
russian armor

Do volks really need stg44?

23 Apr 2016, 16:01 PM
avatar of TheMachine
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 875 | Subs: 6

The problem with the MG is that rifles can smoke it 24/7, and the low damage output doesnt help it.

Not only are MG34's buffed with more accuracy and on the HQ, Grenade range also are reduced when suppressed. So MG's will have more breathing room.
23 Apr 2016, 16:01 PM
avatar of Hans G. Schultz

Posts: 875 | Subs: 2

Were they charging into cons? Volks have terrible RA bonuses which might be changed.They aren't assault infantry. If vs Cons and eary USF, let them come to you.

What an amazing defensive upgrade given to an OFFENSIVE FACTION.
23 Apr 2016, 16:01 PM
avatar of C0ffeebeanz

Posts: 6

How about locking the Panzershreck behind a truck as well as an upgrade like the BAR and Bazooka for U.S.F.?...Only Volks that are not upgraded with STGs can use them. Also, veterancy requirements should be increased when the squad is equipped with the Shreck to avoid insta-vet 4 and 5 squads.

Or maybe making Shrecks a doctrinal upgrade...idk. It's not the Shreck that is the problem, but the fact that they're on a cheap, durable 5-man squad.
23 Apr 2016, 16:06 PM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

The StG by mid-late game is support DPS against mid-short range Allied infantry while Volks provide faust support. Volks by mid-late should be supplemented by MGs from the HQ, call-ins, or Obers.

StG provide short\range support indeed, but its simply not enouth. Allied inf are very potent with vet 3, this means that all your main DPS will be based around Obers\Jaegers\Fallshims and so on. So volks shield ... yeah, volks are for shielding, not for dealing damage, but in that case, I would rather see them supporting with light AT capabilities and guards like (or worst) AI capabilities with AT rifles.

At the same time, MG34 comming after building T1\T2 aswell as faust in that case, you pretty much have to tech T1 ASAP, to be able to hold enemy inf, get faust to help poor raketen and have STG upgrade. In other words T1 is the only chose for OKW to at least somehow hold the ground against allied inf and light armor.

T2 is going to work ONLY if you go for Luft\Defensive doctrine, because you simply cant hold the ground without MG as OKW right now.

Also, Raketens are near levels of other ATGs in my mod. I didn't think they should keep the cloak gimmick stock. It has the same accuracy as other ATGs and has a rate of fire on par with the 6pdr. I'll attempt to do so more spacing changes and redjust price.

Problem with raketen is that it can be suppresed, so pretty much you can support your tank with any kind of suppresion unit and simply deny raketenwerfer without need of killing it.

As for possible AT rifles, I'll think about it or give Sturms shrecks so Volks aren't the solution to everything early game. But we'll have to see.

You should't give schrecks to anyone at least untill veterancy fix. In correct game any non-tank unit with AT capabilities will be max vetted after couple of shots. This will lead to vet 5 stums like in no time. And because of their vet, you really dont want this to happen.
23 Apr 2016, 16:09 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Not only are MG34's buffed with more accuracy and on the HQ, Grenade range also are reduced when suppressed. So MG's will have more breathing room.

Not like you have to fire the smoke nade at the gunner, its enough if you put it a few meters before the mg itself which is quite possible even under fire.
23 Apr 2016, 16:10 PM
avatar of Obergefreiter Ultrek

Posts: 17

May something like sprint should be added to give the volks chance to close-combat with that amazing StG short-range DPS?
23 Apr 2016, 16:13 PM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

Not like you have to fire the smoke nade at the gunner, its enough if you put it a few meters before the mg itself which is quite possible even under fire.

