
russian armor

New Commander concepts.

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31 Dec 2018, 03:09 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

As for german commanders, both of them must have the vCoH Kettenkarnad

I pretty much dont care for the other four abilities (although another close the pocket would be sweet) as long as the Ketten comes back

It could have abilities such as: Stealth, Healing, Repairs, Capping, and planting mines but no direct combat utility

Are there kettenkrad assets in coh2 though?
31 Dec 2018, 08:31 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Are there kettenkrad assets in coh2 though?

Sadly no.

The Ost can get the OKW's kubel tho I suppose in a new commander.
2 Jan 2019, 18:58 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

Anti-aircraft mode for Soviet infantry pls
4 Jan 2019, 17:34 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

OKW Infantry support doc
• 0 CP: Extra training: Sturmpios can lay down tellers, Volks can lay down S-mines
• 3 CP: Infiltration grenades
• 3 CP: Tank Hunter Squad (4-men unit with double schrecks), costs 340 MP
• 4 CP: Supply drop: Mortar 34 and pak40 (same cost as british supply drop)
• 9 CP: Commando PZ IV J, same stats / veterancy like the normal OKW P4
but with additional aura like the small brother from Wehrmacht (cost 160 fuel
instead of 140)
4 Jan 2019, 19:59 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

OKW Infantry support doc
• 0 CP: Extra training: Sturmpios can lay down tellers, Volks can lay down S-mines
• 3 CP: Infiltration grenades
• 3 CP: Tank Hunter Squad (4-men unit with double schrecks), costs 340 MP
• 4 CP: Supply drop: Mortar 38 and pak43 (same cost as british supply drop)
• 9 CP: Commando PZ IV J, same stats / veterancy like the normal OKW P4
but with additional aura like the small brother from Wehrmacht (cost 160 fuel
instead of 140)

It's Panzerjäger squad dammit lol.

Anyhow, everything else sounds good but I have a question, what's a mortar 38 and how to do intend on air dropping a Pak 43 exactly lmao?

I'd understand a Granatwerfer 34 for example and Pak 36 (renamed M42) or something but god damn dude, you're really taking the cake here haha.
4 Jan 2019, 20:05 PM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

Okw getting tellers may break the game more than forti is... okw already gets strong light vehicle play with solid light tanks unlike ost...
4 Jan 2019, 20:20 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

It's Panzerjäger squad dammit lol.

Anyhow, everything else sounds good but I have a question, what's a mortar 38 and how to do intend on air dropping a Pak 43 exactly lmao?

I'd understand a Granatwerfer 34 for example and Pak 36 (renamed M42) or something but god damn dude, you're really taking the cake here haha.

LOL Pak43 you got me on this! my mistake i tought PAK40 and the normal wehrmacht mortar 34:=)
4 Jan 2019, 20:45 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

LOL Pak43 you got me on this! my mistake i tought PAK40 and the normal wehrmacht mortar 34:=)

No worries man haha.
8 Jan 2019, 05:36 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

Ostheer Commander: Ghost Division

Use superior optics to find weaknesses in the enemy line, then smash them with armor. Breakthrough will allow you to secure your gains, and when the enemy counterattacks, use Panzer tactician to fade away and regroup.

Panzer Tactician: 2cp
Spotting Scopes: 5cp
Stug III E: 7cp
Panzer IV Command Tank: 9cp
Breakthrough: 9cp

Soviet Commander: Deep Battle

A commissar leads the charge with waves of infantry. Once weaknesses are found, use T-34/85s to punch through the frontline routing the enemy. Light multipurpose anti tank guns will help hold conquered territory.

T-34/85: 0cp
M-42 45mm AT gun: 2cp
Commissar Command squad: 2cp
Conscript Assault Package: 3cp
For Mother Russia: 6cp
8 Jan 2019, 06:29 AM
avatar of addvaluejack

Posts: 261

OKW Infantry support doc
• 0 CP: Extra training: Sturmpios can lay down tellers, Volks can lay down S-mines
• 3 CP: Infiltration grenades
• 3 CP: Tank Hunter Squad (4-men unit with double schrecks), costs 340 MP
• 4 CP: Supply drop: Mortar 34 and pak40 (same cost as british supply drop)
• 9 CP: Commando PZ IV J, same stats / veterancy like the normal OKW P4
but with additional aura like the small brother from Wehrmacht (cost 160 fuel
instead of 140)

I would like to have Pak 40 as OKW, too. Raketen scales terrible in medium and late game.
10 Jan 2019, 21:38 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

This is a 11 page long thread. LUL. With small talk and discuss as well.

