So you call removing their key utility for a pittance cost reduction a buff? 
1: Their scoped g43 can not one shot a sniper, do you know how its mechanics even work?
And so what if PF still exist, youre still removing one possible counter. Plus PF dont counter snipers, 2: other than just being 6 men.
Well isnt that a loaded question. And yes, 3: OKW has no hard counter to snipers and you're just removing another counter from an already weak arsenal
#1 So you want a 4 man sniper squad that insta wipes any squad it clicks on? do YOU know how its mechanics even work? 3 squad member fires, taking the sniper HP down to >75, last member fires, gets crit. basically, a one shotted sniper.
#2 6 men squads are impossible to take out with a sniper, if you can't use a 6 man squad to your advantage against a sniper then I'm sorry but thats your problem and not the games.
#3 If only you had a T0 vehicle that had a damage buff vs snipers, that would be helpful wouldn't it...
If you seriously rely on infiltration squads to kill a single unit then you really need to learn how to use stealth units and or flanking efficiently, not just A moving your whole army around the map/clicking on the retreating sniper.
Snipers require so much baby sitting that 90% of the time you will kill it without you even knowing if you play normally, it's impossible to use a sniper and fight on several points of the map, use that to your advantage, start several fights, locate the sniper, flank it whilst keeping the fight active and more intense in the area the sniper isn't.