Comparing pioneers with (doctrinal) mainline infantry..
Soviet mortar is an outliner, how about mortar pit, pak howie, scott, 120mm mortar ,katjusha, calliope, lolmatress hm?
They are on par if not more effective than ost indirect fire..but of course at your elo you probably play versus armies of assault engineers and royal engineers (you even fail to see that they can be upgraded to a 5th man
we are talking about whiping 4 model squads with indirect fire.....yeah, mainline infantry, muahahha great scape door for you.....
and yeah, you don´t like comparing pios with mainline infantry, but have no problems comparing late game rocket arty that cost a ton of fuel with the OST mortar, yeah man...keep trying....
my elo, lol, I don´t need to play this game to realice how wrong you are.....but yeah, my elo is really low, hope this helps you....