
russian armor

OKW is completely out of control

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10 Dec 2015, 20:47 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2015, 20:21 PMNirad

I completely agree. I've seen this several times. I think if you build a JT then the KT should be locked out and vice versa. This means that OKW essentially have a 2 heavy tank limit based on commander which is absolute horse shit! With the 100% resources it's easily possible to have enough fuel for both.

With a KT and JT combo it's impossible to counter as allies

This has always been the case for OKW in team games, and is one of the reasons the KT was moved to a commander ability. Having said that, I don't think making a Heavy limit is necessary since no player should have enough resources to do that, after this gets rebalanced of course, in a normal game. I will hold absolutes until the OKW are reshuffled however.
10 Dec 2015, 20:50 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2015, 09:13 AMZyllen

See this is the problem with allied players. you just rely on cookie cutter builds to win and have no strategy of your own. if he has 10 volks with shreks the least you can do is build 10 rifles/IS (when their popcap is fixed) or shocks/guards to counter it. supported with some mg's i would own this shitty strat quite easily.

But no this level of gameplay is to high for most players it seems. This also the reason why allied players are losing their shit at the moment: their cookie cutter build is not working because of the early luchs forcing them into early AT.

The okw has not changed much actually, But the 100% fuel income has ensured that fuckups against the okw is no longer possible. i have seen games in the past where allied players where losing tanks by the dozen and could still win. but now this is no longer possible. lose a tank because you went commando with it and you will get punished for it

Lmao none of that will work because of mp bleed, pop cap, and veterency bonuses, and the FACT that you will be out caped giving okw an overall better resource income. Ultimately allied infantry will always lose to volks in the end pure infantry vs infantry because they take no dmg especially vetted up, shreks big like crazy, and can just sit on the vps and ignore everything other than maybe a calliope.

MGs DO NOT WORK against volks, all allied mgs do not pin fast enough you must be thinking we have mg42 or 34s. Thanks to relics idiot move of giving incendiary nades to volks MGs are completely useless.

In 2v2 I managed to take out a JT with 3 ez8's on a well played flank guess what? 2 minutes later he had another one. There is no reward for taking out any OKW super tanks anymore. No way allied factions can keep up with there tank production unless they drive there tanks into AT guns one after the other.

If we make that much infantry what are we going to do when a KT arrives in 15mins? It wipes squads like none other then we will have 0 mp to repair hurt squads let alone field counter armor.

This is a joke revert the shit back you cannot take a faction that was designed on gibbed resources but highly effective units/abilities with out changing cost, effectiveness, maybe even mechanics of EVERY SINGLE UNIT and tech structure, call in, etc.

Bring old resource income back and tech cost.

Leave volks buff.

Move incendiary nades to strum ( what axis fanboys themselves asked for )

Then go from there.

10 Dec 2015, 20:53 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2015, 20:50 PMRocket


Yea my $$$ was really useful for about a month or so.
10 Dec 2015, 21:18 PM
avatar of Enkidu

Posts: 351

Some of these posts are pure gold. I've learned some things; for instance, apparently selecting an allied faction before a game makes it impossible to think of new strats or adapt to battlefield conditions. That explains so much! The depth of video game nationalism on these boards at times makes me laugh so hard that I truly thank you for it.

I like the volks buff and the new capping kubel, but it really feels like some research costs are needed. On top of that, king tiger cp requirement seems like a no brainer.
10 Dec 2015, 22:10 PM
avatar of =]H[= Tennessee88

Posts: 22

As far as I undertand it, the faction was designed with the idea that they have tough (but not too powerful) infantry that holds the line around their medic truck/flacktrack until the tanks arrive to save the day.

Thing is, now said infantry is one of the most (if not the most) cost-efficient in the game, the tanks arrive much earlier thanks to the removal of the ressource penalty, and the medic/flak trucks feel like free boons rather than necessary bonuses when everyone else needs to invest in order to get those things. So it feels like OKW just needs to blob around with their super tough shrecked volks until minutes 15-20 when they just vomit a constant stream of the best tanks in the game too. While also locking 1/3 of the map thanks to the flacktruck just to make sure you can't really go around the doomblob, because that's fun gameplay.

The end result is a faction that is OP, and more importantly supremely annoying to play against. Only the brits in CoH1 were worst.

And it's not like they don't have choices either! Panzerfusiliers, Jaegers, Obers, vetted puppchen, Puma, JPIV, Stuka, they have loads of powerful units in their roster other than those that are usually fielded. But they don't even need them most of the time. Volkspam and a cutoff Kubel into Luchs/P4/Panther then KT. gg.

