Discussion only goes so far and eventually things need to be put to the test, and so here is:
Let's Test!
Grab a friend or some friends and see what you think of these changes and additions. Or mess around with the AI. See how these changes would impact the game for yourselves!
There is no intent for building an actual rebalanced game, but rather insert people's suggestions into the game environment so that they could actually be put to the test.
Current version:
M1937 45mm ATG:
Gun adjusted to match the T70.
Priorities, reload times, cooldowns, and animation-based stats were retained.
Can now be garrisoned, (but cannot retreat).
Cost to 240mp from 200mp.
Sd.Kfz. 222 Scout Car:
MG tracking on coaxial MG fixed:
Tracking left to -5 from 0
Tracking right to 5 from 0
Tracking up to 90 from 0 (to match down traverse)
Damage to 3 from 4. (The 222 really had been balanced around the coaxial MG being broken, so now that it fires, its damage output was quite formidable alongside the 2cm. The unupgraded 222 MG is not the same as the coax, so it was never bugged.)
Cost from 210mp 15f to 220mp 20f
Reverted 2cm gun upgrade
2cm upgrade cost from 55 munitions to 40 munitions
Added a second version of the 222 that comes with the 2cm already upgraded.
Cost of 2cm 222 set at 240mp 30f.
The intention of this is not to see how (im)balanced having the two options would be, but just a quick and simple way to be able to test two changes in one mod. I mean, go nuts if you want, but having that choice isn't the goal; Testing them individually is.
Le.ig Infantry Support Gun:
Added a Smoke Barrage ability which is a clone of the M8A1 HMC Smoke Barrage.
Weapon Building Damage profile changed to Mortar.
Auto attack range from 100 to 80.
Added a second version of the Le.ig Infantry Support Gun that has no auto attack, but fires 8(12) salvos instead of 4(8). (Vet barrage). Similarly to the 222, this is just another idea that is meant to be tested individually. But again, go nuts.
This version will not auto attack, auto face, or auto setup, but it will respond to attack individual units commands and attack without utilizing barrage.
Unfortunately the way tuning packs work you can't test these out with Cheat Mod without doing some mod surgery yourself.
My first impressions after testing to see if these things actually worked:

The 45mm ATG is actually a lot of fun to use this way, especially having it poke out of buildings. It gives me the impression this kind of role would be an interesting addition for Soviet T1.
222s with their coaxial MG are much more threatening. Even 222s without the 2cm are strong with that health pool. (I know I'm pretty alone in thinking the 222 needs armor instead of health, so I left that change out of this.)
The smoke barrage on Le.iG animation is a little wonky and the UI ranges are a little off. My Le.iG alterations are the most crudely slapped together. The ISG without auto attack I renamed 'Infantry Support Artillery' to help differentiate the two.
Also, keep in mind this is a very simple mod, so I am quite open to making tweaks and adjustments to further along the process. But also keep in mind I work pretty long hours so any such adjustments or updates will probably be slow, but steady. I'll aim to beat the Relic standard though.