If you want, that your commander gets in the poll to vote, pls read here:


I appreciate the ideas, time and talk from you guys. But i gonna lock down this here.
So there is not gonna be any confusing going on.

29 Jul 2019, 20:42 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

Unlocked as patch is done, and owner of the thread asked for.
Hf B-)
29 Jul 2019, 23:26 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Unlocked as patch is done, and owner of the thread asked for.
Hf B-)


Anyhow, here's some new additions I wanted to make to this discussion born a few new ideas I've seen and some necessities of some good new commander concepts.

First off, God forbid, I want to start off with my Soviet idea.

So I suggested a Defense in Depth commander for them in the new commander suggestions based around the Kursk defensive salient.

Defensive Tools - Combat Engineers can now build Machine gun nests and trench-tank ditches. Gives the Soviets the much requested base MG nests as buildable structures (I'd also like to point out that they do indeed even have animations for it) and Widerstreit's trenches/tank ditches:

He has also made an undig ability for them in version 2.1.

Historically the Eastern Front unlike all other fronts during the war featured extensive trench lines similar to the previous world war and anti-tank ditches on both sides because Soviet Russia's vast, open plains allowed for it. The trenches can be dug in either separate sections, in long lines or made into a variation of shapes and also used as anti-tank ditches to slow down vehicles. For obvious reasons they can be made to not be buildable on roads.

Tank Hull down - Soviet version of the German ability, I believe the same animations could be used. Again, historically the Soviets dug in their tanks in anticipation of the German Armored assault on their positions. They did this because of their low 76mm gun penetration values at ranges exceeding 500m to add some extra suvivability.

Forward HQ - Reinforcing in the field would play an important part in defending a long line.

ML18 Field Artillery piece - Kursk was known for it's masses of all types of forces, be it infantry, tanks or artillery.

I am on the fence on the last ability, I was thinking of maybe about the T34/85 or repair posts but I'm not sure, and they already have artillery in the form of the ML18, or that could be replaced by something else. Either way the meat of this commander was the Hull Down and trenches/tank ditches, for me at least, since those were what set apart Kursk and generally the Eastern Front from all others, it's vastness and scale.

Ostheer - Schwerer Panzer doctrine.

HEAT Rounds - Same as OKW, there are even voice lines for this ability, strangely enough.

Commander upgrade - Again, same as OKW. I'm not aware of voice lines but I know for a fact that there are animations for all of the German tanks for Commanders.

Repair and Recovery 251 Halftrack - From the All Units Mod, a mobile repair station of sorts that also might possibly recover wrecked vehicles as well.

Breakthrough - From the Encriclement doctrine, allows tanks to go a bit faster and capture points for a set amount of time.

King Tiger Ace - Kurt Knispel was a known Tiger and King Tiger Ace and the most confirmed tank kills out of all nations and tank aces have been contributed to him. People still want a KT for Ostheer and I think this would be a good opportunity for it.

The doctrine is largely a mish-mash of new and old ideas but in general, it's just very tank centered in an attempt to make it sort of like the OKW Elite Armor doctrine, for those that want to get more out of their big cats.

USF Armored Spearhead Company - Based on the 3rd Armored Division "Spearhead" which was one of the most famous and well quipped US Tank divisions during the war. Lafayette "War Daddy" Pool was also part of the division, same person that Wardaddy from Fury was sort of based on and one of the most decorated "Tank aces" of the US at the time.

M4A3E8 Sherman - The only good thing about Rifle Company right now, I think it deserves to be in a proper commander this time around.

Combined Arms - Same as with Mech Company and Heavy Cav.

Armored Riflemen Mechanized Group - Calls in M1919A6 LMG equipped Riflemen squad inside an M3 Halftrack.

M8 Greyhound - Early game armored recon unit, I see no reason why RC should hog it to itself.

M26 Pershing Heavy Tank - Seeing as this tank's potential is seemingly wasted in Heavy Cav Co. I think it also deserves to be put in a proper Tank focused commander.

Originally my idea was to just include the M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo here but seeing as a missing 1 pixel of extra armor slab in the model and a hole that's barely noticeable in the barrel bars this the E8 and Pershing combo should suffice. Bare in mind covered that while Cav Rifles are CQC infantry with AT satchel charges, Armored Rifles are long ranged pure anti-infantry units, similar to the Obers. So vehicles will absolutely shred them if they are alone as they would be meant to support tanks and not go solo in the fight.

