
russian armor

UKF Sniper Critical Shot

21 Nov 2015, 15:15 PM
avatar of MoreLess3rd

Posts: 363

I'd like to retract my previous grievances regarding Critical Shot. It would seems it has remained unchanged and the change indeed only affects the Sniper's normal shots. I would have known this sooner if it weren't for the fact it took almost two hours to get the mod to work...

Oh well. Still, go ahead and continue your discussion on the ability itself then. :P

yah Brits sniper can temporary snare the tank for like 1 sec i think, use that to use advantage,
but if it penetrate there still a % to get that engine dmg,

notice alot cause when im facing Brits my tank always stop moving when the sniper shoot my tank,
n i manage to do the same when im using Brits, realy a game changer when the opponent trying to Yolo u n AT were facing the tank
21 Nov 2015, 15:38 PM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Nov 2015, 15:13 PMtenid
Really, I love how the "shouldn't counter" etc argument is very, very one sided.

For starters, a snare more or less is a soft counter, more so when it's at range since you have plenty of space to get out of a bad situation.

The light vehicles as a sniper counter is again a very one sided argument since brits don't have any worthwile light vehicles.

Have a look at the british position vs snipers for example. You have two, maybe 3 options to to deal with ost snipers. The UC, which is worthless as a counter since grenadiers more or less counter it entirely. As do MG42s if they want to use incendiary rounds. You have the sniper itself to countersnipe, an option obviously open to the ostheer as well. Your last option is to try and set up a bofors before you get pushed off the map. Other than that you have to just hope you don't lose too much before you can roll out proper armour.

Are we seeing buffs to the UC's survivability or mobility to "help out"? Are grenadiers going to have the faust moved to vet 1 to make counterplay with virtually non-existant british light vehicles more viable? When it comes to light vehicles and their counters, the odds are already stacked quite strongly in favour of axis factions.

Feel free to correct me or provide other sniper counter options if you wish. It's entirely possible I've missed some. But all I see in this change is stacking the sniper game further in favour of the axis factions.

So has Ost trouble with soviet sniper ( equal skill Player soviet sniper will always win due 2 models ) , it's called assymetrical Design

MG needs vet btw for their super rounds just like the Brit sniper now needs vet to Start counter vehicles too
21 Nov 2015, 16:04 PM
avatar of Wygrif

Posts: 278

From the Relic changes notes:

Whole post can be found here

The At Rifle does damage additional damage to vehicles when you protect it behind packs. I personally managed to take out medium tanks with it by hitting the rear Armour. It's also useful to destroy team weapons, especially in early-mid game where you don't really have the tanks to do that.

Like I said, Relic intends the UC, 222, M20, Kübel & M3 to be counter for snipers. Whether this is true is up for discussion (I personally don't agree).

I don't think that says what you seem to think it says. They're still "introducing counter play against snipers" if 222 counters all other snipers. Just like they'd be "introducing counter play against tanks" if they created a unit that beat the t34, the p4, the Sherman, and the Cromwell but lost to the panther.

On the substance, though, I'm not sure that this is a bad change. I'd like to see sniper play de-emphasized in general, but I'm afraid that this will just let the Ost sniper run roughshod over the Brit early game.
21 Nov 2015, 16:29 PM
avatar of tenid

Posts: 232

So has Ost trouble with soviet sniper ( equal skill Player soviet sniper will always win due 2 models ) , it's called assymetrical Design

MG needs vet btw for their super rounds just like the Brit sniper now needs vet to Start counter vehicles too

Yes I'm well aware that the incendiary rounds need vet 1. Unlike the brit sniper shot it absolutely murders anything that comes near it though.

Asymmetic design seems to be thrown around here as an argument for why axis should just plain be better! Yes, the soviet sniper can cause trouble for ost with their lower rate of fire. It also neatly leaves them open to axis T2 with its 222 and 251 but crucially the soviet player can limit the damage with AT nades.

