1-Mod support (YAY!)
Full mod support is also planned, with a particular eye toward the World War 2 geeks who can’t stand having a patch on a British artillery officer’s uniform being in the wrong place. Paradox’s Peter Cornelius also billed this as a way to fix the inevitable, “My grandpa’s division isn’t in the game” problem, indicating that division rosters themselves will be fully customizable.
2- Units dont receive experience while fighting the same way they did in wg4
Experience isn’t something units earn in the course of a match, but different available units in your division start with different experience levels. Composing a battlegroup of the most hardened troops will cost a lot more, but experience has a large impact on a unit’s ability to withstand stress and keep fighting.
3- Unist can surrender
The core combat revolves around the concept of stress. Similar to games like Company of Heroes, units will act with self-preservation based on the battlefield situation. Light infantry under fire from a heavy machine gun will become pinned down, unable to move or contribute much to the battle, which allows a smart commander to take units out of the fight indefinitely without necessarily routing or killing them. It is also possible, of course, to force a unit to take so much stress that they start to withdraw from the battlefield (or at least to a more defensible location). It’s also possible to capture enemy units by surrounding them and forcing them to surrender.
4- Stepping up the map game
Ranked and casual matches will be available, across a “tremendous” number of maps. I wasn’t provided with any hard numbers, but Eugen assured me it would be “two to three times the usual” in similar games.
5- 3 types of "decks"
Combat in Normandy ‘44 takes place at the division level. Rather than selecting a nation, you pick from a number of Allied and Axis divisions that fought in Northern France near the close of the war (though the actual beach landings won’t be included), each with a unique unit roster and play style. Among the names dropped were the US 101st Airborne and the German 12th SS, with England, France, Poland, Canada, and Scotland also represented. Some nations have multiple divisions to choose from, with each falling into a broad category of armored, mechanized, or infantry.
6- Dynamic front line
These units will attempt to push and pull a dynamic front line that moves as you take and lose terrain, with victory points assigned based on how much of the map you control.
7- Command units
You can also bring along command units, which aren’t as good at fighting as their counterparts, but provide the benefit of an extra experience level to all units in a small radius. The devs want commanders to be a tactical asset rather than a strategic one, applying their bonuses only to a very small area rather than enabling any kind of battlefield-wide general abilities. In addition, units near a command squad will ignore the normal penalties for being encircled, enabling daring escapades behind enemy lines.
I love this idea of a dynamic front line. Hopefully it means a move away from predetermined control points. The idea of envelopment and surrender by moving the front line is also really intriguing as it will make tactical maneuvers extremely important and will force players to withdraw their forces lest they be cut off and forced to surrender. Having commanders that allow for units to persist behind enemy lines also seems really cool. Take out the commander and that whole battalion will surrender.
6 nations:
"It has more than 400 units from the U.S., English, Polish, French, and German armies (and others, too). "http://venturebeat.com/2017/03/01/steel-division-normandy-44-is-paradox-interactives-grand-entrance-into-real-time-tactical-combat/




1)Game can become a start of a new franchise like EE was for Wargame.
FLX: We won't make previous mistakes of course, we will make new mistakes ! ^
2)System requirements are: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1 GHz) or equivalent, 64-bit Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7, 3 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended), 1 GB & AMD 5570 or nVidia 450, DirectX compatible sound card and 32 GB of available hard-disk space.
...taken from Steel Balalaika VK group.