its not 22 is shit. Its stuff inside your head is shiit. 222 is strong unit now in a normal hands.
This is logical outcome, but for some reason i was hoping for constructive relics desicion to revert buffs to 222 and sniper.
statisticaly 90% of the playerbase are 2v4 scrubs. Thats why all of them reject any logic and facts.
Yeteday axis convincingly won both game on highest level between 2 best players.
Yeah sure, kid. Probably in your world only allies can have usefull light armor

Here is the thing, 222 cant stay toe-to-toe with ANYTHING but M20 and M8. Cant it stay toe-to-toe vs Stuart, AEC, T70, American AA HT ? No, it can't. You have to stay close to them, and shoot right in the rear armor to be able to kill it with 222.
You cant beat this tanks if they are full HP and your 222 is full HP even if you shoot them into rear armor.
You already point it by yousefl, that you want to "rush to my T3", here is the thing, kiddo, if you want to rush anything without side teching or without building some usefull units to counter possible enemy strat, then even 1 HP kubel will beat you.
You want to rush into T3 as brits and spam snipers? Sure, lay mines with suppers. Its your personal problem that you dont want to build AEC or you dont want to build AT guns or Bofors, not balance problem.
And stop thowing "But axis won tournament" BS to protect your complanings. Go to coh2 charts and watch statists, because couple of top players is not showing and proving anything.
AEC gave scrubs advantages and cheese, 222 HP buff giving you chance to survive additional shoot, while not allowing you to stay toe-to-toe with other light armor.
So like really l2p, #adapt. Also, use Brad advise from last twitch "If you find something OP go and play as this faction and lern how you were countered, but dont come to forums and tell every one that something is OP after fist lose"