
russian armor

Feedback for Commander Revamppatch

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24 Sep 2018, 00:32 AM
avatar of Luciano

Posts: 712

Any possibility to introduce the valentine tank in soviet lend-lease commanders?
24 Sep 2018, 05:49 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2018, 00:32 AMLuciano
Any possibility to introduce the valentine tank in soviet lend-lease commanders?

Why? It would serve literally no purpose.
24 Sep 2018, 06:08 AM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

Ever considered/discussed for a different approach, like increasing armor ?

Unless it has 200+ you only have protection from the Panzer IV and Puma, units the M10 already clubs and doesn't need to club harder.

We're still discussing stuff for the M10 which is a difficult unit to get right. Even if the M36 Jackson got nerfed -not here in Commander Revamp- it's still the situation of 'AEF needs a very good AT vehicles stock' so Jacksons will always be that long-term/end game option. And moving M10 to the core, it's still the issue of USF only having 2.5/3 tiers of tech. It earlier comes too early from two officers or slightly too late/better options are around.

We've discussed some issues from ideas/changes though in the background:

-Self-Sight means M10s can easily hunt and snipe most things out of range.
-Cheaper cost means you're getting almost two of these for every armoured vehicle the enemy gets that isn't a StuG G or Ostwind.
-We had an idea about cloak, but given how cloaking works with phase tech, likely a no-go.
24 Sep 2018, 07:11 AM
avatar of Siphon X.
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 1138 | Subs: 2

Unless it has 200+ you only have protection from the Panzer IV and Puma, units the M10 already clubs and doesn't need to club harder.

We're still discussing stuff for the M10 which is a difficult unit to get right. Even if the M36 Jackson got nerfed -not here in Commander Revamp- it's still the situation of 'AEF needs a very good AT vehicles stock' so Jacksons will always be that long-term/end game option. And moving M10 to the core, it's still the issue of USF only having 2.5/3 tiers of tech. It earlier comes too early from two officers or slightly too late/better options are around.

We've discussed some issues from ideas/changes though in the background:

-Self-Sight means M10s can easily hunt and snipe most things out of range.
-Cheaper cost means you're getting almost two of these for every armoured vehicle the enemy gets that isn't a StuG G or Ostwind.
-We had an idea about cloak, but given how cloaking works with phase tech, likely a no-go.

What about making it a pure call-in again, but at the cost of - say - a Jackson? This way it would be quick to get out so it could serve as oh-shit button, but long term it would still be bad to not tech up...
24 Sep 2018, 07:53 AM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Unless it has 200+ you only have protection from the Panzer IV and Puma, units the M10 already clubs and doesn't need to club harder.

We're still discussing stuff for the M10 which is a difficult unit to get right. Even if the M36 Jackson got nerfed -not here in Commander Revamp- it's still the situation of 'AEF needs a very good AT vehicles stock' so Jacksons will always be that long-term/end game option. And moving M10 to the core, it's still the issue of USF only having 2.5/3 tiers of tech. It earlier comes too early from two officers or slightly too late/better options are around.

We've discussed some issues from ideas/changes though in the background:

-Self-Sight means M10s can easily hunt and snipe most things out of range.
-Cheaper cost means you're getting almost two of these for every armoured vehicle the enemy gets that isn't a StuG G or Ostwind.
-We had an idea about cloak, but given how cloaking works with phase tech, likely a no-go.

The changes could go further
*Penetration up to actual hvap 76mm Sherman
*Armor up to 234
*Cost to 110 fuel and soft firerate nerf

Now you get a tankier jackson with 50 range and marginally less pen that is able to tank mediums and require specific hard counters rather than medium to be countered.

The whole flanking TD concept has never succeded in this game (jackson/panther is the proof) so i would rather change 76mm Sherman to take that role.

TD should be able to benefit from their range.
24 Sep 2018, 07:55 AM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392

I think it is time to remove the silk-trench for Germans. I don't get the need for it, unless for UK. ###

Also, please give Ostheer dragon-tooth tank traps. Not Czech-hedgehog. It fits better with concrete bunker.

-bunker + dragontooth for Pios
-sandbags + wire for all units

### UK should get a mortar-squad with range-handycap if not garrisoned. In british silk-trench the squad gets a range boost and reload multibler.

Current mortar-emplacement should become a commander unit, pop-cap and price benefit.
24 Sep 2018, 08:06 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I think it is time to remove the silk-trench for Germans. I don't get the need for it, unless for UK. ###

Also, please give Ostheer dragon-tooth tank traps. Not Czech-hedgehog. It fits better with concrete bunker.