My point is that the brit sniper critical shot limits the damage from early light vehicle play in the same way as AT nades and that ost players in particular can hardly complain about the matchup being evened out rather than having the brit simply screwed from sniper/222 combo play.
21 Nov 2015, 16:41 PM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Nov 2015, 16:29 PMtenid

Yes I'm well aware that the incendiary rounds need vet 1. Unlike the brit sniper shot it absolutely murders anything that comes near it though.

Asymmetic design seems to be thrown around here as an argument for why axis should just plain be better! Yes, the soviet sniper can cause trouble for ost with their lower rate of fire. It also neatly leaves them open to axis T2 with its 222 and 251 but crucially the soviet player can limit the damage with AT nades.

My point is that the brit sniper critical shot limits the damage from early light vehicle play in the same way as AT nades and that ost players in particular can hardly complain about the matchup being evened out rather than having the brit simply screwed from sniper/222 combo play.

Yes because the soviet cant build t2 in the time the Ost builds T2 for 222. Btw is it right you only need 10 fuel to tech to 6pdr? I dont have brits And just read that on another forum.( if that's True Ost needs 40 fuel to tech bp2 and another 20 fuel to build t2 and another 15 fuel to build 222, if you dont have a 6pdr by that time you basically missplayed)

But yes axis gets all the nice stuff and is domaniting coh2 for 3 years now :facepalm:
21 Nov 2015, 16:47 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

So has Ost trouble with soviet sniper ( equal skill Player soviet sniper will always win due 2 models ) , it's called assymetrical Design

You're talking sniper wars here, equally skilled and highly skilled players won't kill each other snipers, we've seen that in OCF already, all it takes is to soft retreat after each shot to prevent countersnipe and your opponent can't do anything about it, model count is irrelevant here and even then, sov sniper is at disadvantage here, because of vastly inferior vet1 ability, inferior cloak and considerably longer aim time.

MG needs vet btw for their super rounds just like the Brit sniper now needs vet to Start counter vehicles too

Its heavy machine gun, not armor piercing heavy machine gun.

Armor piercing sniper indicates its supposed to work against at least light armor, its in the very name of the unit.
22 Nov 2015, 14:28 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

So has Ost trouble with soviet sniper ( equal skill Player soviet sniper will always win due 2 models ) , it's called assymetrical Design

Luvnest words.
Actually I kinda wanna disagree. I tried T1 with a sniper to countersnipe devm's sniper in OCF. The Soviet sniper team is extremely clumsy. The moment it steps out of cover it decloaks meanwhile its Ostheer counterpart can walk from one side of the map to another while beeing camouflaged. This means that the Soviet sniper is only able to countersnipe once you pushed your opponent back and set up an ambush. Which is rarely happening since you are short on infantry (maybe 2,3 cons against MG42, 3 Grens, Sniper) and give up a lot of early map control which you would have with a 3 Con T2 opening. Plus the danger of a 222 forces you to either pick a doctrine for guards or T2 for AT gun. If you just go AT nades you will be pushed back eventually.

I really wish that Soviet sniper was just one guy with decent camouflage for manouvering. Plus the spotter is super awkward since he shoots sometimes by himself, revealing the other sniper too. Good players can deal with Soviet sniper quite well to be honest.
22 Nov 2015, 14:44 PM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

Luvnest words.

since i appreciate luvnest i must have been wrong on the topic then and ukf needs some love
22 Nov 2015, 17:13 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

It's an overnerf for sure. But they're just listening to the whiners.

The ability has such a large wind up and is canceled by the sniper losing clear line of sight. If you just charged a 222 at him from max range in an open field you'd be countered but if you approached using things as cover he couldn't stun you without dying.

But hey, gotta balance the game for the a-movers.
22 Nov 2015, 18:19 PM
avatar of drChengele
Patrion 14

Posts: 640 | Subs: 1

Sniper change is really eyebrow-raising. Another example of tunnel vision. "Hey Sniper shouldn't counter its hardcounter the 222 herpderp".

By that logic massed infantry shouldn't counter its hardcounter, the MG. Whereas in reality all it takes is a single engineer squad in a flank position.

Tanks shouldn't counter their hardcounter, the AT gun.

