Sorry for my absence, I'm lacking the clear mind required to work on this project at the moment. It will continue to receive compatibility updates for future game patches nevertheless.
23.04.2018 Update:
-Fixed I&R Pathfinder veterancy rank 2 character issue
Hi looks like a really useful mod.
I was under the impression that with every patch (also the last one) Relic is autonomously updating and revising all strings and texts regarding units, commanders and veterancy. Am I wrong?
If so, are my veterancy strings, descriptions still the same as during release of the faction?
I do read them in-game and rely on them, would be silly if most of them are not accurate anymore.
If that is true, than of course this mod is excactly what I am looking for.
Looking for clarification.
In the default localization, multiple descriptions and veterancy strings are indeed either outdated or have errors in them. Relic does update strings with their patches, but many suffer from grammatical issues and others aren't changed at all.
Please add British Command Vehicle stats and and For the mother Russia skill states
If I remember correctly, the reason I haven't done this yet were shared strings. Adding detailed information to them would result in an absolute visual mess. However, the request is noted.
Displays conscript vet info on USF captain. Not sure if I did something wrong or just formatting error inside of the localization. 
Escape character 
Fixed the character issue, thanks for reporting! I can't do anything about the Captain/Conscript veterancy issue though, they share the same string.