As we can experience new gamebreaking bugs like always, this time we have insane crew multipliers that count per member of a squad.
No I didn't, I purposedly did not even look at any vet stuff because I'm sure not gonna comb through 200+ squad files to check for things like this, for free.
LEIG has a *1.25 SQUAD speed modifier that is being applied to each ENTITY so it's actually a 305% speed modifier. Cute.
Having now checked the team weapons, I have good news.
Every atgun, and all the static howitzers, and LEIGs, will gain fun stuff at vet2.
All the atguns and howitzers will gain a rotation bonus of 130% to 200% (depending on squad), to the power of the number of members (plus the team weapon) in their squad at the time they gain vet2.
So for instance a ZIS3 will gain a rotation bonus of 1.3^7 = 627% upon reaching vet2 with a full squad. If you hit vet2 with a less than full squad then it'll be less, and will never be increased either (without decrewing the weapon and vetting up again).
LEIG, already mentioned, gains speed instead.
Also as an additional note, there's two team weapons that get some extra trolly bonuses right now due to this stacking.
One of them is LEIG. Which is getting 0.77^5 = 0.27 received accuracy at vet2
The other one is HMG34, which is getting 0.8^5 = 0.33 received accuracy at vet4. And 6 vision (addition) * 5 for good measure at vet5.
They have some pretty impressive survivability thanks to this
Update: Relic pls 2³