
russian armor

Feedback for Commander Revamppatch

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19 Oct 2018, 16:18 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

I would certainly like that. Performance brought down to Elefant levels (but mobility up a bit). Price can be a bit higher due to access to abilities and higher armor. Abilities could be looked at, because they don't work properly. And remove the engine upgrade, as it already costs an insane 720MP and 280FU.

If someone from the team could let us know if giving a Jagdtiger to Overwatch would be considered an option, we could start to gather feedback/suggestions for a minor overhaul for the unit. I'm glad to see the community seems to like the idea.

Can only support you on this. What we need in the current state of the patch is direction.
We can give us much feedback as we want if the mod team doesnt like the ideas its useless.

I think it would be a smart move of the mod team to manage this like in the past weeks when discussions went in circles. Andy gave us some options to discuss the 223 and explained that Panzerfüssies would not come to Elite Armor. So the direction was clear.

Btw, Sander, it would be cool if you could post again your summary of "overwatch" / "Elite Armor" and update it with Starks idea of giving JAegers 2&Schreck upgrade. 223 should provide extra ressources for teammebers too.

After that we should ask the mod team what they think about the ideas.

19 Oct 2018, 16:57 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

I usually try to let discussions go ahead for a bit before drawing the conclusions that I include in the summary, and not overwelm the team with too many big posts. I'll wait for next week's patch and adjust my summary accordingly. If those suggestions are still relevant by then, I will include them.
19 Oct 2018, 17:11 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

I usually try to let discussions go ahead for a bit before drawing the conclusions that I include in the summary, and not overwelm the team with too many big posts. I'll wait for next week's patch and adjust my summary accordingly. If those suggestions are still relevant by then, I will include them.

Sounds reasonable.
19 Oct 2018, 17:24 PM
avatar of Switzerland
Donator 33

Posts: 545

Miragefla did storms spawning with abilities on cool down make it in yet?
19 Oct 2018, 17:57 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

There are only two serial variants for KV-8:
1. KV-8 based on KV-1, which we have in the game
2. KV-8S based on KV-1S(this one pictured on your image). It means new hull, turret and new flamethrower as well (ATO-42 instead of ATO-41).
IMO 45-mm gun should remain as functional. Tank has it, and there is no reason to switch it off. I still fail to understand, why it can't shoot with all weapons together. This gun is not OP for sure, and it won't make KV-8 into second Crocodile.

Said on wikipedia that there was an "M" version equipped with 2 flamethrowers, I know it's not the best source to cite but I'm a bit lazy to go into further search on it. I only mentioned it because it was being discussed and it peaked my interest.
20 Oct 2018, 08:15 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Sorry for the double post but I also wanted to say that perhaps the B4 203mm Howitzer is a better fit for the Urban Defense doctrine.

Maybe it could replace the KV-2 or something?

It's also in need of a fix in my opinion, the animations on it are still sort of glitchy but I'm not sure if it's the gun itself or the actions.
20 Oct 2018, 17:27 PM
avatar of G3jzer

Posts: 4

Maybe switch Lefh artillery in Overwatch to ammo salvage from scavenge doctrine?
20 Oct 2018, 17:41 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Oct 2018, 17:27 PMG3jzer
Maybe switch Lefh artillery in Overwatch to ammo salvage from scavenge doctrine?

The through salvage ability is questionable since it requires longer time and units attempting to salvage stay exposed longer.
20 Oct 2018, 17:51 PM
avatar of G3jzer

Posts: 4

Yeah, but you get 15 ammo for each thing salvaged that you can then spend on spamming goliaths and booby traping the shit out of the map which is the point of this commander.
20 Oct 2018, 20:29 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Wait I got it, the perfect replacement for the LefH in the Overwatch doctrine.

The Granatwerfer 42 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granatwerfer_42)

The Soviet HM-38 model could be used just reskinned and renamed since it was basically identical.

I mean it's basically the same as the M42 and Pak 36, nobody can really tell the difference unless it's really up close.
20 Oct 2018, 21:16 PM
avatar of flyingpancake

Posts: 186 | Subs: 1

I have been playing the patch with some equally skilled friends so I thought I now give my thought and opinions on some of the changes in no particular order.

USA Assault Engineers: I like that they are now a more survivable and powerful unit in combat but I think they come too early. When micro'd and spammed well they run okw infantry off the map. My suggestion is to let them become available on 1 or 2cp. Or after lieutenant or captain are build.

UKF Royal Engineers:The snare is a welcome change to the UKF. It turns the RE with double piats into the best AT infantry in the game. The 1-2 punch of piat volley HEAT nade piat volley will wreck a panzer 4 with ease because it can't outrun the shells anymore. The only other regular infantry that can do this sort of thing is vet 1 rifle zooks but RE are better at it.

