While they can't be dropped and don't take up slots on their own (so IS can still dual-equip Brens) they both increase the risk that weapon upgrades will drop and make IS DPS unreliable once they start to lose models. Let's look at why:
When a model is killed, any slot item (weapon upgrade) that model is carrying is passed to any model in the squad that doesn't have a slot item equipped. If there are no other models without slot items, the item has a chance to drop (usually about 33%). If the item doesn't drop, it is stored until the squad is reinforced to have enough members to equip it.
Since IS have up to four slot items (two SLEs, two Brens/PIATs) they can drop items when reduced to less than four members (most squads start when reduced to less than one or two). Added to this, if a model carrying a Bren dies and there are no models without slot items, the Bren won't be equipped. Since the SLE has roughly 7/12 the long-range DPS of the Bren, IS squads lose a significant portion of their total DPS when Brens can't be passed on.
Thankfully, since the patch to veterancy, it is actually fairly easy to fix. The explanation of how it's done requires a bit of modding knowledge but, in general terms, I'm simply replacing all of the standard Lee-Enfields with SLEs when IS squads reach vet 3.
Since equipping the full squad with SLEs increases the DPS bonus from 6/7.5%-15% the SLE might need adjustment but a five-man dual-Bren squad will have its DPS increased by only about 2% with these changes.
Let's get into the modding:

This is what the vet 3 bonus looks like initially. The first thing to do is to delete the slot_item_add actions. Then, you want to add an add_weapon action under squad_entity_actions that adds the SLE to hardpoint_01. Make sure you get the origin and heading right!
From here, you want to add a requirement_action with the requirement required_not: required_any_in_list: required_active_weapon and simply have an active_weapon entry for the Tommy Bren, Sapper Vickers K, PIAT and Boys AT Rifle. Finally, move the apply_modifiers action to the bottom for neatness.
Here's how the entries should look when you're done:

Here's an expanded view:

Note that while I've got a Sapper Bren entry in these pictures, you should have the Tommy Bren. I use the same mod to test a lot of things.
Once you're done, simply adjust the SLEs to your liking.