Yes, but it means there's still less smoke along the approach to the MG if he's smoking at range 30 rather than range 15-20 you have much more time to prepare units for the assault through the smoke and you'll get sight of them much sooner. It also means your opponent has much less sight as he had to the toss the smoke much closer to himself versus his opponent.
23 Apr 2016, 16:17 PM
avatar of MoaningMinnie

Posts: 197

In my humble opinion it would be better not to ged rid of p-shrecks completely, but to make it an upgrade for the sturmpios, just how it works for p-grens. You loose 50% AI but gets good AT. If they have the sweeper then they should not be able to upgrade to shreks.
23 Apr 2016, 16:19 PM
avatar of C0ffeebeanz

Posts: 6

In my humble opinion it would be better not to ged rid of p-shrecks completely, but to make it an upgrade for the sturmpios, just how it works for p-grens. You loose 50% AI but gets good AT. If they have the sweeper then they should not be able to upgrade to shreks.

Not a terrible idea, but idk...wouldn't that put a lot of weight on Sturmpio's shoulders? Building, repairing, sweeping, tank-hunting? You'd need to make at least two every game. It gives it sort of a Panzer Elite feel but I think Sturms should stick to being primarily support/repair units.

It's not like the Shreck is OKW's only source of AT against early light vehicles...I think people have forgotten how good a Puma is in the right hands.
23 Apr 2016, 16:19 PM
avatar of Obergefreiter Ultrek

Posts: 17

In my humble opinion it would be better not to ged rid of p-shrecks completely, but to make it an upgrade for the sturmpios, just how it works for p-grens. You loose 50% AI but gets good AT. If they have the sweeper then they should not be able to upgrade to shreks.

Oh no, with 2 shreks sturms will get vet 5 instantly, and you ll see OKW tanks repairs right on the fuield, as well as sturms watching their mine or so on. That sucks
23 Apr 2016, 16:21 PM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

In my humble opinion it would be better not to ged rid of p-shrecks completely, but to make it an upgrade for the sturmpios, just how it works for p-grens. You loose 50% AI but gets good AT. If they have the sweeper then they should not be able to upgrade to shreks.

Do you really think that its a good idea to give schrecks to the unit with really good vet, faster repair with vet and quite powerfull AI (2 vet 5 Pios StG> 2 vet 3 PGs StG)? With 1 schreck, they would be even more deadly then with 2.

Giving Pios schreck will lead us to Tanks covered by ~2-3 vet 5 Pios, which will rape by focus fire everything and if tank get damaged insta repair it.
23 Apr 2016, 16:26 PM
avatar of Nezmith

Posts: 16

Do you really think that its a good idea to give schrecks to the unit with really good vet, faster repair with vet and quite powerfull AI (2 vet 5 Pios StG> 2 vet 3 PGs StG)?

Giving Pios schreck will lead us to Tanks covered by ~2-3 vet 5 Pios, which will rape by focus fire everything and if tank get damaged insta repair it.

Then working opposite of the support package, the schreck upgrade should also decrease repair rate. If anything, this could finally be a chance to give Sturmpios Kar98s and give Volks the option to switch to close range with an MP40/StG44 package.
23 Apr 2016, 18:58 PM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Apr 2016, 16:26 PMNezmith

Then working opposite of the support package, the schreck upgrade should also decrease repair rate. If anything, this could finally be a chance to give Sturmpios Kar98s and give Volks the option to switch to close range with an MP40/StG44 package.

I'm not sure its possible to add\remove vet bonnuses if unit has specific upgrade.

And stum pios with starting Kar ... welp they would need to perform like grenadiers in that case and have significant cost reduction. But giving them KaR is a bad idea, because it would make faction look like ost even more.
23 Apr 2016, 19:02 PM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

I'm not sure its possible to add\remove vet bonnuses if unit has specific upgrade.

And stum pios with starting Kar ... welp they would need to perform like grenadiers in that case and have significant cost reduction. But giving them KaR is a bad idea, because it would make faction look like ost even more.

Make the single shreck for Sturms then also swap all the weapons for the Sturm squad to something like a Volk rifle or possibly a tad better or whatever. So if you go support package you keep all your firepower and can sweep while the schrek package makes Sturms a further support unit that won't be able to clear weapon teams or chase away troops closing in without support.

