
russian armor

Numeral Veterancy Descriptions - English Localization Mod

25 Dec 2016, 18:13 PM
avatar of Harold

Posts: 39

This modification adds numeral veterancy descriptions to all multiplayer units, replacing the original, inaccurate descriptions. That's not all - it also improves other English localization strings such as outdated or plainly broken ones. I tried to keep the changes subtle and in Company of Heroes 2 fashion so they don't look out of place. You can use this modification in automatch without any risks or bugs associated with it.

You need to reinstall the mod after almost every Company of Heroes 2 update, since Relic often adds new strings with each update. The mod itself needs a update after every bigger Company of Heroes 2 update that adds new content. Using an outdated version after bigger updates may cause string errors.


Improved English Localization (19.12.2018)

The file inside the archive belongs to "Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Locale\English". Installing it over other languages works as well. For example: You play the game in German. Rename the file from "RelicCoH2.English.ucs" to "RelicCoH2.German.ucs" and copy-paste it into the "German" folder. You should backup your original localization file.

Update Changelog:

15.12.2018 Update:
-Updated veterancy strings for the leFH 18 and USF M3 Halftrack
-Fixed 251/17 Flak Half-track veterancy 1 string
-Few minor veterancy and ability string touches to augment the recent trimming

14.12.2018 Update:
-Updated strings for the December 12th game update
-Manual one by one trimming and comparing with the official localization

The following veterancy strings will be added/updated once the modding tools receive an update to check them thoroughly:
-OKW/WM leFH 18
-USF M3 Halftrack

19.05.2018 Update:
-Updated veterancy strings for the May 17th game update

23.04.2018 Update:
-Fixed I&R Pathfinder veterancy rank 2 character issue

22.12.2017 Update:
-Incorporated updated strings from the recent hotfix

21.12.2017 Update:
-Veterancy strings updated
-Bulletin strings updated
-Few ability strings updated
-Few upgrade strings updated

15.12.2017 Update:
-British Tank Commander description fixed and added stats in extra text
-Changed a few strings that required updating due to changed values
-Added recent skin strings

04.05.2017 Update:
-Added April 25th game update strings

22.04.2017 Update:
-SdKfz 222 Scout Car veterancy rank 1, 2 & 3 strings adjusted

04.04.2017 Update:
-Added "Scavenge Doctrine - Jesulin Edition" string

30.03.2017 Update:
-Riflemen veterancy rank 3 string adjusted

29.03.2017 Update:
28.03.2017 March Game Update:
-Penal veterancy rank 2 & 3 string adjusted
-Guard troops veterancy rank 2 & 3 strings adjusted
-T-70 veterancy 3 string adjusted
-USF 81mm Mortar veterancy rank 1 string adjusted
-Assault Grenadier veterancy rank 1 string adjusted
-Panzergrenadier veterancy rank 1 & 2 strings adjusted
-222 Scout Car veterancy rank 1 & 3 strings adjusted
-M15 AA veterancy rank 1, 2 & 3 strings adjusted
-Luchs veterancy rank 5 string adjusted
-Royal Engineer veterancy rank 3 string adjusted
-Sturmpioneer veterancy rank 1 & 3 string adjusted
-251 Flak Half track veterancy rank 1 string adjusted

-Vehicle Crew veterancy rank 2 "+0,9 HP/s" to "+0.9 HP/s"
-Airborne "Two P-47 Thunderbolt" parts to "Two P-47 Thunderbolts"
-Captain 'On Me!' Ability Yellow Help Text from "45s recharge. 45m radius." to "Click to activate. Affects infantry in a 45m radius. Modifiers: Remove suppression, +1 posture speed & suppression immunity for 4 seconds, +20% weapon accuracy & -20% received accuracy for 8 seconds."
-Paratrooper 'Tactical Assault' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Left-click to activate. Duration 10 seconds." to "Click to activate. Duration 10s. Modifiers: -2 posture speed, +50% received accuracy, +50% weapon accuracy. While moving: +150% weapon burst length."

