
russian armor

Increase light jaegars price

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27 Dec 2018, 18:51 PM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:39 PMVipper

No you do not, if you had used logic correctly you wouldn't originally suggested that JLI should cost 340 and come at CP 6.

You would be aware that that suggestions is simply ridiculous.

340 + 2CP isnt ridiculous for the performance of JLI... although i do admit 6 CP was outrageous but i was looking for even timing with obers... noted that shocks and guards came at 2CP aswell and therefore costed accordingly

340 mp is warranted when compared to penals and paths which they both cream

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:39 PMVipper

You are absolutely wrong, the 2 units use 2 rifles each with completely different characteristics while having different durability and while firing at different targets.

the characteristics of the rifle is different yes... but DPM and ACC is close for both rifles... the major differences between the two remain
1. 0.9 acc vs cover

2. 70% health crit
and therefore i suspected one of those to be the source of the issue

yes they are firing at difficult targets... but one can clearly destroy a penal squad at any range except cqc while the other struggles vs STGvolks at medium-close range...

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:39 PMVipper

If you want to test me or someone else can create a mod for you.

You can contact me via PM but pls until then stop spamming post in this thread.

try it out... make the crit 40% and test it out with friends or something in a custom game... thats the only real way to settle this debate realistically anyways
27 Dec 2018, 19:21 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:24 PMgbem
we dont have empirical data but we do have logic... a comparison between I&R pathfinders in a similar situation shows that that the G-43 performance must be responsible for the majority of the kills as the only real difference in combat ability between I&R paths and JLI as of the moment remains the superior performance of the G-43...

You should use the numbers rather than your 'logic'. I&R Pathfinders will perform worse at range by default because they have 3x carbines that have 10 damage and 0,403 accuracy at far range. JLI have 3x Kar98K with 16 damage and 0,598 accuracy. Also JLI have 0,8 target size as opposed to 1,0 of IRPF. So your conclusion about the sniper is completely invalid. There's lots of other factors to consider.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:43 PMgbem
thats not how this works.. going out of cover at 10 meters is still going to kill you more than going into cover at 10 meters... what the 0.9 accuracy multiplier means is that in cover a shot is only 90% accurate as opposed to 100% accurate outside of cover... likewise a standard grenadier shot or a penal shot gets a 0.5 accuracy multiplier in cover... which means a penal round or a gren round is only 50% effective in cover...

First of all the sniper rifle has worse accuracy at close range (1,15 far; 0,92 mid; 0,575 near) so it will be less effective at closer ranges. Second what Tobis obviously meant was that Penals below 10 range will slaughter JLI because they get much more DPS at that range and the sniper won't help them.
27 Dec 2018, 19:38 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

  • Manpower cost to 280 MP, G43 upgrade to 60 munitions.
  • Moved to CP0, buildable from OKW's headquarters building.
  • G43 upgrade gated behind the first set-up truck, like Volks STGs.
27 Dec 2018, 19:47 PM
avatar of mortiferum

Posts: 571

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 19:38 PMLago
  • Manpower cost to 280 MP, G43 upgrade to 60 munitions.
  • Moved to CP0, buildable from OKW's headquarters building.
  • G43 upgrade gated behind the first set-up truck, like Volks STGs.

Sounds much more reasonable than the whining of Gbem.

I would say still leave it in CP1 or 2 as a an infiltration call in, since it is OKW's only infilt call in.

Sov have partisans, UK got infilt cdos, ost got stormtroopers, OKW have JLI, the only one that doesnt have it is USF but makes up for it with good infantry (Rifles, Rangers, Paras).
27 Dec 2018, 19:57 PM
avatar of LeOverlord

Posts: 310

Just reduce their price so that OKW mains can finally get a smile on their face and people continue shifting from Allies to Axis.
27 Dec 2018, 20:34 PM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

Second what Tobis obviously meant was that Penals below 10 range will slaughter JLI because they get much more DPS at that range and the sniper won't help them.