I can't comment on 1v1 because I rarely play it (so the trucks don't make as much a difference). Regardless, the ability to put as many volks on the field as OKW is right now needs to be changed (or other factions brought in line).

Probably some changes needed regarding 100% resource gain, but by no means am I expert enough to feel entitled to a decisive comment. I will say that I feel like I can constantly place mines and upgrade to shreks without worry, allowing me the ability to hold off bringing in armor until I know what will be the perfect tool. On the other hand, I do appreciate the ability to deal with Allied tank spam. Not sure if that was actually a major issue (sure seemed like it a couple of patches ago) or I am just a bad panzer commander, probably somewhere in the middle.

Am I the only OKW player who hates the KT?
11 Dec 2015, 02:58 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

If you add tech price to Shreks (and Relic should), then I agree, the munitions costs for 1 Shrek would need to come down. But the other guy is right too, Shreks are vastly superior to Zooks, so the cost in munitions (if not tech) should reflect that performance.

So build your first truck for whatever it is. Then research Shreks for 125 MP, 10 fuel. Keep in mind OKW inexplicably has its AT gun in T0, so it's not as if delaying Shreks would leave OKW helpless to light armor. It simply wouldn't give them as quick an instant counter that their base and most numerous infantry can pull out of their pants in the middle of a fight, whereas USF and UKF counterparts must retreat (yielding map control) to pick up AT weapons.

You see how these issues begin to snowball into a faction that--if not overpowered--is dramatically easier to play? And is significantly more frustrating to play against?

Bottom line is OKW needs more fuel sinks. It's a huge part of the reason they are so quickly getting Luchs, Panthers, King Tigers, etc. They don't have to make any choices while teching up, whether they want medics, whether they want hand held AT, whether they want grenades.

You tech to ONE truck and get medics, flame nades, and AT weapons.

Why? What justifies that w/ 100% resource income?

i am ok with tech price. only says it should bring shrek down to 60 as I post few post before. shrek 60mu while zooks 50 MU i think the performance and price justified.
11 Dec 2015, 17:52 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2015, 20:50 PMRocket

Lmao none of that will work because of mp bleed, pop cap, and veterency bonuses, and the FACT that you will be out caped giving okw an overall better resource income. Ultimately allied infantry will always lose to volks in the end pure infantry vs infantry because they take no dmg especially vetted up, shreks big like crazy, and can just sit on the vps and ignore everything other than maybe a calliope.

MGs DO NOT WORK against volks, all allied mgs do not pin fast enough you must be thinking we have mg42 or 34s. Thanks to relics idiot move of giving incendiary nades to volks MGs are completely useless.

America's school system at work here gentleman . how is it fucking possible that vg's get less damage when they only receive 20 % received accuracy from their vet 1 and 3. compare this to the rifles 45% script's 40% and is's 23%. And let us not discuss the weapon upgrades they receive.

And mg's not working against volks means you are simply a terrible player.
12 Dec 2015, 19:19 PM
avatar of gizmous

Posts: 1

Is OKW balanced after hot fix increase fuel for KT ?.

Game 4v4: 2 soviets, brit and usf(me) v 2 okw, 2 wehr. They had only one fuel point.

KT after 16 min

KT after 19 min

Can anyone can tell me how because it's should be better now right ?
12 Dec 2015, 19:46 PM
avatar of Zyllen

Posts: 770

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Dec 2015, 19:19 PMgizmous
Is OKW balanced after hot fix increase fuel for KT ?.

Game 4v4: 2 soviets, brit and usf(me) v 2 okw, 2 wehr. They had only one fuel point.


i doubt it.
12 Dec 2015, 20:05 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Dec 2015, 19:19 PMgizmous

Can anyone can tell me how because it's should be better now right ?

You need only do the math ~30 fuel * 16 minutes = 480 fuel.

The difference now is that these units are slightly delayed from where they were last week. OKW still holds the edge in larger team games. The best I can offer you is to get some pretty nasty AT units together if you haven't seen a tank by minute 15, because things are gonna get ugly fast.
14 Dec 2015, 05:38 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

People keep suggest Shreks goes to SP, well when u see more than 2 SP on the field, so it is pretty much limit OKW only get 2-3 shreks, then USF's zooks weapon cache should be removed to let USF only have captain have 2 zooks and give captain 1 and M20 crew have 1.. fair enough. LOL
14 Dec 2015, 09:24 AM
avatar of RiCE

Posts: 284

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Dec 2015, 21:58 PMUnited

Some things that need to happen
-Flame grenades need to be locked behind research

-KT needs a CP requirement

-leigs need their laser guided rounds removed.