Oberkommando West:
-Overwatch 'For the Fatherland!' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Click to activate. Duration 30s." to "Click to activate. Duration 30s. Modifiers: -35% received accuracy, +15% maximum speed to infantry in friendly territory."
-Panther PzKpfw V Command Tank 'Coordinated Fire' Ability "improve accuracy" part replaced with "improve damage", Yellow Help Text from "Click and target enemy vehicle." to "Click and target enemy vehicle. Duration 20s. Modifiers: +50% received damage."
-King Tiger 'Spearhead' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Toggle ability. Turret rotation locked to forward 90°, turret can track more quickly and sight range is increased." to "Toggle ability. Modifiers: Turret rotation locked to forward 90°, +66% horizontal main gun traverse speed, +50% sight range, -25% rotation speed, hull MGs will deal a small amount of suppression."
-Tank 'Combat Blitz' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Fast-moving tanks are harder to hit and gain increased accuracy." to "Click to activate. Duration 10s. Modifiers: +40% maximum speed. While moving: -50% received accuracy, +100% main gun accuracy."
British Forces:
-Airlanding Officer 'Officer Charge' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Duration: 10s. Infantry move at maximum speed." to "Click to activate. Affects infantry in a 20m radius. Modifiers: +1 posture speed, -75% received accuracy, -20% weapon cooldown, +40% weapon accuracy for 10 seconds."
-6-Pounder Anti-Tank Gun 'Rapid Maneuver' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Duration: 20s. Increases maximum speed, acceleration, and rotation of AT gun." to "Click to activate. Duration 20s. Modifiers: +25% maximum speed, +25% rotation speed, +25% ac/de-celeration."
-Hammer 'Emergency War Speed' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Left-click to activate. Can only be used once until unlocked again." to "Left-click to activate. Duration 15s. Can only be used once until unlocked again. Modifiers: +35% maximum speed, +60% acceleration. While moving: -25% received accuracy."
-Anvil 'Heavy Engineers' Upgrade Yellow Help Text from "Royal Engineers repair and construct faster. The Vickers K LMG is effective against infantry." to "Royal Engineers repair and construct faster. The Vickers K LMG is effective against infantry. Modifiers: +100% construction rate, +2 HP/s repair rate per model. While in combat: -1 posture speed."

-Stormtrooper 'Tactical Advance' Ability Yellow Help Text from "Left-click to activate. Duration 10 seconds. Slows the unit down but significantly improves moving combat effectiveness as a result." to "Click to activate. Duration 10s. Modifiers: -2 posture speed, +50% received accuracy, +50% weapon accuracy. While moving: +150% weapon burst length."
-Mobile Assault 'Osttruppen Reserves' Dispatch Ability Yellow Help Text from "Click and select location to deploy." to "Click and select location to deploy. Dispatches two Osttruppen Squads, with each having a 20% chance to receive an MG42 LMG."

-'Recruit Training: Infantry' Description Text from "Conscripts and Grenadiers have 3% increased accuracy." to "Conscripts, Grenadiers and Osttruppen have 3% increased accuracy."
-'Reverse Engineering' Description Text from "The Volksgrenadier's Panzerschreck has 2% increased armor penetration." to "The Sturmpioneers Panzerschreck has 2% increased armor penetration on Volksgrenadiers."
-'Catch This!' Description Text from "The Conscript's RPG-43 Anti-tank Grenade ability has 7% increased range." to "The Conscript's RPG-40 Anti Tank Grenade Assault ability has 7% increased range."

30.12.2016 Update:
Fixed SU-85 veterancy rank 2 string being outdated.

Original Changelog:


Added numeral veterancy descriptions to all multiplayer units.