Ostwind is a hardcounter against infantry so it should naturally be more resistant to Bazookas. I am thinking, reduce received bazooka damage by 80%.

Oh and what is this bullshit with Panzers being able to kill dedicated tank destroyers such as Jacksons and Fireflies and SU85s if they close in and catch them out of position? Nerf that shit yo.
22 Nov 2015, 19:05 PM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

has the ukf sniper the same health/armor value as any other? i just landed a riflenade from grens right on the head of the ukf sniper and he lost barely 30% health. can provide replay if wanted..
22 Nov 2015, 19:27 PM
avatar of madin2

Posts: 203

I complete disagree with nerfing the Brits sniper he is already suffering with high aiming and reload time.
His critical shoot never came "out of the blue" because u know approximately where is he around when he kills models before.
If you then charging in at max range, instead of flanking him, then you have to deserve a critical shoot.

This is the same when I would try to counter an OH sniper with an UC, I will get a faust from a Grenadier Squad who is usually around, or name me any faction who can blind rushing in with a vehicle to kill a sniper.

If they lock it to vet 1, they also should lock the Panzerfaust to vet1, to evolve their counter play to snipers on both sides.

22 Nov 2015, 20:09 PM
avatar of iTzDusty

Posts: 836 | Subs: 5

Man you people are clueless.

Watch Paula play his typical 3 IS 1-2 Vickers 2 Snipers 2 AT Gun strat.

You literally can't use dedicated sniper hunter platforms (you know, the 222 that got buffed accuracy vs snipers SPECIFICALLY) because they get instantly critted, and then kited to death at max range.

I don't see how being able to hard counter your own hard counter is proper balance.

Y'all can bitch about the Brit sniper being "bad" but obviously top level Brit players disagree when they all get two snipers MINIMUM.
22 Nov 2015, 20:22 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

Man you people are clueless.

Watch Paula play his typical 3 IS 1-2 Vickers 2 Snipers 2 AT Gun strat.

You literally can't use dedicated sniper hunter platforms (you know, the 222 that got buffed accuracy vs snipers SPECIFICALLY) because they get instantly critted, and then kited to death at max range.

I don't see how being able to hard counter your own hard counter is proper balance.

Y'all can bitch about the Brit sniper being "bad" but obviously top level Brit players disagree when they all get two snipers MINIMUM.

Look at it this way dusty, the issue with changing the sniper is that it is the Brits sole snare at this point in the game (unless you go weapons doctrine). Every other faction with snipers have access to snares so that they can actively screen their snipers. Without any snare on the entire brit early game, you make snipers unviable because they become impossible to defend.

I agree that the sniper needs changes (50 range 100%pen snare isn't very balanced), but it is currently holding together the brit early-mid game (hence why people use it so often). Something needs to give in exchange so that you can actually actively screen your snipers.

Mines don't really count because you can't actively screen with them. They are also only useful on maps with bottlenecks at the early stages when you have a sniper vs. 222 matchup, since you don't have the munitions for many.

I would say that IS or RE should get some kind of snare, so that they can discourage light vehicles from ignoring them ad going straight for the sniper.
22 Nov 2015, 20:28 PM
avatar of Vuther
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1

Look at it this way dusty, the issue with changing the sniper is that it is the Brits sole snare at this point in the game (unless you go weapons doctrine). Every other faction with snipers have access to snares so that they can actively screen their snipers. Without any snare on the entire brit early game, you make snipers unviable because they become impossible to defend.

I agree that the sniper needs changes (50 range 100%pen snare isn't very balanced), but it is currently holding together the brit early-mid game (hence why people use it so often). Something needs to give in exchange so that you can actually actively screen your snipers.

Mines don't really count because you can't actively screen with them. They are also only useful on maps with bottlenecks at the early stages when you have a sniper vs. 222 matchup, since you don't have the munitions for many.

I would say that IS or RE should get some kind of snare, so that they can discourage light vehicles from ignoring them ad going straight for the sniper.