-Panzershreck needs a research requirement.

-deployed Trucks need reaserch to give benefits (fuck Panzer headquarters)

- Flame grenades is like molotov except these are more expensive

- LeIGs got nerfed back to mortar level without suppression, except they have better range, but no auto-target, so pff..

- Panzerschrecks are 90MU... more expensive than any other handheld AT weapon in the game, also they are no longer given to a 235MP squad

- Why should Trucks need to research their ability? does USF research the officer or LT abilities? No they dont...


- Kubels with suppression were actually more pain for allies. Now they can cap, but they cant really 1v1 with any infantry... maybe only conscripts...

Yesterday ive played with OKW and built 3 squads of volks (just like before the december patch). The guy in the allied team called me a volks spammer while his soviet team mate had SIX (6) conscript, USF had 3 rifle, UKF had 2 commando plus air-officer... people are fully biased these days.. maybe... JUST MAYBE... if relic would be so good and fix the overnerfedsoldaten too, people would not rely on volks so much.
14 Dec 2015, 09:40 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:24 AMRiCE

- Flame grenades is like molotov except these are more expensive

- LeIGs got nerfed back to mortar level without suppression, except they have better range, but no auto-target, so pff..

- Panzerschrecks are 90MU... more expensive than any other handheld AT weapon in the game, also they are no longer given to a 235MP squad

- Why should Trucks need to research their ability? does USF research the officer or LT abilities? No they dont...


- Kubels with suppression were actually more pain for allies. Now they can cap, but they cant really 1v1 with any infantry... maybe only conscripts...

Yesterday ive played with OKW and built 3 squads of volks (just like before the december patch). The guy in the allied team called me a volks spammer while his soviet team mate had SIX (6) conscript, USF had 3 rifle, UKF had 2 commando plus air-officer... people are fully biased these days.. maybe... JUST MAYBE... if relic would be so good and fix the overnerfedsoldaten too, people would not rely on volks so much.

Allied logic: no faction can use cheese or blob except it's an allied faction.
Game is fine. Relic shouldn't listen to much to these complaints. Removing shrecks from volks would be a bad idea.
14 Dec 2015, 09:41 AM
avatar of NEVEC

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:40 AMJohnnyB

Removing shrecks from volks would be a bad idea.

But nerfing volks rifles damage won't.
14 Dec 2015, 09:42 AM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:40 AMJohnnyB

Allied logic: no faction can use cheese or blob except it's an allied faction.
Game is fine. Relic shouldn't listen to much to these complaints. Removing shrecks from volks would be a bad idea.

why it would be a bad idea??? please, enlighten us.
14 Dec 2015, 09:48 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:41 AMNEVEC

But nerfing volks rifles damage won't.

Sure, if we revert their cost back to 235 mp.
14 Dec 2015, 09:52 AM
avatar of NEVEC

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:48 AMJohnnyB

Sure, if we revert their cost back to 235 mp.

20% dps nerf, 5% cost reduction. Thats how relic buff or nerf.
14 Dec 2015, 09:53 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:42 AMFul4n0

why it would be a bad idea??? please, enlighten us.

This is a false problem. If we limit OKW early AT capabilities, it won't see late game in most cases. Puma requires a building, pzfaust is not enough, and raketen is not in the same league as serious ATs are, at least both range and survivability wise.

Raketens and shrecks are working together in early game, being a good AT solution if they are considered together. If we remove one item from this combo, actual OKW early - middle game AT capabilities would be simply scanty.
14 Dec 2015, 09:56 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Dec 2015, 19:19 PMgizmous
Is OKW balanced after hot fix increase fuel for KT ?.

Ummm... no. Let's make KT cost 750 fuel. :facepalm:

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Dec 2015, 19:19 PMgizmous
Game 4v4:

14 Dec 2015, 09:59 AM
avatar of Ful4n0

Posts: 345

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Dec 2015, 09:53 AMJohnnyB

This is a false problem. If we limit OKW early AT capabilities, it won't see late game in most cases. Puma requires a building, pzfaust is not enough, and raketen is not in the same league as serious ATs are, at least both range and survivability wise.

Raketens and shrecks are working together in early game, being a good AT solution if they are considered together. If we remove one item from this combo, actual OKW early - middle game AT capabilities would be simply scanty.

but people is asking to move then to sturmpios, not to remove them.

sturmpios, available from start, raketen too available on T0.

sooooo, or I´m missing something or your explanation is not good enough.

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