Known Issues:
Jaeger Light Infantry and Stormtroopers veterancy level 3 share the same string.
Conscripts and Captain veterancy level 3 share the same string.
Vickers and HMG42 veterancy level 3 share the same string.
Pershing and Comet veterancy level 3 share the same string.
10,5cm leFH 18 Artillery veterancy rank 2 and 3 share the same string as 4 and 5.


Added repair rate information to all repair abilities.
Fix/Consistency: Changed the "Contact SEGA Customer Service." menu button description to "Contact SEGA Customer Service".

Fix/Consistency: Updated most of the Stuka ability descriptions and changed "Fragmentation Bomb" to "Stuka Fragmentation Bombing".
Fix/Change: Replaced the incorrect menu and ingame Tiger Ace description parts with correct values.
Fix: Fixed the messed up Fortified Armor Doctrine description.
Fix: Added a "." at the end of the Someone Needs to Man those Guns! intel bulletin effect description.
Fix: Added a "." at the end of the Offense is the Best Defense intel bulletin effect description.
Fix: Fixed a minor space issue in the Jaeger Infantry Doctrine description.
Consistency: Changed "Tiger Tank" to "Tiger Heavy Tank".
Change: Restored the old 221 text strings and applied them to the SdKfz 222.
Fix/Consistency: Fixed the "Get to the Guns!" bulletin text. Changed from "The 222 Scout Car's now costs 3% less" to "SdKfz 222 Scout Cars now cost 3% less".
Fix: Added "Osttruppen" to the Recruit, Officer and Veteran Infantry bulletins. Also added a "." to the Recruit bulletin.
Fix: Added "Stormtroopers" to the Commando Style and Duck and Cover! bulletins.
Change/Fix: Changed "Panzerwerfers recharges 5% faster." to "The Panzerwerfers Barrage ability recharges 5% faster." to fit with other bulletins.
Change/Fix: Changed "The Panzerwerfer's" to "The Panzerwerfers" in the Shooting The Breeze bulletin description to fit with other bulletins.
Change: Added the resource benefits the Opel Blitz provides into it's description (Generates an additional 5 munition and 3 fuel per minute on a regular point, 11 munition on a munition point, and 7 fuel on a fuel point while in lockdown).
Fix: Fixed a spelling mistake with the 'Air Dropped Medical Supplies' line that appeared on units when you picked up a package. (recieved -> received)
Change: Added values to the Assault Officer 'Concentrated Fire' ability description.
Fix: Fixed a space issue in the Sdkfz 234 'Puma' Armored Car description and changed "Sdkfz" to "SdKfz" in the name.
Consistency: Wehrmacht Panzer IV name from 'Panzer IV Medium Tank' to 'Panzer IV Ausf. H Medium Tank'.

