Hello strategists

, i got some theory crafting challenge and because i dont have the commander in question i want you to do my bidding

OK lately i have been playing against a lot of assgrens , not that i find them challenging to play against , but i do think that the majority of ostheer players are not doing the commander justice by spamming assgrens .
So i ve theorycrafted a strategy for him . Without further adieu i present you :
T1 2 pios , 2 grens , 1 assgren and 1 mortar (the BO maybe should be twicked to 1 pio , 3 grens )
T2 : not existant , instead produce a htrack and use it in the fashion of an m8 harrasing flanks and flanking during engagements or upgrade pgs with screcks to deal with fast t70
T3 : Either stug 3 + short barreled variant or p4 + short barreled stug
Additional units : anything that one might need for a special purpose on the battlefield
The operational method of this strategy is attacking in one single point and forcing battles on key points while the enemy capping should be slowed down by bunkers , wire , even s mines etc untill some halftrack or other fast unit comes to adress that , no wide front advancement . Also this method is desinged to be as costeffective and flexible as possible , its also supposed to be played with a fuel op to maximise that ( costefficiency )and advance to the main winnng phase of the plan before su85s and snipers come to ruin the day

. In the early game you are supposed to generally hold the line with the infantry and harrass with the assgrens or use them as flanking units to gain the upper hand in a large firefight . the mortar should be used to harrass capping cons when assgrens are elsewhere hit garrisined building etc . When you get the pgtrack you use it essentially like the old m8 releiving the assgrensw from that task and move it arround as both defencive and offensive harrassing and caping unit . AFter that i recomend getting a short barelled stug , its very cheap and will definitely force your opponent to go for some armor which should be dealt with tellers , fausts and screcks unless of course you had the fuel to built a stug 3 quickly . aFter the stug 3 get a second pgtrack and then a p4
Pros : It is a very flexible build which counters the assgrens poor vet progression in the game and at the same time ensures that every slip up your opponent makes can be harshly punished and gives you a good portion of the resource pie , esp after the pg track comes in play (hint its better to dismount from the pg track befor engaging and remounting to hunt to avoid atgrenages ). Another good thing for it is that it provides a very vcohish approach which means that vcoh vets will find very easy to play with and twick bos timing etc to suit their personal playstyle . It also offers a very economical use of munitions imo because most units can do the job when they ork in synergy , muintions are used only to counter a threat that the rest of the units cant like tanks or m3s , that expands to resource floating too which tends to happen in the pre t3 phase at that time you are teching and getting offmap units which brings us another point , since many of the units are call in ones there is no time waisted .
Cons : If you loose your htrack without having done a lot of work first then its a very big loss akin to loosing an m8 very early ( since i dont have the commander i cant decide whether its agood thing to advance with the prior plan or insteaqd go to t2 ) , also you have to make the best possible use of your units since they are not only expensive but few as well and you have to predict the enemys movements , the relatively small army size means this method is better suited on smaller maps rather than larger ones ( but then again trying to control a lagre map with assgrens is draining so much manpower and is liable to collaps at the first sign of an m3 ).
Any way . I d appreciate it if sb tried it aout for a few games and toold me the results afterwards