I don't think one shreck and 3 stg44s would be a good idea, but that's me. It was taken off PGs for a reason, even though their StGs are better.

Can't say its similar to Ostheer as their schreks are on a heavy combat engineer unit which also gets a swap to long-range rifles versus the Ostheer who is more of a dedicated AT unit with semi-decent mid0short range power with little utility.
23 Apr 2016, 19:08 PM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

Make the single shreck for Sturms then also swap all the weapons for the Sturm squad to something like a Volk rifle or possibly a tad better or whatever. So if you go support package you keep all your firepower and can sweep while the schrek package makes Sturms a further support unit that won't be able to clear weapon teams or chase away troops closing in without support.

I don't think one shreck and 3 stg44s would be a good idea, but that's me. It was taken off PGs for a reason, even though their StGs are better.

Can't say its similar to Ostheer as their schreks are on a heavy combat engineer unit which also gets a swap to long-range rifles versus the Ostheer who is more of a dedicated AT unit with semi-decent mid0short range power with little utility.

Well then, pios should have 2 schrecks and 2 KaR rifles for 120 muni. Because one schreck + 3 KaRs will be quite bad on such expensive squad and multi-task unit.

But yeah, 2 KaR98+2 schrecks on Sturmpios can pretty well work.

But in my honest opinion, there is still a quite feelable gap in terms of AI power for OKW, before obersts hit the field. But I think it would be easier to fix if needed.
23 Apr 2016, 19:12 PM
avatar of Hans G. Schultz

Posts: 875 | Subs: 2

Make the single shreck for Sturms then also swap all the weapons for the Sturm squad to something like a Volk rifle or possibly a tad better or whatever. So if you go support package you keep all your firepower and can sweep while the schrek package makes Sturms a further support unit that won't be able to clear weapon teams or chase away troops closing in without support.

Or you should just have the upgrade give 2 schrecks for 120 muni.
23 Apr 2016, 20:04 PM
avatar of Percieis

Posts: 55

You could make the schreck package for sturmpios block repairing. Might have to adjust veterancy, but it would at least give OKW some AT inf.
23 Apr 2016, 20:35 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

With panzerfausts, t0 raketen, and the possibility for Pumas, I don't see why panzerschrecks can't be on Obers or as a weapon rack off the flak or repair truck at this rate.

But to answer the original question: Do volks really need StGs? Nope. But they can certainly have it, just like they could get g43s or flamethrowers.

Five mp40s would work better, as it would be an option to alter their role completely, rather than just simply buff them. It would also be an investment that would relieve some of the duties off of sturmpioneers.

Plus they wouldn't have 3/4th the weapons of Sturms. Or match sturms with minesweepers.
23 Apr 2016, 20:41 PM
avatar of ABlockOfSalt

Posts: 70

I haven't missed the shreks.

I find I float enough mu to alpha-strike light armour if the situation arises and I usually go for the mech truck first anyway (I can afford to bleed until obers come out, usually)

I can also burst down un-defended positions pretty quickly with a nade faust combo which is neat too.

Over all I find I am spending less munitions per minute when engaging other infantry because I don't need to rely on flame nades to do the damage, I can just sit in cover and let them attack me in most cases.

In cases where I have to fight ppsh cons in the open I'm still as boned as I ever was but in almost all other situations I am better off. Being able to get a sturm offizer out helps a metric crapload too when it comes to infantry in cover, added to the fact the MG34 is non-doc.

I think giving them smg's would be a bad idea across the board even if it did define their role as a CC unit, mostly because they have no way to get into CC and by the time they vet up enough to get there Mp40s will be pretty useless.
23 Apr 2016, 20:45 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

That's the thing though, if they are intending to be defensive units, that fancy stock MG34 has the capabilities to suppress anything at range.

A squad with SMGs is excellent at defending an MG from a closing flank.
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