UFK valentine: Great change, gives a good alternative to the armoured car that can hold its own against medium armor. Because of this we might see more bofors.

SOV Commissar Squad: The buff abilities seems a bit micro intensive compared to the other officer units. Perhaps a area of effect buff for nearby units is a good idea.

SOV: Shock Troopers: Good changes, as ppsh conscript connoisseur the shocks seems like a bad deal. They cost more manpower for slightly more fire power and survivability while being way less versatile and they gave enemies instant retreat syndrome so they would end up doing less damage then ppsh conscripts.

OKW overwatch doctrine: I would like to see panzer fusiliers instead of Jaeger light infantry. They would fit the defensive reconnaissance theme better then Jaeger light infantry in my opinion. And last but not least there is only one commander with Panzer Fusiliers and would like to see/use them more often.

OST Defensive Doctrine:The trench and concrete bunker building ability seem a bit double to me especially since they can also build normal ost bunkers. Since the concrete bunker is more instresting then the trench id say replace trench with something that neither osttruppen commanders have. My idea would be scopes.

OST Infantry Doctrine: Stormtroopers seem like a bad match for this commander. I my opinion Assault grenadiers would fit the doctrine concept way better. They would also be good with in combination with the new halftrack. And last but not least there is only one commander with Assault grenadiers and would like to see/use them more often.

OST Storm Troopers: I think this unit is a bit of a mess and lacks focus. I think it should be a smg ambush unit like the commandos. So 4 man squad with mp40's that can be upgraded to captured 4 ppsh (Shock Trooper stats)
20 Oct 2018, 21:18 PM
avatar of Kasarov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 422 | Subs: 2

The Soviet HM-38 model could be used just reskinned and renamed since it was basically identical.

I mean it's basically the same as the M42 and Pak 36, nobody can really tell the difference unless it's really up close.

No new graphical assets, including textures, are to be used in the patch :(

And besides, Soviet 120mm mortars suck anyway
20 Oct 2018, 21:45 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Oct 2018, 21:18 PMKasarov

No new graphical assets, including textures, are to be used in the patch :(

And besides, Soviet 120mm mortars suck anyway

As far as I understand they gave the British FA a reskin for the Soviets to use as their FHQ, can't something similar be done for the HM-38? And even so I mean it's a simple color green, I don't think it's that noticeable if the Soviets can use the same Forward Assembly model.
20 Oct 2018, 22:05 PM
avatar of Kasarov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 422 | Subs: 2

As far as I understand they gave the British FA a reskin for the Soviets to use as their FHQ, can't something similar be done for the HM-38? And even so I mean it's a simple color green, I don't think it's that noticeable if the Soviets can use the same Forward Assembly model.

There is no reskin currently and there won't be one.
20 Oct 2018, 23:34 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Oct 2018, 22:05 PMKasarov

There is no reskin currently and there won't be one.

Yeah so even if they share the same color, doesn't really matter if it's not the same grey-ish color as the GrW 34.
21 Oct 2018, 11:41 AM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

German community-defence would be better with hull-down instead of the 88. Also the StuG E would benefit by range-bonus in stationary position.

Edit: Remove the critical-shot of StuG E, maybe give it a mun-change-ability like Sherman instead. Performes like AT-Shell of SU-76.
21 Oct 2018, 16:09 PM
avatar of Mechanized

Posts: 7

I've been playing with flyingpancake and a couple other friends as he stated and we found a few flaws but overall the patch seems to really bring used to most commanders we'd otherwise not use, here are my thoughts;

USF Mechanised Company: Although not really a strong commander Cavalry riflemen are a welcome unit but could be better a 0cp imo, WC 51 is good but is probably better with a "Command" upgrade instead of a 50cal one, as it holds no use till you buy it other than capturing and cover. to balance that slap a fuel price and a bit more manpower.

USF Armour Company: Assault engineers are preforming good for price but I'm not sure if it should cost 280mp or come out at tier 1, M10 is next to useless because its still locked in battalion Headquarters and you would get it by the time the enemy has a Panther if they are keen to rush it, but besides the point you would not pick it over the Jackson if both are available at the same Tier. And lastly the elite vehicle crew upgrade is a great edition now that it at least increases repair time seeing as most crews go down with their ship.

UKF Tactical Support Regiment: Changes to this doctrine are all a huge welcome, Recovery Sappers actually have a use and don't cost you and arm for a second Sapper you don't want forward headquarters being available from the Assembly is great for maps with no garrisons and isn't just a Dead ability on most maps. Air resupply would be better if the ability was 400mp and no ammo, locked at cp4 other than that the mortar is better than the Vickers and isn't redundant

UKF British Artillery Regiment: Valentine really needed this change and the "Increased sight" ability better matches its new playstyle, it is also not just a crutch against almost everything.

