
russian armor

Typical day on COH2 Balance threads

28 May 2016, 23:48 PM
avatar of thatboyarmy

Posts: 7

The problem isn't the game, it's you. Stop crying, watch some twitch/youtube replays and learn to use different strategies against different opponents/commanders.

[Indirect fire]

You can't beat land mattress? Don't blob! Not your infantry, not your crew served, not your tanks. Allies have to deal with mortars, ISG's, Werfers and Walking Stukas. Don't tell me you can't deal with a land mattress.


Can't beat emplacements? Build stugs/pak40s/jagdpanzer/raketen and target ground. Don't like this option? Find your own stategies because there are many more. Allies have to deal with mg nests, Pak 43s, and LEFH emplacements all while fighting against the best tanks in-game. Don't tell me you can't deal with an emplacement

We, the community, are also willing to give you advice on how to beat them, but the constant forum crying to nerf this or that faction is ridiculous. There is a counter to everything in game, it is YOUR responsibility to find that counter. This isn't rocket surgery, it's a simple game of digital chess.

PS - you won't win every game.
28 May 2016, 23:58 PM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928


Can't beat emplacements? Build stugs/pak40s/jagdpanzer/raketen and target ground. Don't like this option? Find your own stategies because there are many more. Allies have to deal with mg nests, Pak 43s, and LEFH emplacements all while fighting against the best tanks in-game. Don't tell me you can't deal with an emplacement

Your post is mostly spot on except this.

In a sense, Bofors doesn't need an ability which lets it become yet another indirect fire piece, it gets its value already from infantry area denial. Counters to the Bofors come well after Bofors can be built, IMO its far too good for its cost. (And thanks to that ability, if the bofors user is paying attention, then Pak40 Isn't a counter)

Also, no-one has problems with Pak43 and LEFH emplacements since the beginning of time, they're all so easy to decrew back in vanilla, but especially now with WFA factions.
29 May 2016, 00:16 AM
avatar of thatboyarmy

Posts: 7

jump backJump back to quoted post28 May 2016, 23:58 PMhubewa

Your post is mostly spot on except this.

In a sense, Bofors doesn't need an ability which lets it become yet another indirect fire piece, it gets its value already from infantry area denial. Counters to the Bofors come well after Bofors can be built, IMO its far too good for its cost. (And thanks to that ability, if the bofors user is paying attention, then Pak40 Isn't a counter)

Also, no-one has problems with Pak43 and LEFH emplacements since the beginning of time, they're all so easy to decrew back in vanilla, but especially now with WFA factions.

That's a good argument and I don't deny that it can be a pain, but there are ways to deal with it early. If you are Ostheer (or have an Ostheer partner), then you can use mortar smoke to cover your advance and target ground to pummel it. They also have a commander with mortar half-track and smoke bombs at 2 and 4 cp's respectfully. If you are only OKW you can get a Puma out relatively early to absorb damage while you pummel it with schreks, fire grenades and raketens (who won't take damage). The key, if you are playing against Brits, is to always expect it. As soon as you see the Bofors you know what you need to defeat it. Lastly, if the enemy is spending manpower and pop cap on Bofors then he won't have a strong inf/armor force. He will be easy to defeat/cap away from the emplacements until you can kill the emplacements.
29 May 2016, 00:26 AM
avatar of thatboyarmy

Posts: 7

Yay another patch brit with a shitpost. See you when you disappear from the game after the incompetent f*cks at relic finally patch you out of existence.

I've played this game before the Brits. If I leave this game it will be because USF/Sov have no late game. OKW, Ostheer, and Brits are balanced. I don't play one faction exclusively.
29 May 2016, 00:48 AM
avatar of Tobis
Senior Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4

That's a good argument and I don't deny that it can be a pain, but there are ways to deal with it early. If you are Ostheer (or have an Ostheer partner), then you can use mortar smoke to cover your advance and target ground to pummel it. They also have a commander with mortar half-track and smoke bombs at 2 and 4 cp's respectfully. If you are only OKW you can get a Puma out relatively early to absorb damage while you pummel it with schreks, fire grenades and raketens (who won't take damage). The key, if you are playing against Brits, is to always expect it. As soon as you see the Bofors you know what you need to defeat it. Lastly, if the enemy is spending manpower and pop cap on Bofors then he won't have a strong inf/armor force. He will be easy to defeat/cap away from the emplacements until you can kill the emplacements.