More I meant that being in cover benefits JLI more than penals because of the g43 accuracy. Cover doesn't work at less than 10 meters, advancing from 10 meters to 9 would instantly quadruple the penals damage while not helping the jaegers as much.
27 Dec 2018, 21:12 PM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

So, do we now have any ideas to balance them? You guys are turning in circle.

We have:
- they are too cheap
- they are too spam-able
- they become too strong with G43-upgrade.

They become cheaper and lower CP to send them in earlyer, that is good... But I still think it would be better to remove Jägers and make Obersoldate arrive earlyer, or make a Jäger-upgrade for them.


- Making them 300mp again and an unit-limitation.


- remove them, replace them with an Jäger-upgrade for Obersoldaten (like STGs).

Making them 280-300 mp and the sniper a 60 muni upgrade should make it so they arent spammable. You should use them as support units and have 1-2, not make your entire infantry composition around them and not get punished for it.
27 Dec 2018, 21:28 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:22 PMTobis

The .9 cover accuracy on the g43 makes them beat penals in cover regardless of range, though it's somewhat close at range 10. You can literally move the penals up one meter to range 9 and annihilate the jaegers because they aren't in cover, but he wants to ignore that. That's reasonable performance for a 280mp squad with 45 muni upgrade.

I see a lot of, "why can't my penal spam beat combined arms?" in this thread. Try out new unit combos in the new meta. JLI are literally designed to counter penals and guards. Flamer CE, conscripts with molotovs, and shocks are all good versus JLI.

JLI are obviously going to be nerfed in the next patch, they aren't a 250 mp squad. Comparing them to pathfinders doesn't work because pathfinders are pretty shit, only good because they come at cp0 now. Would like to see them buffed too.

The problem is how well they work with volks. Also you can't really be serious telling people to go conscripts vs OKW to counter JLI.
27 Dec 2018, 21:50 PM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 21:28 PMEsxile

The problem is how well they work with volks. Also you can't really be serious telling people to go conscripts vs OKW to counter JLI.

Not only conscript, but getting 1-2 for support helps a lot. One penal + one conscript will be better off attacking 1 volks + one JLI if you have mollies teched than 2 penals.
27 Dec 2018, 22:06 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 21:50 PMTobis

Not only conscript, but getting 1-2 for support helps a lot. One penal + one conscript will be better off attacking 1 volks + one JLI if you have mollies teched than 2 penals.

Till when? early game that can work, but when cons become obsolete you're not going to do anything more.
27 Dec 2018, 22:50 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 21:50 PMTobis

Not only conscript, but getting 1-2 for support helps a lot. One penal + one conscript will be better off attacking 1 volks + one JLI if you have mollies teched than 2 penals.

Do Molotovs actually make up for conscripts’ garbage dps and RA though?
28 Dec 2018, 00:05 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:51 PMgbem

340 + 2CP isnt ridiculous for the performance of JLI... although i do admit 6 CP was outrageous but i was looking for even timing with obers... noted that shocks and guards came at 2CP aswell and therefore costed accordingly

340 mp is warranted when compared to penals and paths which they both cream

the characteristics of the rifle is different yes... but DPM and ACC is close for both rifles... the major differences between the two remain
1. 0.9 acc vs cover

2. 70% health crit
and therefore i suspected one of those to be the source of the issue

The K98 and the m3 carbine and the scope rifles are using different profiles. Check the weapons here:

I you are only suspecting pls stop spamming until you have tested.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 18:51 PMgbem

yes they are firing at difficult targets... but one can clearly destroy a penal squad at any range except cqc while the other struggles vs STGvolks at medium-close range...

try it out... make the crit 40% and test it out with friends or something in a custom game... thats the only real way to settle this debate realistically anyways

