviets lack proper AOE healing options and commissar fixes that problem. this guy should almost be auto included in all soviet infantry blobs.
KV8 will be able to help the infantry deal with stronger infantry while allowing its inspire ability to make conscripts fight harder.
Repair tactics will let conscripts repair the KV8 to keep it online for as long as humanly possible since this playstyle will mostly involve 3-4 conscripts + Commissar + AT squad for most of the match until the KV8 arrives, and will also be good if you need an emergency T70 early on to deal with fast armor or MG houses.
Incendiary barrage will be good utility to protect a VP point/Fuel or simply deal with AT squads that are trying to kill my KV8 and the option to deal with infantry blobs.
Additional Context
Regardless of this commander being chosen or not, I really would like to see some effort put into improving the viability of the conscript.
Jager light infantry is only 250MP and is only 10mp more than a conscript and their efficiency is 2-3 times better which makes no sense!
Volks getting pretty much a free faust after teching up is clearly better than the soviets having to buy the upgrade by delaying our teching options.

Posts: 657
Theme: Soviets are one of the few armies that doesn't have airborne troops/firepower well represented.Focus on Soviet airpower/troops.
Slot 1: 0CP-Radio Intercept
Slot 2: 3CP-Airborne Guards, essentially guards troops with paradrop ability, switch their heads with shock troop helmets so they look more like paratroops, ability to upgrade to PPSH or 2 DP-28s
Slot 3: 4CP-Recon Overflight
Slot 4: 6CP-IL-2 MG Strafing Run
Slot 5: 12CP-IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike

Posts: 2
Use British lend-lease to strengthen your armored forces, while equipping your infantry with close-combat SMGs to drive the invaders back to Berlin.
(PASSIVE) Thompson Assault Packages
- 0 CP
- Combat Engineers and Conscripts can be equipped with 2x Thompson SMGs for 50 munitions
(PASSIVE) Lend-Lease Assault Group
- 0 CP
- Allows production of Soviet Universal Carrier at T2 building, production of Soviet Valentine Mk. IX at T3 building, and production of Soviet Churchill Mk. IV at T4 building
- Soviet Universal Carrier costs 220 manpower and 10 fuel, cannot be upgraded, otherwise identical to British Universal Carrier
- Soviet Valentine Mk. IX costs 290 manpower and 80 fuel, equipped with the QF 57mm 6-pdr instead of QF 75mm of the British Valentine, giving it slightly less firepower against heavier vehicles.
- Soviet Churchill Mk. IV costs 410 manpower and 140 fuel, equipped with the QF 57mm 6-pdr instead of QF 75mm of the British Churchill, giving it slightly less firepower against heavier vehicles.
ZiS-6 Supply Truck
- 3 CP
- Deploys a special ZiS to the battlefield for 250 manpower
- Can drop a Bren gun for 45 munitions, drop a PIAT launcher for 40 munitions, and drop OKW-style medical crates for 30 munitions
- Cannot carry infantry
Conscript Repair Package
- 5 CP
Allied Supply Operation
- 5 CP
- Identical to Allied Supply Drop, and costs an extra 100 munitions
- Also drops a QF 6-pdr AT gun and an M2 Browning MG
American and British support to the Soviet Union consisted of many non-combat supplies, but also various vehicles and equipment the Western powers had no use for, including outdated tanks and weapons. The Soviet Union was happy to take them regardless, as production towards T-34 and SU-76s meant a severe shortage of heavy and light tanks in the later stages of the war. British Churchill and Valentine tanks performed admirably in Soviet service, and Thompson SMGs that were issued to vehicle crews were often traded away to frontline troops due to their unpopularity (hard to handle in a vehicle due to size and weight).

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2
Overwhelm your opponent with mass assaults of well-equipped conscripts, inspired by their commissar. Axis counter attacks will be immediately stopped by your mighty IS-2.
Unit and Ability Roster:
Slot 1: CP1: Off map smoke barrage (like the one in Heavy Cavalry)
Slot 2: CP2: Soviet Commissar
Slot 3: CP3: Conscript Assault Package Upgrade
Slot 4: CP6: Rapid Conscription
Slot 5: CP14: IS-2
Strategies and Rational
This doctrine wants to encourage players to use conscripts instead of penals:
The off-map smoke will help you against MG-42s, you also get a nice utility unit with the commissar who fits perfectly to a conscript build. Your can continue your mass assaults with cheap replacements and in the late game a heavy call-in will deliver the final blow.
There is no soviet commander who combines the assault package with a heavy call-in yet, so this doctrine would deliver some new options.

Posts: 1484

Posts: 3
literally just a bunch of different forms of artillery
slot #1 -> 120mm mortar team
slot #2 -> incendiary artillery barrage
slot #3 -> anti-tank overwatch
slot #4 -> b4-203mm howitzer
slot #5 -> kv-2 or isu-152 assault gun whatever you like

Posts: 563
I really like the idea guys! I just have one request and that is to include GUARDS WITH IS-2!!!
I had one for it
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