I really have nothing else for the UKF and OKW really. OKW just needs better AT which they can get in a simple Tank Hunter doctrine like the many suggested before. Apart from that I have a few other ideas like Osttruppen for them, perhaps a Command King Tiger from the AA campaign.

Welp, that's about it. I'm tired from work so this post was not up to standard with the rest so I might edit it up at some point in a later date.
30 Jul 2019, 12:52 PM
avatar of Aarotron

Posts: 563

I love spearhead commander idea. I would personally make proper luftwaffe ground forces doctrine.

Ocp would be luftwaffe jägers, which use ostheer gun crew model. They would be 5 man squad with middleground stats between grens and osttruppen. They could get captured 2 dp or 2 fg 42 as weapon upgrade. As abilities they could get at rifle grenade, m 24 stick grenade or possibly rudimentary repairs ability.

2cp your pioneers could install flak emplacements and maybe trenches or flak halftrack
2cp paradroppable rakettenwerfer
6cp rally defenses, which would buff accuracy and recived accuracy in cover for 60 munitions. Price needs yo be adjusted depending how powerful ability is.
12-13 cp either heinkel 111 bombing run or anti tank loitter

30 Jul 2019, 13:31 PM
avatar of Unit G17

Posts: 498

Ostheer Backup armaments doctrine:

  • 0CP 250 Half Track
  • 0CP Beutepanzer T34 747(r): T34/76, available in HQ at BP3. Ram and capture mode removed, Vet 1 Blitzkrieg added.
  • 2CP Panzerbüchse 39 packages: allows pioneers, grenadiers and snipers to be upgraded with Panzerbüchse 39s.
    -Pioneers and Grenadiers: 50 munitions, grants 2 Panzerbüchse 39s.
    -Sniper: 30 munitions, Vet 1 Incendiary round removed, replaced with Vet 1 Critical shot.
  • 3CP Ostruppen Reserves [rework]: 500 munitions, dispatches one squad with lmg and one squad with AT rifles.
  • 7 CP Stug E

This doctrine focuses on using outdated or stolen equipment for filling gaps in the Ostheer unit progression. Germans were well known for reusing stolen T34s and even producing them in captured factories. The sniper with the Panzerbüchse 39 upgrade would become similar to UKF snipers. Their ROF wouldn't change, thus it wouldn't hinder their AI usage. Their damage output to vehicles would be lower than the Boys AT rifle, so overall they would have identical DPS to UKF snipers. The Ostruppen Reserves, currently only available in the Mobile Defenses doctrine, is probably the only command ability left in the game which deploys units with varying equipment. This would be changed, always dispatching one squad with an Mg42 (or rather Mg34, again to emphasis the use of outdated weapons) and one squad with 2 Panzerbüchse AT rifles. This change would make this ability overall better at quickly replacing losses or boosting your army.
30 Jul 2019, 16:43 PM
avatar of KiwiBirb

Posts: 789

jump backJump back to quoted post4 Jul 2018, 20:35 PMnigo
Ost suggestion:


Jagdpanzer 38(t) doesn’t have recoil animations so they won’t use it

Although I wish they would.
2 Aug 2019, 07:49 AM
avatar of KiwiBirb

Posts: 789

Joint Operations Company

Combine powerful frontline pushes using Assault engineers and 76mm dozer Shermans with air support from paratroopers and fighter bombers to crush the enemy frontline.

0cp: Assault engineers

0cp: Assault armour
76mm bulldozer Shermans can be orderd from the battalion command post.
480mp 185fuel. Can 1v1 a Panther. Restricted to APCR shells (no aoe on main gun).

3cp: Airbourne Support drop
Drops a squad of support paratroopers and medical supplies

3cp: recon overflight

8cp: Air command half track
Calls in a m5 half track with a Major and pathfinder model permanently garrisoned inside
360mp 85fuel. Can call in a free bombing run. Similar effect & cooldown to a Panzerwerfer barrage

Everything a USF player could ever want. Flamethrowers, Real mines, A brawler tank, and “Rocket artillery”
2 Aug 2019, 18:36 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

Happy that this thread is open again:thumbsup:, "Strategic reserve" was born here.
Some general ideas:
USF had by far the most powerful airforce in the war but right now it has less powerful airstrikes than OKW (who basically had to fight without air support).
Would love some USF commander ideas that included airstrikes like "US invasion forces" (original idea of Sander) with "Strategic bombing".
I think a P-47 bombing run would also be appealing (could ne used for Tactical Support).