-bunker + dragontooth for Pios
-sandbags + wire for all units

### UK should get a mortar-squad with range-handycap if not garrisoned. In british silk-trench the squad gets a range boost and reload multibler.

Current mortar-emplacement should become a an commander unit, pop-cap and price benefit.

Trenches were used by all sides altho not as much as in World War 1 obviously, I just don't know know why everybody can't build them.

If you're talking about the model specifically I agree, a Trench should just be a wider hole in the ground with maybe a stack of sandbags at the top at most, like the CoH trenches.

As for your second point, the Ostheer is meant to represent the early to mid war (1941-1943) German Army stationed on the Eastern Front so it makes no sense for them to have any sort of concrete structures because they had no time to erect anything like that, there was a planned line, something like the Hinderburg line, but it was never made again, due to the lack of time.

It makes more sense for OKW to have the Dragon teeth, Belgian gates and concrete bunkers.

Also, we only have the Entrenching/Defensive tools to work with as far as defenses are concerned, I don't think the Pak 43 changes will stick due to the problems of the bunker.

And finally, I agree with you about the UKF Mortar pit.

I also noticed that many people want Hull Down back for the Defensive Doctrine, so maybe it can be bundled up with the Pak 43 instead.
24 Sep 2018, 08:32 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

We've been talking on the M10. Some ideas are:

-Cheaper in fuel (Might not happen with self-sight)
-Self-sighting (50 sight)
-Flanking speed to vet 0

We are also likely removing HE shot.

Elite Crews we also think might just be an auto passive so you get those faster repair speeds, increased vet gain, and the tommy guns off the bat.

Is scrapping Elite Crews entirely an option? Then you could stick Mark Target in its place.
24 Sep 2018, 08:38 AM
avatar of Widerstreit

Posts: 1392


On historical point every fraction should be able to build them. But, fraction design is Germans huge handycap. Especially Ostheer has to be mobile, there is no unit which really benefits from trench. Sandbags are simply better, Osttruppen biggest friend.

Ostwall has also concrete emplacements. And if there is a concrete Bunker, also tank traps should be made of concrete.

OKW has some benefits for Püppchen, but as optic the trench without netting would look better.

UK silk-trenches with mortar bonus would be a great solution to make them more interesting.
24 Sep 2018, 09:45 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2018, 08:32 AMLago

Is scrapping Elite Crews entirely an option? Then you could stick Mark Target in its place.

Speaking of Armor, maybe combine the M10 and 105 Sherman and put them in Mechanized, then Reserve Armor and a Pershing can be added to Armor Company?

Even if the 76 Sherman remains broken it can be remedied by the normal Dozer Shermans and Pershing.
24 Sep 2018, 09:49 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Speaking of Armor, maybe combine the M10 and 105 Sherman and put them in Mechanized, then Reserve Armor and a Pershing can be added to Armor Company?

Even if the 76 Sherman remains broken it can be remedied by the normal Dozer Shermans and Pershing.

I don't even want to start going on how 2 different mechanized doctrinal units on 1 slot would be beyond overpowered.
24 Sep 2018, 10:04 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2018, 09:49 AMKatitof

I don't even want to start going on how 2 different mechanized doctrinal units on 1 slot would be beyond overpowered.

Isn't that like, the point of Mechanized now? You have the Mechanized Combat group with the WC51 and M3 HT, which also included the M21 Mortar HT before mind you, and Reserve Armor, which is again basically a 2 in 1 ability.

The only thing that will be different is that the 105 Sherman will be like the M10, in the Battalion HQ with the Major unlocking it and that it will take only one slot.

That or making Combined Arms a passive for the Cav Rifles would also probably work to free up a slot.

But it'd be nice to see the Pershing in Armor Company, which is in my opinion it's proper home.

Heavy Cav just feels all over the place with Riflemen field Defenses, elite infantry like the Rangers and lastly a heavy tank.
24 Sep 2018, 11:05 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Speaking of Armor, maybe combine the M10 and 105 Sherman and put them in Mechanized, then Reserve Armor and a Pershing can be added to Armor Company?

Even if the 76 Sherman remains broken it can be remedied by the normal Dozer Shermans and Pershing.

That'd just make Armor a better version of Heavy Cavalry. The M10 is also somewhat redundant in Mechanized: the Bazooka Bus already fills the anti-medium fast AT role.

