Armor Company to me is close to being a good commander but just needs a couple touch ups to make it more useful.
1. The weakest ability in the commander is easily the Thompson Upgrade for Vehicle Crews, instead I would change it to a Passive 0 CP ability called Elite Vehicle Crews that would allow Crews to repair vehicles faster, sort of like a Vehicle Crew Repair ability other factions have. This would allow Armor to be in the field more often.
2. The Bulldozer is also in an weird spot as 11 Command Points is honestly slightly too late as your opponent will often have something to counter it by that time. I would say either reduce the CP's to 9 so it can come out earlier to have more impact or tie it to tech so you can get one quickly if you have good map control.
3. I feel that since the M10 has been tied to tech, it could probably have it's cost reduced back to what it was when it was a 8 CP call-in tank. The crush has been nerfed so it shouldn't be able to deal with infantry but needs to be a cost effective way of dealing with enemy armor without having to go for a Jackson in nearly every situation. 300 manpower 80 fuel 10 popcap would probably be fine for it's current performance.
Tactical Support is another commander in a strange spot.
1. Put the M21 Mortar Halftrack into this commander to help it break up encampments and siege trucks since USF really struggles against OKW Sim City once it gets set up.
2. I would also like to see Rangers placed in this commander at 3 CP's and their popcap reduced to 9 to match many others units. Pretty sure they are the only infantry unit in the game that are more than 9 at the moment. They could also maybe receive a smoke grenade since they don't have body armor like the Shock Troops.
3. Also add the M83 Cluster Bombs from Recon Support in at 6 CP to siege team weapon encampments. Another artillery option would probably help USF significantly in the OKW matchup.
4. (Experimental) What if the Sherman Calliope worked like the KV-8 where it could change to it's main gun to fight off attacks. Obviously the rocket barrage might need nerfs even though I don't think it's great right now. This change is probably silly but I feel like going Calliope puts you so far behind in the armor game you end up really struggling to hold off Axis armor once they outnumber you.
Mechanized Company already got reworked but I feel the commander could use a couple changes.
1. I honestly almost prefer the original WC51 that you didn't have to pump munitions into an upgrade to be able deal damage. I do think it costed far too much fuel for it's performance when it was more comparable to a slightly weaker M3 Scout Car. Maybe just make it 200 manpower and 10 fuel or so, 3 popcap. Would still be good against the Kubel.
2. I also want Withdraw and Refit to come back since it was completely unique to the commander but actually a pretty nice ability allowing you to change your army composition on the fly to match the situation. It would be a great ability to pair with the current Reserve Armor Passive.
3. I also wish the old 155mm Artillery Barrage wasn't tied to the WC51 as it's difficult to afford it late game due to USF manpower bleed. Bring the ability back and make it 180 muni to crack open trucks.
To sum up the Commanders:
Armor Company: 0 CP- Assault Engineers 0 CP- Elite Vehicle Crews 0 CP- M10 Tank Destroyer 9 CP- 105mm Sherman Bulldozer 12 CP- 240 mm Artillery Barrage
Tactical Support: 2 CP- M21 Mortar HT 2-3 CP- Rangers 4 CP- P47 Recon Run 6 CP- M83 Cluster Mines 10 CP- Sherman Calliope
Mechanized Company 0 CP- Raid Tactics 0 CP- WC51 0 CP- Reserve Armor 3 CP- Withdraw and Refit 8 CP- 155 mm Artillery Barrage
I will post how other commanders could be reworked in the future