It shows up and a squad dies almost every single time. Literally the only way to not lose squads is to retreat the second it comes in the same quadrant of the map, so to retreat the necessary amount of units you lose complete map control. The main problem is it doesn't take any skill to use whatsoever. Just give it a move order and it plays the game for you, a player with pretty piss poor micro can get one and wipe several squads with little to no effort. It should be good at killing infantry, but for a game that has such a big emphasis on unit preservation it shouldn't 1-2 burst squads almost every time. For those of you saying "well its expensive" that is no excuse for unit to do such a thing. Panthers are expensive, Pershing was expensive, and Tigers/KT were expensive but very very rarely did they 1 shot units. It definitely needs a nerf to flamethrower, and maybe a little bit of a penetration buff to the main gun in return.
Its a high risk, high gain type of unit. If you pull one out and don't achieve desired result, you are in deep trouble. You did 2 things, forced German player to tech to heavier armor and at the same time used up good chunk of resources...
Something like Brit eng commander with flame churchill and bomb one (whatever they were called, already forgot