Oberkommando West:
Consistency: Changed "Rocket Barrage" to "280mm Rocket Barrage".
Fix: Changed "(schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper )" to "(schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper)".
Fix/Consistency: Changed "The Volksgrenadiers' Combat Package" intel bulletin name to "The Volksgrenadiers Combat Package".
Change: Changed "Use the Sturmtiger to spearhead the assault." part in the Elite Armored Doctrine description to "Use the Sturmtiger to eradicate enemy force concentrations.".
Fix: Fixed the HEAT Shells ability not displaying the increased damage part.
Change: Restored the old Obersoldaten description which was butchered after the LMG34 nerf. Changed from "Veteran infantry squad. Can be equipped with an MG34 Light Machine Gun." to "A veteran infantry squad equipped for long range combat with rifles. Can be equipped with an MG34 Light Machine Gun."
Change: Changed the Combat Blitz ability yellow extra text "Fast-moving tanks are harder to hit" to "Fast-moving tanks are harder to hit and gain increased accuracy".
Change/Fix: Changed the misleading Sector Assault description.
Change: Changed "These weapons are powerful at long range" to These weapons are powerful at medium range" in the Special Operations 'Infrared StG44' description.
Fix: Removed the outdated "but removes the LMG 34 in the process" part in the Infrared Stg44 Package Upgrade.
Fix: Removed the outdated "This is only available if the unit stays out of combat for a period of time" part in the Infiltration Grenade Assault ability description. (Note: The out of combat requirement for it to recharge was ninja removed in exchange for a price increase from 10MUN to 15MUN)
Fix: Changed the outdated "Every member of the squad will throw grenades" to "Every member of the squad will throw a grenade" part in the Infiltration Grenade Assault ability description.
Fix: Removed the outdated "The crew is very vulnerable during this repair procedure" in the Emergency Repairs ability. (Note: The abandoned risk was ninja removed.)
Consistency/Change: Changed "30 second duration" to "Click to activate. Duration 30s" in the For the Fatherland! description yellow extra text.
Fix: Fixed a spelling mistake in the 'For The Fatherland!' description. (recieve -> receive)
Fix: Removed the "will fight more ferociously" part in the Sturm Offizier 'Target Them!' description.
Fix: Changed the enemy unit affected by 'Target Them!' description and name from "Fighting Ferociously" to "Target Them!" and "The enemy is taking no prisoners, this unit is now fighting with desperate ferocity" to "This unit is 50% easier to hit".
Change: Changed the Sturm Offizier aura description from "This unit is inspired to fight harder. If the nearby Sturm Offizier dies the unit will retreat" to "This unit is inspired to fight harder. Infantry shoots 10% more accurately, Anti-Tank Guns and Mortars reload 9% faster. If the nearby Sturm Offizier dies the unit will retreat".
Change: Changed "The unit is moving more quickly and firing more accurately" to "The unit is moving more quickly and firing 25% more accurately"
Consistency: OKW Panther name from 'Panther PzKpfw V 'Medium' Tank' to 'Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank'.

Fix: Minor "," fix in the Soviet Combined Arms Army commander description.
Fix/Consistency: Added a "." at the end of the DShK 38 Heavy Machine Gun ability description.
Fix/Consistency: Added a "." at the end of the Just a Scratch! intel bulletin effect description.
Fix/Consistency: Added a "." at the end of the BOOM intel bulletin effect description.
Fix/Change: Changed the outdated T34/85 ability descriptions to something more fitting.
Fix/Change: Added a "," behind "transmissions" in the Radio Intercept description.
Fix/Change: Changed both the IL-2 strafe and loiter strings to something more fitting.

