Here is a video that shows how easy it is to win as axis now. It was 2 v 4 and we still won. Almost every unit got to vet 5. The vet 5 rak is very OP and allies don't stand a chance when it is hiding somewhere.

Suggested changes:
Reduce Rak's damage and HPs. Make it slower to gain XP.
OKW Flak half track is OP. It shoots down airstrike with the flak truck immediately. Cost should be increased to 90 fuel and smoke should be removed to keep it away from teleporting. Also air plane HPs should be increased and with reduced cool down times to compensate for OKW anti-air power.
Rangers: They lack smoke and anti tank grenades.
120 mm mortors: I think they are quite expensive. They should have increased range and improved RNG against late game axis infantry like Obers.
Katyushas: Need to deal more damage to okw trucks and possible have reduce recharge time.
IR Pathfinders: The pathfinder guy tried to reach my trucks and pak emplacement in order to call arty but was unable because of the flak emplacement. Make IR path finders pop out of buildings like partisans to call arty behind enemy lines.
Soviet Sniper: Make them a 3 man squad to be effective in late game.
Conscripts: They seem balanced now but the oraah speed should be increased a bit. When they get pinned, it is easy to wipe them with Stg-44s.
Panzerfaust: Panzerfaust is very OP against allies' tanks. The image below shows how I used Ostruppen to wipe out a KV-1 with 10x panezerfaust. KV-1 seems useless and it's fuel and population requirements should be reduced to make it effective in early game. Also ostruppen need to be nerfed. They can wipe out shocks and other useless allies' infantry at range. Putting a halftrack near ostruppen bloberino makes them immortal. Also panzerfaust should be removed on volks until Flak halftrack is set up.

In summary, I think playing as axis is very easy now and no longer fun. The allies keep throwing stuff. These changes should be implemented ASAP to make the game more interesting.