
russian armor

ostheer 250 halftrack needs to be buffed

29 Jan 2018, 14:38 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Jan 2018, 14:07 PMLago

Why would that make a difference? Ostheer can't build allied halftracks. You could replace every allied halftrack with a wooden cart pulled by two goats and it wouldn't make a shred of difference to the 250's value relative to Ostheer's other options for spending that fuel and manpower.

250 is unique to Ostheer because it allows passengers to fire so you can't simply compare it with 251.

One has to compare with units with similar use. The unit is inferior to all allied HT and the Commander ability is simply UP.

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Jan 2018, 14:12 PMStark

Soviet commander with Guards, ISU and bombing strafe are laughing right now :nahnah:

That is what happens when take a faction with a specific design (mediocre stock good call-in) and buffs the weakness of that design without really nerfing the strong points.
29 Jan 2018, 15:10 PM
avatar of Kurfürst

Posts: 144

And you're going to pick a Tiger-less Lightning War over Jaeger Infantry or Elite Troops doctrine because... ?

Because OST infantry sucks and most of their armor is inefficient, thus OST needs every kind of cheese just to stay afloat, that's why.

Thus G43 spam, mortar spam, StuG spam. Its utterly boring but every time you try you are being punised, severely.

Tiger? Kinda meh. But its less meh than Tier 4 options. Armor is weak for its price, AT is marginal for its price, but at least more cost efficient than lackluster Panthers that doesn't do their job (AT) to well, or Brumm that needs to two 2 PaKs behind it just to stay alive.
30 Jan 2018, 13:10 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1160

You can't compare it to allied half tracks, because they are supposed to have good mobility, Ost is not.

Same reason why panther is not more powerful, because spamming panthers is not the way Ost is designed.

Anything with mobility in Ost you pay a premium for, because that's their main weakness.
30 Jan 2018, 13:26 PM
avatar of FichtenMoped
Editor in Chief Badge
Patrion 310

Posts: 4785 | Subs: 3

do u guys rember the panzer elite ? how about some upgrade for a light at gun and a mobile mg 42 , it would work like the american AA truck but it has same cone as mg 42 and suppress only if it stand still but it would need a buff to the damage

That's exactly what came to my mind when reading this thread. Why not make it a light weapon platform and make it upgradeable for different situations e.g. Pak, MG, reinforcement or something
30 Jan 2018, 13:38 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Can it be made into a mobile bunker type deal? Munitions for an mg, reinforce or healing? Old kuble type MG, ambulance style healing or halftrack style reinforcment.

Or give it an aura
Or something...
30 Jan 2018, 14:10 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

You can't compare it to allied half tracks, because they are supposed to have good mobility, Ost is not.

Same reason why panther is not more powerful, because spamming panthers is not the way Ost is designed.

Anything with mobility in Ost you pay a premium for, because that's their main weakness.

1. why is OKW panther than not that better (OKW was design as a fast pushing faction )
2. when iam right, this 251 is a premium...because it is in a crap commander call-in...which cost much and is very fragil and nearly useless
3. ost is design to hold areas and defend...why is this crap truck so weak and useless?
30 Jan 2018, 14:42 PM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

Would be nice to see its price reduced but have it not come with a squad.
If it got reinforce that would me if you lost a model you'd just bail out and EZPZ replace.

MG might be okay but I feel like that doesn't fit the role well.

Im not sure what to give it other than a reduced cost and make it a more flexible unit.
30 Jan 2018, 16:46 PM
avatar of Kurfürst

Posts: 144

2. when iam right, this 251 is a premium...because it is in a crap commander call-in...which cost much and is very fragil and nearly useless

The commander itself is not crap IMO. It has useful tools. Alas, the only use of the 250/Pgrens is when the UKF player spams snipers. 250 Panzergren drive-by punishes that. Severely.
30 Jan 2018, 17:03 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1160

1. why is OKW panther than not that better (OKW was design as a fast pushing faction )

Whether Ost or OKW, you dont want to spam Panther, one is probably best with most of your punch from ATG/tank destoryers.

Panthers role is to chase and finish off wounded tanks, and to block flanking mediums. Thats why it has great manouverabilty and armour. It has a specialist role, not sole AT role.

But lets not derail thread..
30 Jan 2018, 17:59 PM
avatar of Waegukin

Posts: 609

I like the idea of it being a flexible upgrade platform, but is there a model/animation available for a cannon mount?
30 Jan 2018, 22:05 PM
avatar of tightrope
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Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

This probably doesn't happen anymore since DBP either, since WC51 changes helped us find the bug and fix it for both vehicles. However I haven't seen the 250 used since forever, so I can't verify.


This is the point where the PGrens in the 250 take 2 AT nades and get damaged by them.
31 Jan 2018, 04:40 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

It doesnt work great with shreks or flamers, cos you have to get close and it get wrecked. But as a kiting unit with LMG, its not horrendous

It's also a good meme to use pgrens in it against brits if they don't have an aec yet.
31 Jan 2018, 17:25 PM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607


This is the point where the PGrens in the 250 take 2 AT nades and get damaged by them.

It looks like only the first nade damaged them (dropping them to below 50% hp) and the second didn't add additional damage. There's like a .5 second or so time frame between the two explosions... unless the two nades were counted at the same time and the sound effect is irrelevant.
31 Jan 2018, 19:15 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

It looks like only the first nade damaged them (dropping them to below 50% hp) and the second didn't add additional damage. There's like a .5 second or so time frame between the two explosions... unless the two nades were counted at the same time and the sound effect is irrelevant.

They take small arms damage after that too, since after the entire engagement is done, they have 25% hp left..
31 Jan 2018, 20:00 PM
avatar of AceOfTitanium

Posts: 162

This should be the best halftrack of its kind seeing as it is doctrinal, has no hmg in it and doesnt have vet (as it doesnt do damage). Increasing a bit the armor vs small arms fire and making any squad inside take 0 damage would make it way more appealing and if that still isnt enough make it come without any squad to decrease the price tag, move it to 1cp and maybe add a movement ability or increase its mobility.
31 Jan 2018, 20:41 PM
avatar of murky depths

Posts: 607

They take small arms damage after that too, since after the entire engagement is done, they have 25% hp left..

Yeah, I just meant that the AT nade seems to work inconsistently for damaging the squad inside or has a hard cap/limit of how much damage it can do. It's weird that it did over 50% damage but didn't drop models, so maybe there's a threshold.
31 Jan 2018, 20:54 PM
avatar of DerKuhlmann

Posts: 469

I know i get laughed for this.
But on big maps like steppes you can transport you troops quickly to the front.
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