50 fuel mean you leave an full open windows for light vehicle play. So yes, the first couple of weeks will be at your advantage until people release they can go M20/Bren/M3 and being uncontested for 3-4 minutes and rape you till your base defenses.
I don't think it's that bad, people just assume it's supposed to be some monster like the other light vehicles. It's only 15 fuel, when the other light vehicles are much more. I've been experimenting with a double scout car build and having some success. You can kill a stuart if you get a faust on it and the captain isn't near.
i'm trying to conceptualize how this triple 222 build works; does anyone have any replays/videos? i just don't see how 3 of them can be effective, let alone cost effective, except against light cars.
Let's give this a more defined role. At the moment it's literal garbage, even vs m20 due to crew disembark with zookas it fails to counter it. AEC 2 shots it. It even struggles to kill infantry before being pushed away by small arms. The only thing this is good for is M3/Jeep hunting, which is pathetic for a t2 unit.
I think this should be buffed considerably along with a price increase to 50 or so fuel, make it on par with AEC/Stuart to give Ost a reliable light vehicle.
Just like miraflages post. Not every faction gets everything. UKF/USF has no mobile artillery except through commanders. OST doesn't have a light tank unless it's through a commander. Just wondering if this community wants to make an all in one faction that has MGs, snipers, mortars, mainline infantry with mgs and vehicle snare, light scout tank, medium tanks, heavy tanks, rocket artillery... what else? non-doc super heavies next?
If you're having trouble with 222 vs m20... why would you have trouble vs a m20? the moment the crew disembarks, you just stay at range and attack the vehicle while the crew has crap accuracy at range/aim time. Kite, destroy the vehicle, retreat. And you do know the m20 costs 340 MP and 20 fuel + 70 muni for the armor upgrade? I believe the 222 is cheaper and counters a more expensive unit.
This community talks about differentiating factions. Now I see a demand for homogeneity? "I want a vehicle that performs like other factions' light tanks."
The 222 is a niche vehicle that can scout, AA, chase snipers, chase light vehicles (not light tanks). It is not designed to be a bullet sponge so don't use it that way.
Here's the description:
Light, mobile vehicle that is strong against enemy infantry and light vehicles at range. Counters Soviet scout cars, weapon teams, and snipers.
Just like miraflages post. Not every faction gets everything. UKF/USF has no mobile artillery except through commanders. OST doesn't have a light tank unless it's through a commander. Just wondering if this community wants to make an all in one faction that has MGs, snipers, mortars, mainline infantry with mgs and vehicle snare, light scout tank, medium tanks, heavy tanks, rocket artillery... what else? non-doc super heavies next?
If you're having trouble with 222 vs m20... why would you have trouble vs a m20? the moment the crew disembarks, you just stay at range and attack the vehicle while the crew has crap accuracy at range/aim time. Kite, destroy the vehicle, retreat. And you do know the m20 costs 340 MP and 20 fuel + 70 muni for the armor upgrade? I believe the 222 is cheaper and counters a more expensive unit.
This community talks about differentiating factions. Now I see a demand for homogeneity? "I want a vehicle that performs like other factions' light tanks."
The 222 is a niche vehicle that can scout, AA, chase snipers, chase light vehicles (not light tanks). It is not designed to be a bullet sponge so don't use it that way.
Here's the description:
Light, mobile vehicle that is strong against enemy infantry and light vehicles at range. Counters Soviet scout cars, weapon teams, and snipers.
It dies to small arms fire way too easily to effectively combat weapon teams and the damage output isn't sufficient to chase down snipers. The 222 should get a slight buff to armour and damage and then we can draw a line under this - it doesn't need to be able to compete with other factions light vehicles but it does need to be effective in the role you described.
What it could use is 5fu increase in cost and about 30% more AI DPS either on one or both of its weapons if one would prove not to be sufficient enough.
