
russian armor

[OKW] Teching Rework

18 Nov 2018, 14:23 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2018, 14:14 PMVipper

(yes that was my point, thanks pointing out I edited original post)

What I am pointing out is that every faction redesign affects the rest of the factions and half balance work goes down the drain. That is simply no productive. If USF get a tech rework it would be far better if all faction get a tech rework. (They should also get rid of the "free" officer system).

Agreed but like I said again I don't believe they'll make yet another rework of the OKW, altho the UKF is in need of one as well because just the snare in the commander revamp is not enough in my opinion.

But I think it's also better to have all of these reworks in one single mod/patch so we can be done with it as you said.
18 Nov 2018, 14:49 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

I don't think OKW will receive any major reworks. Small changes that fix some problems are viable. T4 being split up for earlier Obers with an upgrade for the Flak, tanks and Ober LMG is an easy change that gives OKW a better mid game that doesn't solely rely on light vehicles.

I don't think OKW really needs any other drastic changes, except for Rakettens having their projectile collision fixed so they can actually hit vehicles rather than the ground or any object in between.
18 Nov 2018, 15:57 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I don't think OKW will receive any major reworks. Small changes that fix some problems are viable. T4 being split up for earlier Obers with an upgrade for the Flak, tanks and Ober LMG is an easy change that gives OKW a better mid game that doesn't solely rely on light vehicles.

I don't think OKW really needs any other drastic changes, except for Rakettens having their projectile collision fixed so they can actually hit vehicles rather than the ground or any object in between.

I don't think they can as easily fix the raketen rocket's collision, if so don't you think they would have done so by now, it's been reported for years now and nothing has been done for it. I mean yeah you could give the Sturmtiger as an example of something that's been there for years and hasn't been fixed but still, it's a doctrinal unit, the raketen is the OKW's primary AT.

And the reason for it is because it's not a ballistic weapon, like a rifle for example, but an explosive such. At least that's what I think, but I could be wrong, I haven't opened the mod tools in a very long time now.
18 Nov 2018, 16:01 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

And the reason for it is because it's not a ballistic weapon, like a rifle for example, but an explosive such. At least that's what I think, but I could be wrong, I haven't opened the mod tools in a very long time now.

Just to clarify, RW is a ballistic weapon as most AT weapons that have collision. Rifles are small arm and Artillery are explosives.

The ground collision probably has to do with the height from which the weapon fires.
18 Nov 2018, 16:02 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2018, 16:01 PMVipper

Just to clarify, RW is a ballistic weapon as most AT weapons. Rifles are small arm and Artillery are explosives.

Yeah but they're still different types of weapons which is what matters.

Still tho thanks for clarifying, like I said I haven't opened up the tools in a long ass time.
18 Nov 2018, 20:00 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

When USF gets suggested for rework, nobody panics, because it's all according to plan.

When OKW gets suggested for rework, EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS!
18 Nov 2018, 20:06 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

When USF gets suggested for rework, nobody panics, because it's all according to plan.

When OKW gets suggested for rework, EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS!

I wonder if its because OKW already had 2 reworks, teching and veterancy.
18 Nov 2018, 20:14 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2018, 20:06 PMKatitof

I wonder if its because OKW already had 2 reworks, teching and veterancy.

Now we're at 2 reworks? Veterancy "rework" was just straight nerfs across the board because that's how OKW vet 5 was designed. Calling that a "rework" to fit your vision of allies rofl stomping axis in all gamemodes is a stretch.

People complain in multiple threads about volks over compensating in the faction, yet when a rework idea comes along you all immediatly laugh and dismiss it. If a faction has already had a rework, yet still remains incredibly stale and doesn't function at the capacity of other factions then there is clearly a problem.

The people dismissing it are also the people who don't play the game and/or only play allies. Weird...
18 Nov 2018, 20:15 PM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

I think usf rework is osom because usf really need it but this open pandora's box. For people like jagd wolfe butthurt is too much. Usf should be always worse than okw so my idea is to make obers t0 and to add medic bunkers for sturmpioners

Your are talking like a proper butthurt. But who am i to judge?
18 Nov 2018, 20:38 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2018, 20:06 PMKatitof
I wonder if its because OKW already had 2 reworks, teching and veterancy.

Even so, that's no reason to just abandon it now. If there are problems, and reworking tech again can solve those, it should be done no matter how many there already were in the past. Though I personally don't think the OKW needs many changes except for Obers to come earlier.
18 Nov 2018, 21:00 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

jump backJump back to quoted post18 Nov 2018, 20:06 PMKatitof

I wonder if its because OKW already had reworks veterancy.

That's how you call nerfs ?

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