US Forces:
Fix: Removed the "can be deployed" part from the Ranger description. (Note: This also removes it from the dispatch ability, due to both using the same string.)
Fix: Added a "." at the end of the Paratrooper description.
Fix/Consistency: Added a "A" in front of the the M26 Pershing commander ability description.
Fix: Replaced the outdated "A P-47 Thunderbolt" and "its" ability description part with "Two P-47 Thunderbolt" and "their".
Fix: Replaced the outdated "call in a P-47" Airborne Company description part with "Two P-47 Thunderbolt".
Fix/Change: Replaced the "can be deployed to the battlefield." part of the M4A3E8 Sherman 'Easy Eight' menu description with "can be deployed from the Battalion Command Post".
Fix/Consistency: Added a "." at the end of the "Bazooka Range" intel bulletin effect description and changed "Bazooka's" to "Bazookas" to fit with other bulletins.
Fix: Changed "Mine" to "Mines" in the M5 Mine description.
Fix: Changed "Rifleman" to "Riflemen" in the Anti-Tank Rifle Grenade description.
Fix/Consistency: Changed "Anti Tank Rifle Grenade" to "Anti-Tank Rifle Grenade".
Fix: Added a "." at the end of the Grenade Package description.
Fix: Changed "This medic squad is unarmed" to "This medic squad is armed with pistols" in the Medics Disembark ability description.
Fix/Consistency: Changed "with Mk 2 fragmentation grenades" to "with Mk 2 Fragmentation Grenades" in the Grenade Package ability description.
Change: Changed "Rifleman will now be able to move at maximum speed for a period of time. After the squad will suffer exhaustion after." to "Allows Riflemen squads to move at maximum speed for a period of time. The squad will suffer exhaustion after."
Change: Changed "Squad will move at maximum speed for a period of time. After the squad will suffer exhaustion after." to "Squad will move at maximum speed for a period of time. The squad will suffer exhaustion after."
Fix/Consistency: Added a "A" in front of the the P47 Strafing Run commander ability description.
Change/Consistency: Changed "Allow" to "Allows" in the Riflemen Flare description.
Change/Consistency: Changed the "Recon Sweep" ability to "P-47 Recon Sweep".
Change/Consistency: Changed "P47" to "P-47" in the "P47 Recon Run" and "P47 Strafing Run" commander abilities.
Fix: Changed "Advance weapons" to "Advanced weapons" in the Tactical Support Company description.
Fix: Changed "Colliope" to "Calliope" in the "Champagne or a Super Nova?" bulletin text.
Fix/Consistency: Fixed the "Veteran Medic" bulletin text. Changed from "The WC51 Ambulance's build time is 10% faster." to "WC54 Ambulances build 10% faster."
Fix: Changed "Fires 5 rounds" to "Fires 7 rounds" in the Priest 105mm Howitzer Barrage ability description yellow extra text.
Fix: Changed "fires all of its 183mm rockets" to "fires 18 of its 183mm rockets" in the Calliope 183mm Rocket Barrage description yellow extra text.
Fix: Changed "Plane will patrol the area for a period of time" to "Two planes will patrol the area for a period of time" in the P-47 Rocket Strafe yellow extra text.
Fix: Changed "P-47 Thunderbolt will patrol the area" to "Two P-47 Thunderbolt will patrol the area" in the P-47 Rocket Strafe white help text.
Change: Changed "Unlocked via Commander unlock" to "Unlocked via Commander" in the M1919A6 Weapon Rack description.
Fix/Change: Changed the misleading 'Combined Arms' yellow extra text from "Improves the performance of units based on their proximity to a vehicle or infantry squad" to "Improves the performance of infantry and vehicles when used together in a radius of 30".
Fix: Added a "." in the WFA Recruit Training: Infantry bulletin.
Fix: Resolved a space issue in the Priest yellow extra text. (targets. Weak against tanks) -> (targets. Weak against tanks)

British Forces:
Fix/Consistency: Renamed the "Assault" ability into "Assault Operation". This version of the ability name can be found in the removed Assault Grenades ability description.
Fix: Renamed "Tank Hunters Infantry Section" to "Tank Hunter Infantry Section".
Change: Improved the description of the "Tank Hunter Infantry Section" ability.
Fix: Fixed multiple issues in the Mobile Assault and Advanced Emplacements Regiment description text strings.
Fix: Changed a part of the Ordnance QF 6-Pounder Anti-Tank Gun 'Rapid Maneuvers' extra yellow text description from "Increases speed and rotation of AT gun" to "Increases maximum speed, acceleration, and rotation of AT gun".
Fix: Added "Gains veterancy from nearby allies" in front of "Effective at close range against infantry" to the Airlanding Officer yellow extra text.
Consistency/Change: Changed "Duration 30s" to "Click to activate. Duration 30s" in the 'Advanced Cover Combat' description yellow extra text.
Consistency/Change: Changed "Click to activate" to "Click to activate. Duration 45s" in the 'Vehicle Crew Repairs' description yellow extra text.

25 Dec 2016, 20:23 PM
avatar of strafniki

Posts: 558 | Subs: 1

sounds interesting, i will give it a try
and what about cultist kun writing about some virus in the file?
25 Dec 2016, 20:34 PM
avatar of Harold

Posts: 39

sounds interesting, i will give it a try
and what about cultist kun writing about some virus in the file?

