Frontline Coordination Tactics
The best defense is a good offense! This commander will take primarily defensive units and use them at the spearhead of their operations by relieving infantry and tanks with their respective support structures. The B-4 howitzers will provide artillery cover in conjunction with IL-2s to push the advance.

Forward Headquarters
1 CP: You may turn any ambient building into a Forward Headquarters or have you engineers construct one. Forward Headquarters deploy medics, reinforce infantry, and boost the morale of nearby infantry, making them fight harder.

Anti-tank Ambush Tactics
2 CP: The ZiS-3 76mm AT-gun is granted the ability to camouflage itself while not firing, rendering it invisible to your enemies. Use it wisely and you’ll surprise any vehicle that tries to break through your lines.

Repair Station
3 CP: Your engineers can now build repair facilities for a nominal manpower and munitions cost.

B-4 203mm Howitzer
8 CP: A B4 heavy Howitzer can be built by your Combat Engineer. The B4 fires a single, large shell that will deal insane damage to anything it hits, whether it be infantry, armor, or structure.

IL-2 Sturmovik Loiter Attacks
12 CP: The IL-2 Sturmoviks will patrol the designated area for a short period of time. Deals a high amount of damage to any enemy unit with powerful 23mm cannons, even able to slightly penetrate heavy German tanks. Lethal to infantry and an excellent area denial weapon.
Additional Text:
- Need more B4s man.