That or making Combined Arms a passive for the Cav Rifles would also probably work to free up a slot.

I agree with this. Make them kinda meh on their own but give them an Ostruppen/Infantry Section style cover bonus that triggers when near a vehicle.
24 Sep 2018, 11:41 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2018, 11:05 AMLago

That'd just make Armor a better version of Heavy Cavalry. The M10 is also somewhat redundant in Mechanized: the Bazooka Bus already fills the anti-medium fast AT role.

I agree with this. Make them kinda meh on their own but give them an Ostruppen/Infantry Section style cover bonus that triggers when near a vehicle.

If you're gonna make em an initially handicapped unit like the Osttruppen you might as well at least arm them with some proper weapons like the Thompsons right from the get go.
24 Sep 2018, 11:43 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

If you're gonna make em an initially handicapped unit like the Osttruppen you might as well at least arm them with some proper weapons like the Thompsons right from the get go.

I was thinking they're like Assault Engineers without their aura, but they buff up to Rangers when close to a vehicle. They're priced somewhere in between.
24 Sep 2018, 11:48 AM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

Some thoughts about the current mod version:

Tactical support commander:
Air Resupply Operation should be more expensive. The price is probably okish for 1vs1, but in team games it could be problematic. A soviet player could go his 3 penals +1 guard build and still get (via teammate) a great AT gun and a mortar for a discount price.

German infantry
I really like the new design of the stromtroopers and the SdKfz 250 with MG, although it needs some smaller adjustments (DerbyHat has some good suggestions in his post).
All in all the commander is much better than before but i would like to see "Sprint" gone. Its too weak (at least in this doctrine) to justify a whole commander slot.
  • Replace "Sprint" with "Valiant assault". There is no commander where valiant assault fits better.
  • Replace "incendiary bombs" with "Infiltration Tactics".

    Now you would have a true infantry doctrine:
  • Veteran squad leader
  • SdKfz 250
  • Stormtroopers
  • Infiltration Tactics
  • Valiant assault

24 Sep 2018, 12:31 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2018, 11:43 AMLago

I was thinking they're like Assault Engineers without their aura, but they buff up to Rangers when close to a vehicle. They're priced somewhere in between.

Fair enough. I just love Riflemen with Thompsons, that's all.

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2018, 11:48 AMSmartie
Some thoughts about the current mod version:

Tactical support commander:
Air Resupply Operation should be more expensive. The price is probably okish for 1vs1, but in team games it could be problematic. A soviet player could go his 3 penals +1 guard build and still get (via teammate) a great AT gun and a mortar for a discount price.

German infantry
I really like the new design of the stromtroopers and the SdKfz 250 with MG, although it needs some smaller adjustments (DerbyHat has some good suggestions in his post).
All in all the commander is much better than before but i would like to see "Sprint" gone. Its too weak (at least in this doctrine) to justify a whole commander slot.
  • Replace "Sprint" with "Valiant assault". There is no commander where valiant assault fits better.
  • Replace "incendiary bombs" with "Infiltration Tactics".

    Now you would have a true infantry doctrine:
  • Veteran squad leader
  • SdKfz 250
  • Stormtroopers
  • Infiltration Tactics
  • Valiant assault


My only thought is that the 250 should be able to reinforce when dug in as it's description states. It would also be nice for it to have some sort of sandbags or something on/around it when dug in to have a more visual indicator besides the shield on top of it which is also given by the Command Panzer IV I believe. Think of it like Hull Down, but for light vehicles.
24 Sep 2018, 12:36 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

It would also be nice for it to have some sort of sandbags or something on/around it when dug in to have a more visual indicator besides the shield on top of it which is also given by the Command Panzer IV I believe. Think of it like Hull Down, but for light vehicles.

I like to believe that would obviously be part of the implementation, but that they simply wanted to test the new charactaristics first before potentially wasting time on a dug-in animation that could still be scrapped, or it simply wasn't ready yet. Just like how the 221/223 doesn't have the correct UI picture and 5-star veterancy yet.
24 Sep 2018, 13:46 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

The rng nature of veteran squad leader grenadier dictates engagements. I think that it makes squad leader situational and hardly worth. It may have been a valuable choice when mortars and artillery used to one shot wipe 4 men squad, but right now i can't see any use for it.

Maybe replace g43 with a small rof/accuracy buff to all members kar 98k when the upgrade is done ? That would at least make the dps consistant.
24 Sep 2018, 14:09 PM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Or just make the G43 transferable.
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