He is a friend of mine, it was just a troll comment of him. There is no virus or any other questionable stuff bundled in the archive - only the localization file.
25 Dec 2016, 22:33 PM
avatar of some one

Posts: 935

If there is any changes with a patch in veterancy. Do you have to manualy change info in mod files or information is transfring from the game files?
25 Dec 2016, 22:55 PM
avatar of Hater

Posts: 493

virus in the file

Do you have to manualy change info in mod files or information is transfring from the game files?

It's actually a simple text file. You can open it with Notepad and see how it is organized.
25 Dec 2016, 23:01 PM
avatar of Planet Smasher
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1

Great idea! The often inaccurate or just plainly wrong help texts have always annoyed me. Have you considered modifying vehicle names to make them more consistent? They often seem somewhat arbitrary, especially for Axis tanks.
25 Dec 2016, 23:41 PM
avatar of zerocoh

Posts: 930

Damn, Great work man!

Can I use this on oficial automatch without any problems?
25 Dec 2016, 23:43 PM
avatar of strafniki

Posts: 558 | Subs: 1

works fine, even with the fact that i am using russian voices and english text. thanks! please keep it up to date with the next patches
26 Dec 2016, 00:41 AM
avatar of Harold

Posts: 39

If there is any changes with a patch in veterancy. Do you have to manualy change info in mod files or information is transfring from the game files?

A manual change of strings after every game update that changes veterancy values is required.

Great idea! The often inaccurate or just plainly wrong help texts have always annoyed me. Have you considered modifying vehicle names to make them more consistent? They often seem somewhat arbitrary, especially for Axis tanks.

Yeah, I did consider doing such thing as well. Didn't want to overload the mod though right off the bat.

Just to clarify, you are refering to things like the Ostheer Panther being named "Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank" while the OKW version is named "Panther PzKpfw V 'Medium Tank'" and multiple vehicles missing their type, like Heavy Assault Gun for the Sturmtiger?

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Dec 2016, 23:41 PMzerocoh
Damn, Great work man!

Can I use this on oficial automatch without any problems?

Yes, it works in automatch without any side effects. No synchronisation error, no risk of getting banned, no bugs.

works fine, even with the fact that i am using russian voices and english text. thanks! please keep it up to date with the next patches

I will do my best to keep it up to date, and update the mod itself quickly as well after an patch.
26 Dec 2016, 01:14 AM
avatar of Planet Smasher
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Dec 2016, 00:41 AMHarold
Yeah, I did consider doing such thing as well. Didn't want to overload the mod though right off the bat.

Just to clarify, you are refering to things like the Ostheer Panther being named "Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank" while the OKW version is named "Panther PzKpfw V 'Medium Tank'" and multiple vehicles missing their type, like Heavy Assault Gun for the Sturmtiger?

Yes, exactly! If the Panther is called "Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank", then the P4 should probably be called "PzKpfw IV Medium Tank". Also, some tanks have the exact model in their name (OKW: "Panzer IV Ausf. J Medium Tank"), while most others don't (Ostheer: "Panzer IV Medium Tank", actually Ausf. H).

But that's only the history nerd in me talking :D Updating everything by hand after every patch is already enough work!

Anyway, as I said: Great mod idea, and thanks for releasing it. I'll use it for sure.
26 Dec 2016, 10:55 AM
avatar of Harold

Posts: 39

Yes, exactly! If the Panther is called "Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank", then the P4 should probably be called "PzKpfw IV Medium Tank". Also, some tanks have the exact model in their name (OKW: "Panzer IV Ausf. J Medium Tank"), while most others don't (Ostheer: "Panzer IV Medium Tank", actually Ausf. H).

But that's only the history nerd in me talking :D Updating everything by hand after every patch is already enough work!

Anyway, as I said: Great mod idea, and thanks for releasing it. I'll use it for sure.