I don't have the time to test these changes adequately. I can probably provide you with MOD but you would have to do all the testing with your friends.
28 Dec 2018, 00:11 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Since these units have become easily available I guess one could try making the critical kill a timed ability or a toggle with some down side like reduced speed, so that it actually requires player input.
28 Dec 2018, 01:27 AM
avatar of Jae For Jett
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1002 | Subs: 2

Im fairly sure the obvious path has already been laid out. Spamming a bunch of absurd scenarios and comparisons to justify absurd changes probably wont do much. A reasonable suggestion in this thread has already been contributed, and most users seem to agree with it. Obviously no guarantees, but im personally really sure this change will quickly pass through as the chosen fix.
28 Dec 2018, 01:31 AM
avatar of mortiferum

Posts: 571

Im fairly sure the obvious path has already been laid out. Spamming a bunch of absurd scenarios and comparisons to justify absurd changes probably wont do much. A reasonable suggestion in this thread has already been contributed, and most users seem to agree with it. Obviously no guarantees, but im personally really sure this change will quickly pass through as the chosen fix.

Can you restate what fix it might be? I must have missed the memo.
28 Dec 2018, 01:44 AM
avatar of addvaluejack

Posts: 261

Can you restate what fix it might be? I must have missed the memo.

I believe most people agree that change JLI's price to 280~300 MP and increase G43's upgrade cost to 60 MU. There is no need to change its CP requirements or combat stats.
28 Dec 2018, 01:54 AM
avatar of mortiferum

Posts: 571

I believe most people agree that change JLI's price to 280~300 MP and increase G43's upgrade cost to 60 MU. There is no need to change its CP requirements or combat stats.

Awesome, thanks.
28 Dec 2018, 03:29 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 07:48 AMgbem

when your "combined arms" beats the "combined arms" of quite literally all other axis and allied combinations you know its OP

penals + sniper + guards? nah JLI + volks + rak is still better... grens + pak 40 + sniper? even JLI can beat that alone... rifles + mortar + atgun/RE zooks? JLI will crush that outright... oooh what about IS + sniper + at gun + sappers? nah JLI cream that aswell...

Wrong, the winner becomes those with better tactics in this situation.
28 Dec 2018, 03:38 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 19:38 PMLago
  • Manpower cost to 280 MP, G43 upgrade to 60 munitions.
  • Moved to CP0, buildable from OKW's headquarters building.
  • G43 upgrade gated behind the first set-up truck, like Volks STGs.

Awesome fix, I like this
28 Dec 2018, 04:20 AM
avatar of NaOCl

Posts: 378

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Dec 2018, 14:43 PMgbem

false and false... it seems you have a problem with your reading comprehension... ive already laid the test data on penals vs jagers at range 10 and 20... read my posts before you open your mouth

Wrong. Jaegers lose to penals at all ranges below 10, learn to deal with a new strategy, ie instead of spamming penals, try combined arms, although I doubt your micro can handle it. You're on the forums, bitching because you're incapable of adapting.

If you accuse me of ad hominem, you're wrong, you don't even know what ad hominem is. I have not insulted you with the purpose of detracting from your point, "Your brain is mush" is simply an observation, one that I assure you, many would agree with. Also, you're a hypocrite, you've insulted multiple people in this thread (except you did have the intention of discrediting their posts), but can't deal with being insulted yourself, what kind of man does that make you?

All I can say is, all you consistently do is move the goalposts and ignore points that you cant refute. Ie, if EVERYONE in this thread tells you JLI are not OP, because you can win in close range, even with cons, OR use light vehicles. You then say that volks are the problem, preventing you from closing the gap. This is moving the goalposts, as JLI arent the problem. You also say you cant use light vehicles because of rakaten. It seems like you just want penals to beat everything and you cant deal with trying to counter JLI. All I gather from your posts, is you probably blob penals and QQ because it doesn't work against 2 OKW doctrines now. Get a grip fool.

I don't really have the time or energy to consistently provide you with evidence of your improper usage of logical fallacies, as the school system has clearly failed in your case. So, please stop dragging this discussion off point.
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