I think thats what "combat" stands for. :-)
I wonder if it applies on stand still vehicles too?! Because the -50% received accuracy make things even funnier.
Basically your stand still Panther with combat blitz has twice the chance to hit anything, while everything have half the chance to hit the Panther. Too bad i rarely build Panthers with OKW, i would always use blitz in combats. 
Yes, the ability will work as advertised, even if your Panther remains stationary.
However, note that "missed" shots will spawn stray, non-homing, shells that act like the attack ground command. If you hold still, there is still a very high risk of those "stray" shots of hitting your Panther (and, thus, causing damage).
To reduce the chance of getting hit by those "stray" shells, try one of the following:
1. Try to have an obstacle (e.g., a fence, elevation) between you and the enemy.
- Assuming you have accuracy superiority, their shots are more likely to hit world objects than yours.
- I am not so sure about this, but the game files imply that that the obstacle needs to be within 10 meters from you, in order for the enemy's projectile to have a chance to collide with it. (this mechanic is worded extremely ambiguously)
2. Have a fast enough unit that reverses away from the target
- The Puma and the AEC which have very small scatter -- great for AI -- are notorious for having their shells land short of their targets).
3. Otherwise, assuming you have a small target profile, try to fight the enemy from a distance as great as possible
- Here, you rely on "angle scatter" to produce a random value large enough to miss your tank