UKF General: Sappers with HEAT Nades are exactly what UKF needed, thank you!

USSR Urban Defense Tactics: Shock troopers are even more scary but, definitely worth it now I think this is relatively balanced. 45mm AT gun is honestly great in its current form, I love it! and its also not over preforming against heavy armour its perfect! Booby trap suits this doctrine well but I recommend upping it from 50 to 55 or 60 munitions. Forward HQ great like the UKF version, would be nice to have its own model though.

USSR NKVD Rifle Disruption Tactics: I didn't play much of this one to be honest but on books seems like a beautiful new commander with a new playstyle to bring to the table.

USSR General: KV-2 is a lot more potent and scary, but not over preforming,

OKW Elite Armoured Doctrine: By far my favourite changes are the OKW ones, the 221/223 is a great addition to OKW's arsenal but I can't help but wonder if it should come out as a 223 instead of a 221 when its not really that useful without the upgrade, simply just up the purchase price. Emergency repair is great cheap on field repairs when you just can't spare a pioneers time and panzer commander is way more of a tempting pick in its current state. Lastly the Sturmtiger is no longer the Oneshotting wunderwaffe of a tank it used to be but its definitely way more versatile and can hold its own way better, I love it like this!

OKW Overwatch Doctrine: Jaegers are definitely fitting for this doctrines play style especially with increased damage versus garrisons and first strike bonus from camouflage, LEFH is abit of a mystery to me but oddly enough I think it fits.

WEHR Defensive Doctrine: Allot of this doctrine I disagree with but I do agree with the Ostruppen it fits, it comes out early and its not broken. Concrete bunkers are almost useless and espensive, I would never pick it over a standard MG Bunker unless I wanted base repairs and I think Hull down would suit this doctrine way better than the Pak43. Stug E seems meh for this doctrine.

WEHR Infantry Doctrine: Veteran leaders upgrade is great and making medkits free is great! Stormtroopers are pretty meh also, I'd rather they spawned with Kar98ks and Upgraded to 2 MP40s and 2 STG44s for 70 munitions or something.

WEHR General: The 250 is amazing and makes it viable it really shapes itself into a role we need!

21 Oct 2018, 18:21 PM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

I really dislike the new Sdkfz 250. I don't get it why you don't removed the MGs of Sdkfz 251 instead and made them an upgrade. The two commanders could simply get something else, like mortar verhicle instead of 250+Gren and smoke instead of 250+Pnzgren.

I would make the Sdkfz. 250 mortar only.

Edit: And for German-Infantry-Commander give M24 shock-grenades instead of Sdkfz. 250.
21 Oct 2018, 19:58 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I really dislike the new Sdkfz 250. I don't get it why you don't removed the MGs of Sdkfz 251 instead and made them an upgrade. The two commanders could simply get something else, like mortar verhicle instead of 250+Gren and smoke instead of 250+Pnzgren.

I would make the Sdkfz. 250 mortar only.

Edit: And for German-Infantry-Commander give M24 shock-grenades instead of Sdkfz. 250.

Something that AEgion did with the 250 is pretty interesting to me.

He was actually able to make it so you could actually garrison a mortar squad in the 250 which can then fire out of instead of being only transported.

This opens up the potential of replacing all 250/7s that come by default with regular 250s which could be used for that, as in as mortars, or upgraded to get the 250/1 Infantry Halftrack armed with an MG42 and being able to reinforce.

So you'd get a versatile unit with an upgrade that would open up a lot of playstyle options for other doctrines as well, besides providing your mortars with some mobile protection as well.

I mean it could be made so the garrisoned mortar within the 250 receives the same abilities as the current 250/7, similar to what Planet Smasher has done with his Artillery Pit mod where the 3-inch mortar team he made gets a White Phosphorus ability when they're garrisoned in the Artillery Pit.
22 Oct 2018, 04:20 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Something that AEgion did with the 250 is pretty interesting to me.

He was actually able to make it so you could actually garrison a mortar squad in the 250 which can then fire out of instead of being only transported.

This opens up the potential of replacing all 250/7s that come by default with regular 250s which could be used for that, as in as mortars, or upgraded to get the 250/1 Infantry Halftrack armed with an MG42 and being able to reinforce.

So you'd get a versatile unit with an upgrade that would open up a lot of playstyle options for other doctrines as well, besides providing your mortars with some mobile protection as well.

I mean it could be made so the garrisoned mortar within the 250 receives the same abilities as the current 250/7, similar to what Planet Smasher has done with his Artillery Pit mod where the 3-inch mortar team he made gets a White Phosphorus ability when they're garrisoned in the Artillery Pit.

The problem with that is that you'd be paying 440 mp for the mortar halftrack that way instead of 200ish or whatever it is now. Not really worth the cost IMO.
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