Bofors can fire through smoke with attack ground and will kill the puma in less than 10 seconds due to the low armor. Neither of those are effective.
29 May 2016, 00:50 AM
avatar of Puppetmaster
Patrion 310

Posts: 871

If the balance forum required playercards and to have experience with all armies and did not allow obvious fanboys (from either side) we wouldn't have half as many threads and might actually achieve decent discussion.

As it is now, a large part of the balance forum, are not actually interested in balance, they just want shit nerfed instead of actually learning how to deal with stuff. People can't admit when they have been outplayed either. Maybe you lost because the other player was just better.

They come and go from both sides with every major patch and its always the same.

We have people actively posting in the balance forum and even creating threads who:

Do not have experience with all factions
Have clear biased views
Would rather jump to "nerf x" than asking for help in actually dealing with problems

Hell we have people who play 5 games with a faction and claim that stuff is OP. These people need to come back when they have a respectable rank with a decent win % instead of crying OP when almost all cases, the issue is not with a unit or faction but their ability (or lack of) and willingness to improve.

Im not saying that you need to have x rank to be able to post because some people actually bother to have a discussion and put foward a good arguement. Mr Smith is a perfect example of this. I don't know what his ladder # is and it doesn't matter. He puts forward well thought out posts that actually encourage discussion. He puts a lot of effort into his posts. These are the type of posts the balance forum should be filled with.

jump backJump back to quoted post29 May 2016, 00:48 AMTobis

Bofors can fire through smoke with attack ground and will kill the puma in less than 10 seconds due to the low armor. Neither of those are effective.

While that is true, does it apply to everybody? There is probably only a small % of the playerbase that would do that and even know they could do that. If you are rank 2000+ then maybe that is an effective tactic.

Something you will also find is that most high ranked players (assuming no bias) will have a decent understanding of how to counter bofos / emplacements. It doesn't mean things don't need adjusting but it also doesn't mean that what this forum seems to be filled with is truth.
29 May 2016, 01:32 AM
avatar of Kamzil118

Posts: 455

I've played this game before the Brits. If I leave this game it will be because USF/Sov have no late game. OKW, Ostheer, and Brits are balanced. I don't play one faction exclusively.

What have you been smoking?

OKW has been trying to go to Relic rehab to fix some issues which plagued the game since the beginning of their existence into the game. Especially the Volksblob with the volley fire of Panzerschreks. As for Brits, their design has some issues. I mean, these are the same issues which was similar to the days of Opposing Fronts and anybody who played vCoh knows the horrors of the British emplacements.

Ostheer has been the underdog of the entire multiplayer meta since the arrival of the USF and OKW. While they still have their place in W/L ratio, their faction has some issues trying to adjust to the changing times. Even though they are great at combined arms, they lack light tanks and their grenadiers are in need of some buffs. Like having a fifth man and/or fixing their spacing.

USF has the Pershing and the Soviets have the IS-2. These are late-game units which they can choose to cause conflict with the Ostheer and the OKW.
29 May 2016, 02:29 AM
avatar of frostbite

Posts: 593

jump backJump back to quoted post28 May 2016, 23:58 PMhubewa

Your post is mostly spot on except this.

In a sense, Bofors doesn't need an ability which lets it become yet another indirect fire piece, it gets its value already from infantry area denial. Counters to the Bofors come well after Bofors can be built, IMO its far too good for its cost. (And thanks to that ability, if the bofors user is paying attention, then Pak40 Isn't a counter)

Also, no-one has problems with Pak43 and LEFH emplacements since the beginning of time, they're all so easy to decrew back in vanilla, but especially now with WFA factions.

i think he hit it super dead on. to me brits get punished hard when they lose any emplacement. and the pop cap of them and cost....its a l2p issue. brits always have little mp and struggle when fighting verse good players trying to kill ur mp and cap pushing constantly with no downtime. pros play different then noobs. emplacements might be a little harder to kill in a team game obviously cuz ur not gna 1v1 its the same feeling allies get when taking on a lot of heavy tanks with mgs and atguns. and lvl 3 inf pushing hard smartly. its a lot tougher to play as allies all there units are weak cept brits there like okw in a way
29 May 2016, 04:00 AM
avatar of sinthe

Posts: 414

Maybe the reason that there is so much action on this topic, is because the emplacement game style is a serious issue.