Wehrmacht has Gebirgsjäger in the gamefiles, maybe we manage to design a proper "mountain warfare" doctrine. Wehrmacht Falls could be used in a "Luftwaffe Supply doctrine" rework or in a new doctrine.
2 Aug 2019, 21:47 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Happy that this thread is open again:thumbsup:, "Strategic reserve" was born here.
Some general ideas:
USF had by far the most powerful airforce in the war but right now it has less powerful airstrikes than OKW (who basically had to fight without air support).
Would love some USF commander ideas that included airstrikes like "US invasion forces" (original idea of Sander) with "Strategic bombing".
I think a P-47 bombing run would also be appealing (could ne used for Tactical Support).

Wehrmacht has Gebirgsjäger in the gamefiles, maybe we manage to design a proper "mountain warfare" doctrine. Wehrmacht Falls could be used in a "Luftwaffe Supply doctrine" rework or in a new doctrine.

Danke Kamerad.

Indeed I find the USF lacking in air superiority as well as heavy armor capable of actually taking a punch, some of which like the M4A3A2 Sherman "Jumbo" and M36B1 "Slugger" were actually present at the Battle of the Bulge, around the time which both the USF and OKW are based off of.

And yeah I think I saw a German mountain troops squad in the files as well, maybe something for the Ostheer? Would give them a nice chance to get the LeIG18 since it was a mountain gun basically as well.

Here's my idea from the Ost commander submissions but in visual form, I decided to swap out the Blau Division for Hungarian Grenadiers but everything else is pretty much the same, based on the Hungarians from Steel Division 2:

Just a simple disclaimer here, this is not an attempt at fooling anybody that the commander is real, I've intentionally went ahead with my own style and touches to be different from Relic's while still basing it on theirs.

Some historical background for the idea -

Hungary was probably the most important Axis Ally to German on the Eastern Front, also using their own armored and elite troop forces.

The GrW 12 could be swapped out for the LeIG18 and the supply zone for something else but overall this was the idea in my head.

The reason for the King Tiger is because I think most would like to see Ostheer finally get a KT in a proper themed commander as well as Hungary being the only other known user of Tiger tanks, first 10 being supplied to them by from what I read, schwererpanzerabteilung 503. and then 3 were gifted to one of their prime ministers of princes or whatever, I can't spell his name right now. I have read this in several places but I'm too lazy to try and get my sources so whoever doesn't believe me/is interested can go look it up, just google for "Hungarian Tiger" or something, should pop up. I believe the last 3 Tigers were actually King Tigers for some reason because they were "gifted" sometime in 1944, when the production of Tigers ceased and King Tigers started, the Eastern Front mod devs have also included a King Tiger in their Hungarian tree.

Credits to Kasarov for the Hungarian Grenadiers unit picture, rest is entirely taken from Relic's assets from various places on the internet.

Edit: Forgot to mention for whoever isn't aware of my "Hungarian Grenadier" infantry unit idea, I basically used the AT gun/Artillery gun crew models and gave them K98k rifles to form a new squad, they basically look like Ostruppen but with helmets, no backpacks and red chevrons. I've envisioned them as a 5 man squad, something like the new Panzerfusiliers. Using Osttruppen voices without the "Osttruppen ready" lines of course.
3 Aug 2019, 08:34 AM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

Hungary was probably the most important Axis Ally to German on the Eastern Front, also using their own armored and elite troop forces.

Hungarian divisions may have had better equipment but in terms of sheer numbers the Romanians were much more important, they had way more divisions in the east.

Besides that i like some of the ideas you presented and would like to see them in a rework of Festung Support Commander:

• Forward Headquarter
• 120 mm Grw42
would fit perfectly to the theme.

I also agree that the LeIG18 would be an ideal addition to a "mountain warfare" doctrine. I thought hard about making this theme my official wehrmacht submission but was not satisfied with the results. I would love to work out something together with you and appreciate every feedback, especially how Gebirgsjäger (unit in wehr gamefiles) could work. The unit should not be a copy of JLI imo.

Finally heres my own interpretation of your USF Spearhead Company idea:
  • Raid tactics (0CP)
  • Cav Rifles (1CP)
  • Recon plane (4 CP)
  • P47 bombing run (12 CP)
  • M26 Pershing Heavy Tank (9 CP, tied to major tech)

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