I'm still getting a handle of the finer details of infantry combat. I'm interested in the melee combat. It's a good inclusion but I can't speak to how well it's implemented.
The combat feels a little bit more transparent than company of heroes. CoH always felt like you were relying heavily on instinct. VS Iron Harvest, the numbers behind the action are more visible, although not as much as a game like Starcraft.
Vehicle critical damage is a bad exclude. If you're going to take the whole company of heroes salad with you, then you gotta take the dressing too. Weapon drops are also sorely missed.
There are some excellent visual elements, certainly rivaling coh2 in parts. Vehicle and building destruction may surpass coh2.
Oh, and final thought at the moment... THE UI IS BETTER! Yes, better. There are surely improvements to be made but I think it's starting in a good place. It's okay if you disagree with me.