Before you note the win/loss rate keep in mind that not everyone has as much time in brits as they do any other factions and most people only have hte basic commanders.
29 May 2016, 07:07 AM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

Something you will also find is that most high ranked players (assuming no bias) will have a decent understanding of how to counter bofos / emplacements.

Just to be fair, wouldnt that mean that the brit Player knows how to defend his emplacements if they are both high skilled?;)
29 May 2016, 07:11 AM
avatar of Erguvan

Posts: 273

The problem isn't the game, it's you. Stop crying, watch some twitch/youtube replays and learn to use different strategies against different opponents/commanders.

If it is true, there must have been topics related to versatile units from any faction. So you may think that the balance is well but players should learn or experience more.

HOWEVER, there are only UKF realeted topics, and no or nearly no topic for other factions. Then a objective analysis should be that there are some issues in UKF faction to critize.
29 May 2016, 07:13 AM
avatar of Phy

Posts: 509 | Subs: 1

UKF fan boy detected. /close /remove (brits)
29 May 2016, 08:05 AM
avatar of Frost

Posts: 1024 | Subs: 1

Problem with indirect fire is that it wipes single squads in single shoots, one by one, even if you are not blobing. I guess, OP is allies fanboy or he even doesn't play 1s or both.
29 May 2016, 08:57 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post28 May 2016, 23:58 PMhubewa

Your post is mostly spot on except this.

In a sense, Bofors doesn't need an ability which lets it become yet another indirect fire piece, it gets its value already from infantry area denial. Counters to the Bofors come well after Bofors can be built, IMO its far too good for its cost. (And thanks to that ability, if the bofors user is paying attention, then Pak40 Isn't a counter)

Also, no-one has problems with Pak43 and LEFH emplacements since the beginning of time, they're all so easy to decrew back in vanilla, but especially now with WFA factions.

So you can't just simply move your unit out of the bofors barrage, JUST LIKE HANS SHOWED IN HIS HOW TO COUNTER SIM CITY VIDEO? I mean, the Brit player pointed and clicked, why can't you?
29 May 2016, 09:30 AM
avatar of Australian Magic

Posts: 4630 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post29 May 2016, 00:48 AMTobis

Bofors can fire through smoke with attack ground and will kill the puma in less than 10 seconds due to the low armor. Neither of those are effective.

But Puma outranges bofors...
29 May 2016, 10:28 AM
avatar of strafniki

Posts: 558 | Subs: 1

yeah, its not like landmatress isnt oneshotting lone squads in a second aswell. obviously l2p issue
reminds me of the cancer pit. oh wait

OP, also pls spread more allied fanboy lies. thx
29 May 2016, 11:12 AM
avatar of general_gawain

Posts: 919

USF has the Pershing and the Soviets have the IS-2. These are late-game units which they can choose to cause conflict with the Ostheer and the OKW.

While you are right, that there are still problems with OKW and Brits and Ostheer is the late game underdog out of this three, soviet and especially USF have a lot more troules. You can't say they are good a late game because they have a one heavy tank capped at 1, that is available in one (USF) or a few commanders (soviet). While Soviet still stands a chance in lategame because of a decent rocket artillery and the possiblity to take the upgunned T34 in one commander with IS-2, with T34/85 beeing one of the best tanks in the game in cost/performance relationship, USF simply can't do this. You have to make the choice Easy Eight or M10 or Pershing or Rocket artillery or Artillery. You'll only get one of this units and thats not enough for late game. USF really sucks in lategame.
29 May 2016, 11:27 AM
avatar of strafniki

Posts: 558 | Subs: 1

USF really sucks in lategame.

you still have viable USF cancer blobs.
29 May 2016, 12:22 PM
avatar of FichtenMoped
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Patrion 310

Posts: 4785 | Subs: 3

I love the smell of useless balance shitposts in the morning
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