I can agree with this as a bare minimum. I'm fine with the thing being squishy, but its DPS against infantry quickly becomes terrible even if it survives and then it's mostly a moving telescope that can shoot at planes.
It dies to small arms fire way too easily to effectively combat weapon teams and the damage output isn't sufficient to chase down snipers. The 222 should get a slight buff to armour and damage and then we can draw a line under this - it doesn't need to be able to compete with other factions light vehicles but it does need to be effective in the role you described.
You might be standing on the wrong side of that HMG barrel if it dies too easy for you.
Chasing snipers depend on the range, if you're trying to gun sniper down from max range on the move, have fun, even tanks struggle. I'm able to take shock squad to half hp on retreat with it and I'm not micro god.
Thing about it is, its not specialized. Its 15 fuel generalist vehicle. Its meant to fight both, infantry and lights of its tier(no, its not meant to fight +50fu lights). If you want it to excel vs infantry, then scrap its AT and AA capability. If you want it to perform vs light armor better, scrap its AI.
Again, it is not and will not be a light tank, so you people might stop making suggestions that would make it one.
More armor on this thing then it already have would be wrong not only from balance pov(it costs 15 fu, it won't suddenly cost 3x more and compete with AECs) and immersion pov.
For some fun facts, here are pictures of couple of armored cars we have in game next to a human:
Answer yourself this question:
Should this badly scaled, small car be able to compete with any of these?
As I've said earlier, increase its long range AI by 30%, call it a day.
Protip: stop the 222 in front of the Snipers retreat path and you will wipe it more often than not
Chasing behind will just do nothing as you have reduced accuracy on the move
222 counters snipers very well, you just need to know how to use it
In other words, every other light vehicle can chase snipers. But since the 222 is so terrible at hitting anything that isn't a vehicle you need to have it hold still or else you will have to chase a sniper across the whole map.
In other words, every other light vehicle can chase snipers. But since the 222 is so terrible at hitting anything that isn't a vehicle you need to have it hold still or else you will have to chase a sniper across the whole map.
Lol got it.
Fun fact:
222 have higher combined DPS at all ranges then 222(whoops) M20.
Even if we take coax ONLY, 222(whoops again) M20 have more then 50% lower max range DPS(~3 of M20 vs ~6 of 222) and only 3 DPS less in close range(22.73 of M20 and 19.87+4.02 of 222).
If M20 can chase down and kill snipers with +50% accuracy bonus, so can 222 with the same 50% acc bonus as snipers on retreat have exactly the same survivability.
In other words, every other light vehicle can chase snipers. But since the 222 is so terrible at hitting anything that isn't a vehicle you need to have it hold still or else you will have to chase a sniper across the whole map.
Lol got it.
Compared to what? Bren carrier? WC51? Soviet m3? yea good thing the 222 doesn't have to spin around uselessly to try and shoot anything
Katitof shutting down the thread with stats as usual
Wehraboos on suicide watch
If Kaitof had any comprehension of stats - or even a basic level of rational thinking - then he would know which faction has the highest win rate and which has the lowest. Hint: One has the AEC and the other has the 222 - can you guess which is which?
Meanwhile people build 222s every single game, while nobody builds m20s. OH WAIT. NOPE haha. Bulletproof armor and free bar thomspon squad > shithole paper mache 222 that can't counter anything but an m3 scoutcar.
Go show me a side by side comparison of an m20 and a 222 vs a gren squad or a sniper.
Meanwhile people build 222s every single game, while nobody builds m20s. OH WAIT. NOPE haha. Bulletproof armor and free bar thomspon squad > shithole paper mache 222 that can't counter anything but an m3 scoutcar.
Go show me a side by side comparison of an m20 and a 222 vs a gren squad or a sniper.
Do it yourself and show it on here to prove a point.
Vehicles don't tend to do a lot of spinning when they're chasing.
If Kaitof had any comprehension of stats - or even as basic level of rational thinking - then he would know which faction has the highest win rate and which has the lowest. Hint: One has the AEC and the other has the 222 - can you guess which is which?
