Maybe you are right, but what I have listed out are facts.
Ok, prove that these are facts and not just personal opinion...
Posts: 1072
Maybe you are right, but what I have listed out are facts.
Posts: 131
Posts: 392
Ok, prove that these are facts and not just personal opinion...
Posts: 212
Posts: 392
I think people don't seem to understand how much of a fuel sink Stukas are. OKW players should only be getting one if they are absolutely forced to by blobs or sim city.
If you get one with out a need for it you will just be blowing your fuel and get eaten by fast medium tanks.
Posts: 392
I think people don't seem to understand how much of a fuel sink Stukas are. OKW players should only be getting one if they are absolutely forced to by blobs or sim city.
If you get one with out a need for it you will just be blowing your fuel and get eaten by fast medium tanks.
Posts: 212
Not to mention the resource inflation of team game and stuka ONLY cost 10 fuel and 30 MP more than a katyusha while more durable and accurate and earlier and have stronger barrage. How much of a fuel sink stukas are?lolllllllllll
Posts: 450
I don't see the difference though, I get whacked as OKW when playing against Russians who rush to Katyusha and bomb my buildings just the same as I do when I need to try and stop sim city. Or when I play Brits I some times focus on getting Land Mattress asap if it's a small map in a 4v4 to deal with close knit OKW players.
Why are we singling out Stuka? Don't Stukas have shorter range and a less reliable barrage to make up for it's damage? (I am genuinely not sure). I have seen Stuka rockets land on Infantry section square on and do no damage, other times I have seen it look like it miss and squad wipe.
Posts: 1124
Posts: 1072
- Rocket artillery(Only katyusha is non doctrinal on ally side, while axis can access stronger ,more effective, reliable rocket artillery earlier called OP stuka)
- double-upgraded infantry(axis every single weapon upgrade is more effective and dont havw to pay extra tech cost and be able to upgrade on field and can preserve more munition for off map ability)
- off-map artillery(most of the axis off map is stronger while cheaper)
- on-map artillery(axis mortar dominant dps, isg dominant range , stuka dominant all non-vehicle artillery of ally and all of them are non-doctrinal)
- snipers + micro (axis's sniper is more effective)
- Medium tanks (elefant and jagtiger comepletely forbid ally medium tank defensive play)
- strafing runs(Dont you know SCAS is cheaper but stronger than p47)
- shock troops + for the motherland(sink munition everytime to close the gap of ultimate long range fire power of axis is meaningless)
- Rangers + use of truesight(strum can use the same tactic to tear you before you can get ranger)
- learning to play, axis players
Posts: 450
This thread is filled with mostly 4v4 Randoms with poor rank. Walking stuka?? Really?? Nerf the one good artillery unit the axis have, meanwhile there are moter pits, landmattress, calliopes, and katushas, on which you see nearly almost every game on all game modes..
It's well known that rocket artillery with a spread/multiple rockets and salvos is more damaging then an accurate hit or miss.
RIP panzerwerfer
Posts: 67
Posts: 868 | Subs: 5
Great projects, still very much appreciated but it's just too much.
Team formats don't need that much ajustements.
Only the following one are critical : For balance and fun factors reasons (1 shot kill, no counter)
In need of nerfs :
OKW's Walking Stuka : (Non-doctrinal);
USA's Calliope : (Non-doctrinal);
OST's Stuka Dive Bomb : (Doctrinal);
Brit's weapon dispenser truck : (Doctrinal); -» (too much relied upon and abused in team format);
Brit's Emplacement brace : (Non-doctrinal)-» Stand Fast remove brace and prevent it's use.
In need of buffs :
Soviet's infantry : So they don't have to rely on penal all the time. They need more alternatives.
USA's infantry : Now without 2 Bars, they need to be a bit more durable to achieve vet+++.
Sure all what you propose is justify (except maybe : Firefly nerf : turret and firing rate already too low), but those above are critical to restore the fun factor to a winning level !
Thanks for all you efforts at restoring the fun factor to the team format.
Posts: 868 | Subs: 5
Remove 3vs3 and 4vs4. Horrible game modes just for those who want to blame everyone else expect themselves for losses.
Posts: 1072
So, I'm curious. When you play as Soviets or USF, and you encounter either the Elefant or the JT in 4v4, and somebody else in the team has fielded either a Brummbar or a King Tiger, how do you counter that?
Posts: 212
Remove3vs3 and 4vs4.HorribleGreat game modes just for those who want to blame everyone else expect themselves for losses.
Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17
I apologize bringing thisk topic up but in answer to your question, I would counter Elephant Brummbarr/kt etc. In a similar way to how brosras did --> spam t34s and attack in pairs. I think this is a perfect example of how the effectiveness of elephants are negated.
If you don't wanna watch the whole thing skip to around minute 42. That's where the elephant gets taken out.
Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36
I apologize bringing thisk topic up but in answer to your question, I would counter Elephant Brummbarr/kt etc. In a similar way to how brosras did --> spam t34s and attack in pairs. I think this is a perfect example of how the effectiveness of elephants are negated.
If you don't wanna watch the whole thing skip to around minute 42. That's where the elephant gets taken out.
Are you seriously linking a pre-GCS, pre-WBP match as if nothing changed in-between?
Allies would simply not have this kind of map control. Allies are no longer dominant early-game; it's the opposite.
PS: BTW, the game was won by Calliopes/Priests/etc
Posts: 1072
Are you seriously linking a pre-GCS, pre-WBP match as if nothing changed in-between?
Allies would simply not have this kind of map control. Allies are no longer dominant early-game; it's the opposite.
Posts: 24
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