The tournament will take place this Saturday at 4 pm UTC+0, we will do the round of 16 and the Quarter Finals, and on Sunday we will do the semi finals and Finals, unless the matches end quicker than expected then we might just do all the games on the 5th

The Tournament will be casted Live at
Game Setting
Maps: The maps that will be played are Langres and for the decider it is Angoville.
Round Format: This will be a single elimination, best out of 3 games on the same map for the first two games you play one as allies, one as axis
Server setup: 1v1, 500VP, Fixed Starting Positions (leave "Reversed Positions" unticked), Standard Resources.
1-1 tie: In the games, if there is a tie after 2 games are played, the VP leader gets to chose his/her faction for the 3rd (and last) game. Remember to write down the VP standing after each game!
The rules are as follows
Factions: The allowed factions will be VCoH factions, Americans and the Wehrmacht, the ToV units will be allowed.
Replays: After you have had your match, both players must decide between each other who will upload the replays, follow this link for instruction
To apply for this tournament please leave a reply with the following information
Your Steam Username.
Your CoH Level
After applying Rolades or I will send you an invite for the Steam group.
On the day of the Tournament everyone must join the steam group chat, at 4pm UTC+0, if you are a bit late we will understand but after 15 minutes you will be disqualified.
The Prizes will be announced before the tournament begins.
These are the current Brackets we have, although they can still be changed.
If you have any questions feel free to msg EXPERTSRolades or Oktarnash on Steam.