I would like to start by saying yes, i am a known usf fanboy. No, this thread isnt troll.
Ostheer and brits are my favorite factions after usf, i love these two because of theyre AMAZING combined arms design, their abilities and units, etc.
But thats not the point. I would like to bring up the question as to why ostheer cant be more like brits.
Not with more emplacements, dont get it twisted.
but with other things.
Ostheer and brits play very similarly, obviously not including emplacements, but there are key aspects missing in ostheers favor:
- Light vehicles
The brits have the AEC, why can't ostheer have a panzer 3 that can self spot for all these suppport weapons and give recon or something? Why cant the 222's 20mm cannon at least scare an AEC or stuart away? Why does the 222 lose to a 3 man half health rifle squad with one AT nade? Does a luchs lose to one conscript? Does a stuart lose to one grenadier? Does the AEC lose to one volksgrenadier? Why is 222 getting rekt like this? 
Is the Panzer III model is bugged or something and thats why It hasnt been released? Can the puma come at 3CP? DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR VEHICLES, i think I heard ostheer's heart rate slowing as i type this.
good lord, ostheer fails like boiled shit when light vehicles roll out and alot of it is because theyure just missing a counter play vehicle. Grens are fine, mg42 is fine, sniper is fine, mortar is fine, the paks great, the 250 is awesome, and the 222 gives great sight and utility.
but holy shit, I cant use any of this when I have to worry about that ugly ass AEC/m20/stuart coming in and ruining it all in one go. This wasnt a problem when the stuart had 320 hp, or when the aEC was a piece of shiet. Do something about it. I can hear ostheers breath getting softer and softer. Listen to me relic.
and Inb4 some nerd comes in here and tells me to plant a teller. Guess what, nerd, if I plant a teller and hes not an idjit, and he's top 50 and buys sweepers, then what? What if I finish the teller and an AEC comes flying out of nowhere and shoots my pioneers on top of the teller a second after I place it? Stfu. Mines dont counter shit.
- Unit and commander abilities
The cromwell seems really strong vs ostheer armor, everything. I think because of the commander upgrade ability which allows you to literally attack move any target and get the first shot in because of the extended sight. If the Germans were known for their amazing tank commanders and coordination, why dont they have a tank commander upgrade that does a similar thing too? This would be a huge buff to the P4 vs sherman/cromwell matchup. The sherman has the penetration advantage and the cromwell has the first AND more accurate shot(s). So let the P4 have something. Right now its a piece of shit and a joke. And its really funny when it fights against comets and stuff, its like a T34-76 fighting an Abrams tank.
the panther, why the fuck does the comet raep infantry the way it does, from 50 range and with phosphorus (AND THE COMMANDER UPGRADE
?) Meanwhile, the panther is basically ignored by infantry? give it some anti infantry ability please, this isnt 2013 anymore. The allies have stuff to kill panthers now.
The panther is literally not shit now and its sad. It was funny at brit release but now its just said. Buff the panther.
The tiger, reduce its range back to 40. that was a dumb idea. Just make it slow, give it actual armor, take blitzkrieg away and replace with KT spearhead abilty.(btw still not an OKW thread but fix that fucking ability on the KT its still worse than the main attack for some reason)
My other gripe and final gripe, Brits get artilery cover+forward HQ anti infantry strafe+a recon ability(try it if you have the munitions), ok fine, why is sector artillery or stuka loiterSO SHIT in comparison? (this thread still isnt about OKW, but buff zeroing artillery too)
I love these stalemate back-breaker abilities, they create awesome visuals and moments late game and, well break stalemates...but lets make them all equal, or nerf them all. whatever, but do something about it.
Right now, ostheer is truly on life support(the panzerwerfer) and I think theyre about to die. So can we please do something and help ostheer out. I cant play them, and no one else will play them. And its a shame because I like them alot, theyre design is great, and so is there concept overall. Fix the power creep and buff them to be like brits please.
endrant and thx
Dude cookie your one of my favorite posters and I highly respect you but
I don't know how often you use the comet (i do ALL the time multiples of them) but it does not rape infantry. It has a lucky shot every now and then but it is inaccurate as fuck on the move and even standing still it feels buggy and for as much as it cost it should do some AI dmg with it's shot. I mean I know KT and ost T cost more but they are god damn AI wipe machines with huge at power. Comet has crap pen vs a panther and does not do a good job flanking cause it misses on the move like 60 or 70% of the time. As for the white phosphorous it is bugged and dosen't work right most of the time and has led me to losing comets before, also I use it to blind AT guns and as I said blind because thats all it really seems to do it never wipes them and hardly does any dmg never decrews them.
Sector arty well timed can be really effective and way better than brits hq arty that stuff is shit and misses 80% of the time to hit any thing other than maybe a okw truck but its not going to do much dmg.
The panther is not crap it is probably the most rounded AT tank in the game. It has the best frontal armor. I mean honestly how many videos should I post of how many times that thing has been able to defy death when if it was any allied tank no contest would of been dead with superior axis all around AT in general. Like i mean the piat that always misses made the panther shit now or the comet that can't hardly pen its front armor?
MG42 best mg in the game. Ost mortar best basic mortar in the game. Pak best basic at gun in the game. You play USF a lot also my favorite faction and if i can decrew it or ost mortar or at gun I ALWAYS steal it because its the best mg in the game and the best regular mortar/at gun in the game. Just the other day in 2v2 I stole one of there 42's (only had 3 crew members) put it in a house on there fuel in road to kharkov. It must of took them like 10 minutes to counter it because it pins faster than any other mg and unlike any other mg it will pen 5 squads in the arc at once as well as it turns on a dime in buildings it seems. especially vetted AND has super bullets that rape infantry and light vehicles.
I agree AEC timing needs moved back now that it was buffed. I guess thats why your comparing the 222 a super light vehicles like the m20 to a medium light vehicle like the luchs ( which i think still comes out a bit early) or the stuart or t70. However a new addition to give them a medium light might be alright.
I am not going to pretend to that I play ost but against good players I find them a highly effective faction. Maybe the p4 needs a bit of a buff but most of the time i just find that eventually they always over commit there panther or tiger the toughest opponets never do that. I find that both axis factions do best on camping VPs in order to win and force allies into a bad position to run there gauntlet and allies are mostly intense micro and if they let you build to critical mass (especially usf) you find the right time to strike and break there back but then you hit mines and pak walls which can turn that upside down on you.