Those vaguely similar profile images and vaguely similar names are really throwing me off... Sorry about the misunderstanding.
Where are you getting those numbers from? The accuracy values - and therefore calculations - Vipper posted are consistent with the ones listed on Cruzz's spreadsheet.
Recalculated them myself.
They are still correct values, just presented in different way.
Comparison math is relative and depending on how you want to compare 2 values, you get different results.
3 is 150% of 2. But 3 is only 50% increase to 2(values change a bit when you do not have such simple numbers, but relations remain the same). Both are correct, I used the 2nd one, because I know how people who aren't good at math can wrongly interpret the first once, believing the high % values mean more increase then they actually do(I've worked with statistical % data and stupid people a lot).
Besides that, I still don't think you quite understand what Vipper's point in posting those specific stats was. For the point he was trying to prove, only the relative increases at each range matter, and if he tried to calculate those numbers any other way, it would simply be bad math.
An edit: for complaints about bias concerning those specific numbers, I found it interesting that Vipper rounded down every single value in a way that made the buffs appear less substantial than they actually are.
I know that, but he did choose to use bloated value(if its written like that in any documentation, Cruzzes or else it might be the reason why), but you can't talk exclusively about one value increase if another value also was modified specifically to keep first one in check.
Relative DPS increase happened in higher value at long range, that's true, but the actual DPS increase is much lower then accuracy alone would suggest and he never even hinted at that, that's what I meant in terms of bias. He isn't wrong, but by failing to provide damage decrease information and resulting dps(which isn't 166% of old value), he isn't exactly right either. Accounting overkill damage dps decrease is simply for being very detailed or picky, however you want to see it.