So let's talk about "hope". Without any Relic announced goals for COH that seems one of the best things we (as fans) can do now. Spreading slander is counter productive and will only hurt future collaboration with fans. There is no clear proof yet that Relic has abandoned the COH franchise.
Right now we have the COH Brand Manager excited about the future of Relic, so what does that tell you?
"spreading slander" ohh dont do it, dont even...i've defended the shit out of this game, but it gets to point where im talking out of my ass defending it. "Oh man the balance and mechanics.. its greaT!"> -4 man gren gets one shotted by shitty cover bunching-
relic causes the mass slander themselves. if they want people to stop shittalking the game then they should fix it.
the Us mortar ALONE has still been a broken joke going on half a year now even after its 'FiX', and the games balance overall has pretty much been an allied rofl stomp for even longer, essentially all of 2016, if you wanna go back even further, since brits released at LEAST.(2v2)
Anyway, Reality is... based on your H ranks

You want us to have hope, stop slandering! etc,
WELL, wake me up When theres a big tweet/article on IGN saying "Relic: we;re hiring competent balance designers, and someone to fix our laggy fucking main menu!" and then, guess what ill have bountiful elegant blatant fuckton amount of hope, believe me i will.
Ill fly to vancouver and kiss kyle and quinn duffy on the LIPS, and buy them their favorite meals from Tim Hortons, even if canadian prices are expensive as hell.
Then, we can all dance a jig under a rainbow in the vancouver snow, and then play some 2v2 all night afterwards, because I do love this game, I really fuckin do. I wanna see it explode in popularity But it wont. as long relic is blatantly neglecting it with no sign of the neglect ending, it wont. Itll die.
Speaking of that I went through every link you have, If anything it hints more at them going the direction of vigorously supporting dow3, saying "fuck COH!" than anything else.
If they dont want to support coh with a dev team anymore, fine, thats so fine, holy shit thats fine, I understand, coh2 is 3 years old and they want to progress dow3 development, OK GREAT.. literally no one cares.
ill say again, just unlock the mod/skin tools and let the community take over.
Oh wait modders have been asking for something like that for years now, and I dont see any tweets or businessinsider articles about anything that being added anytime soon.
To conclude rant,