That. Former situation was bad, current situation is still kinda bad for a different reason.
22 Nov 2015, 20:34 PM
avatar of iTzDusty

Posts: 836 | Subs: 5

Look at it this way dusty, the issue with changing the sniper is that it is the Brits sole snare at this point in the game (unless you go weapons doctrine). Every other faction with snipers have access to snares so that they can actively screen their snipers. Without any snare on the entire brit early game, you make snipers unviable because they become impossible to defend.

I agree that the sniper needs changes (50 range 100%pen snare isn't very balanced), but it is currently holding together the brit early-mid game (hence why people use it so often). Something needs to give in exchange so that you can actually actively screen your snipers.

Mines don't really count because you can't actively screen with them. They are also only useful on maps with bottlenecks at the early stages when you have a sniper vs. 222 matchup, since you don't have the munitions for many.

I would say that IS or RE should get some kind of snare, so that they can discourage light vehicles from ignoring them ad going straight for the sniper.

Yes, its their "only" snare if you ignore mines or AEC treadbreaker. The problem is, the snare being on a unit that already does considerable damage on its normal shots vs light vehicles makes the unit ridiculous.

I agree that IS or RE should get a snare (probably RE, it would make going heavy engineers an actual tactical choice since slow engineers won't get their snares off) but it is insane to have it in its current state against light vehicles. If the crit shot only disabled main guns temporarily it would not be nearly as insane. Critting the engine of a 222 means the 222 is dead, since the sniper can follow up and kill it without any problems.
22 Nov 2015, 20:34 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Man you people are clueless.

Watch Paula play his typical 3 IS 1-2 Vickers 2 Snipers 2 AT Gun strat.

You literally can't use dedicated sniper hunter platforms (you know, the 222 that got buffed accuracy vs snipers SPECIFICALLY) because they get instantly critted, and then kited to death at max range.

I don't see how being able to hard counter your own hard counter is proper balance.

Y'all can bitch about the Brit sniper being "bad" but obviously top level Brit players disagree when they all get two snipers MINIMUM.

Thats different how to sniper behind grens or sniper behind guards/AT nade cons?

You don't really have snipers alone on the field.

You see two snipers, because only real alternative is dual bren on tommies. Sniper is also only way to crit vehicles for brits, yes there are "at" tommies, but their reliability leaves much to be desired, especially now that they are cannon fodder on preview.
22 Nov 2015, 20:38 PM
avatar of iTzDusty

Posts: 836 | Subs: 5

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Nov 2015, 20:34 PMKatitof

Thats different how to sniper behind grens or sniper behind guards/AT nade cons?

You don't really have snipers alone on the field.

You see two snipers, because only real alternative is dual bren on tommies. Sniper is also only way to crit vehicles for brits, yes there are "at" tommies, but their reliability leaves much to be desired, especially now that they are cannon fodder on preview.

Because you are using multiple units to protect each other?

I mean 1+1 = 2. Con defends sniper, Guard defends sniper, Gren defends sniper. How is that in ANY way similar to a sniper defending itself?

Katitof please.
22 Nov 2015, 20:42 PM
avatar of Rollo

Posts: 738

CAS spam+flame HT will wipe the floor with brits next patch, no doubt about it.

Tommie nerf and crit shot changes will now make a mediocre early/mid game a hopeless one.

I would recommend you all to read my rather well thought out and written thread on the subject

22 Nov 2015, 20:45 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Because you are using multiple units to protect each other?

I mean 1+1 = 2. Con defends sniper, Guard defends sniper, Gren defends sniper. How is that in ANY way similar to a sniper defending itself?

Katitof please.

Well, maybe its just me doing something wrong, but I never have a sniper alone on the field, unless its retreating from or to base.

In regards to brit sniper being able to defend itself, you can crit shot axis lights only if they are not aware of you, I don't need to tell you how long aim time for the ability is, if you know snipers position, you can be in range and on top of it faster then its able to crit shot you, which isn't that much of a challenge with kubels and 222 vet1 ability. It still applies exclusively to UKF sniper being along on the field, which I don't believe should happen, but maybe as I've said I don't know something you do.
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