Highest win/lose rate affect a faction as a whole. It is not a justified reason to buff a unit to increase win rate. Rather, it's to readjust values that's causing the win rate to go above average which I believe is the new AEC, calliope, and very durable riflemen at vet 3. So the next patch... who knows when that is will probably debuff the AEC a bit for UKF at least. The others issues... who knows when since lelic stated that they won't be doing major changes anymore in lieu of e-sports...
Highest win/lose rate affect a faction as a whole. It is not a justified reason to buff a unit to increase win rate. Rather, it's to readjust values that's causing the win rate to go above average which I believe is the new AEC, calliope, and very durable riflemen at vet 3. So the next patch... who knows when that is will probably debuff the AEC a bit for UKF at least. The others issues... who knows when since lelic stated that they won't be doing major changes anymore in lieu of e-sports...
I agree, buffing the 222 won't bring Wermacht to the same win-rate as the other factions, but it would help and it's current broken state is a factor in that very low win-rate.
If Kaitof had any comprehension of stats - or even as basic level of rational thinking - then he would know which faction has the highest win rate and which has the lowest. Hint: One has the AEC and the other has the 222 - can you guess which is which?
Someone's just rustled they were struck down by the long hard arm of allied justice (Katitof), putting wehraboos down into their place along CoH2.org and the official forums alike.
He may not be the hero we deserve but he's the hero UKF need right now.
Underneath the hordes of "Emplacements OP!" "nerf chuchill!" "AEC too stronk!" threads he perseveres, like a shining light in the darkness of Axis bias.
KoRneY: @aerafield It's possible that it is underpriced for what it is capable of now, no need to go full retard and take it immediately as a massive problem. It costs 60 more MP than a pz.3 and in 2v2 the barrage can be quite strong. Today, 19:14 PM
OKSpitfire: I do like that they made the Stuka more expensive instead of nerfing it into the ground though. Found it pretty unsatisfying to use before that buff a while back.... Yesterday, 16:35 PM
aerafield: USF already is by far the shittiest faction in terms of countering blobbing and turtling, now they supposedly have one overtuned tool locked behind a BG and it's immediately a massive problem? Yesterday, 13:33 PM
Lady Xenarra: I think post-2.0 Whizbang buffs, the price is too low esp since the Stuka got nerfed in cost too. Speaking of which, how exactly is one supposed to successfully dive this Sherman in disguise? Med tank spam running into SSFs? Yesterday, 12:13 PM
OKSpitfire: A powerful, doctrinal unit that outperforms stock stuff? Colour me shocked! Yesterday, 10:49 AM
Willy Pete: Cool you wanna lose your stock lategame arty too then? Yesterday, 03:20 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Whizzbang for DAK instead of Stuka, 5 fuel cheape, 60MP more expensive and next to impossible to dive. Last Wednesday, 20:27 PM
Rosbone: It is also hard to expect Relic to help Coh2 when they cant even make working menus in Coh3 yet, 2 years after release and at full price+ for DLCs. Thats like asking a fish to do calculus. Last Tuesday, 02:58 AM
Rosbone: But this last patch has made good progress for grabbing players. All we can hope is Coh3 gets to Coh2s quality level before everyone abandons the franchise. Its Relic so they will completely f*%k it up as usual. But its a hope/cope. Last Tuesday, 02:55 AM
Rosbone: Relic wants Coh2 to fail so players will migrate to Coh3. It is hard to blame them since Coh3 sucks so bad. It needs all the help it can get. Last Tuesday, 02:53 AM
Soheil: Coh2 is dead , full of map hackers , and lelic knows that but ... Last Tuesday, 01:26 AM
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back Last Monday, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777 Last Monday, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar Last Sunday, 09:06 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. Last Saturday, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed Last Saturday, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck Last Saturday, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. Last Saturday, 11:44 AM