I will keep your suggestion in my mind and perhaps implement it in one of the next updates, as consistency is always a good thing.
26 Dec 2016, 16:18 PM
avatar of Harold

Posts: 39

26.12.2016 Update:

OKW Panther name from 'Panther PzKpfw V 'Medium' Tank' to 'Panther PzKpfw V Medium Tank'.
Wehrmacht Panzer IV name from 'Panzer IV Medium Tank' to 'Panzer IV Ausf. H Medium Tank'.

I delayed other name changes for now as changing the names would also require a change of their descriptions and commander dispatch ability strings.

Updated the 10,5cm leFH 18 Artillery veterancy strings. Now includes +40 damage for veterancy rank 3 and OKW variant bonuses. Due to the fact that Relic reused the veterancy rank 2 and 3 strings for 4 and 5, it ended up a bit messy.

27 Dec 2016, 04:26 AM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 3052 | Subs: 15

Awesome work harold;
If its not too much;

you should definitely do this for abilities with modifiers, like auras, active abilities, etc. (I see you did repairs already.) if you can/are allowed to change the texts for them.

I wouldnt mind, infact I would be quite happy if you copy pasted the text from the ability guide here if you needed to. I'm sure it would make your job 100x easier if you have to type this data in yourself in any way.

:D nicely done!
27 Dec 2016, 14:21 PM
avatar of scratchedpaintjob
Donator 11

Posts: 1021 | Subs: 1

very nice mod! gj

you should definitely do this for abilities with modifiers, like auras, active abilities, etc.

27 Dec 2016, 14:35 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Dec 2016, 00:41 AMHarold

A manual change of strings after every game update that changes veterancy values is required.

Wouldn't it be possible to write a script that reads game files/database/whatever it has, to produce such file after every update without having to download new file?
27 Dec 2016, 14:44 PM
avatar of Harold

Posts: 39

Awesome work harold;
If its not too much;

you should definitely do this for abilities with modifiers, like auras, active abilities, etc. (I see you did repairs already.) if you can/are allowed to change the texts for them.

I wouldnt mind, infact I would be quite happy if you copy pasted the text from the ability guide here if you needed to. I'm sure it would make your job 100x easier if you have to type this data in yourself in any way.

:D nicely done!

Adding modifiers to ability strings and all that stuff is one thing I'm doing as an ongoing process. My main goal was to utilize the yellow extra text for that. Issue is: Relic reused the Zeroing Artillery "Click to activate." yellow text string for multiple other abilities which doesn't allow me to put more details into it and using the white description part would make descriptions messy.

Thanks for letting me use your guide, it will come in handy. :)

Wouldn't it be possible to write a script that reads game files/database/whatever it has, to produce such file after every update without having to download new file?

Good question. An automatic updater would be quite handy. I'm not a programmer though, someone else would need to do that.

Since Relic probably won't release any big updates anymore, like British Forces, keeping the file manually up to date is not a big problem as I sorted all the strings I modified in a seperate text file.
27 Dec 2016, 15:31 PM
avatar of Planet Smasher
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1

Wouldn't it be possible to write a script that reads game files/database/whatever it has, to produce such file after every update without having to download new file?

I think so! It should be fairly easy to do for stat modifiers, but when it comes to stuff that isn't actually listed in the vetrancy_ext, such as unlocked abilities, it might get a little complicated. Sounds like an interesting project, though!
27 Dec 2016, 18:54 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

it is nice to find this mod. and since it works in automatch, the word needs to be spread.
27 Dec 2016, 21:54 PM
avatar of tightrope
Senior Caster Badge
Patrion 39

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 29

Great work on this brother
28 Dec 2016, 07:02 AM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

Just a little nitpick (you are correcting periods anyway :) ) -
it was labeled "T-34-85", not "T-34/85".
Same for its little brother: it is "T-34 model 1943", not "T-34/76".
The difference is that first are Soviet labels, while second are German.

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